lol. If you didn't read my reply, how do you know I'm arguing elegantly?
Also, polls have not been vastly wrong at all. They've been largely accurate. If you had been paying attention to my posts, you'd know that it was polling that accurately predicted Trump's dominance in the election. How does it make sense to say that polls have been vastly wrong when it was polls that picked up on the weirdness of this election? You're undermining your own argument in the most hilarious way possible. It's like you're purposefully tripping yourself.
I know you have nothing more to say, but not because reality is on your side. You have nothing more to say because you are too ignorant on this subject to debate me. Just like your hero Trump dodged a debate with Cruz because he doesn't know what he's talking about, you're dodging a debate with me because you don't know what you're talking about. The supporters don't fall far from the tree I guess.
The wall just got 10 feet higher.
Are you talking about the wall between your brain and facts?
Personal insults are the first sign in losing a debate.
lol. How can I be losing in a debate when you're not engaging in a debate?
You can't claim to be debating me if you simply say "herp derp not reading your posts" and "I have nothing more to say."
"I have nothing more to say"="I am no longer debating you." This is basic English.
If you can't even comprehend your own posts, then you probably made the right decision when you ran away tail between legs.
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