Nope. Wasn't created. Occurred in primates.LJS9502_basic
Exactly. HIV was from primates in Africa. Which follows that AIDS, the specific condition that can occur from having HIV, is not created by man.
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Nope. Wasn't created. Occurred in primates.LJS9502_basic
Yeah, because of all the advanced recombinant DNA technology that existed in the 70's and early 80's when the virus emerged. And plenty of things can destroy HIV, it's just that it happens to be hard to destroy without a lot collateral damage once it has infected a host. That is pretty much the case with most viruses; there are a handful of broad spectrum antivirals but most of them are keyed around existing immune response. What makes HIV so perilous is that immune response tends to make it worse; when CD4 blood cells move to attack the virus, they are subsumed and made into viral factories.did you guys even watch it?
you know, its funny how people believe that a virus THAT NOTHING can destroy can easily and magically form by itself.
Do you honestly believe AIDS was created by its own, so your telling me, we can create a nucleur bomb that destroys a entire city, but we cant create a virus that is un stoppable and can kill millions?
[QUOTE="mingo123"]believeing that aids wasnt man made is a conspiracy theoryAradae2357
Holy crap, this is one of the most idiotic threads I've ever posted in.
than leave, obviously you are to ignorant to do your own research and to immature to discuss things, leave please :)i want a good dicussion, not one that has cartoon stuff in it, like you posted!
did you guys even watch it?
you know, its funny how people believe that a virus THAT NOTHING can destroy can easily and magically form by itself.
Do you honestly believe AIDS was created by its own, so your telling me, we can create a nucleur bomb that destroys a entire city, but we cant create a virus that is un stoppable and can kill millions?
[QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="snoopeymaster"][QUOTE="Aradae2357"][QUOTE="snoopeymaster"]did you guys even watch it?
you know, its funny how people believe that a virus THAT NOTHING can destroy can easily and magically form by itself.
Do you honestly believe AIDS was created by its own, so your telling me, we can create a nucleur bomb that destroys a entire city, but we cant create a virus that is un stoppable and can kill millions?
engineering a nuclear bomb would be a much easiar task. Genetically engineering a virus, especially with our somewhat limited knowledge at the advent of the AIDS, would be a much harder, if not impossible task.
so your telling me it was made magically?boilogical warefare, a smoke that can kill someone in mere seconds, if they can create that than they can create AIDS, if they can create vaccines than they can create AIDS, trust me there are a lot of things the government does that we dont know about
If the government wanted to it could wipe out the population of any given locale on earth via nuclear weapons or any of the other whole multitude of things at its disposal. I highly doubt it would introduce AIDS as an effective substitute for population control. If they were trying to discreetly reduce the population, why do the countries with the highest populations not have high levels of AIDS?
they want something that works slowly and doesnt damage the environment. think about it, if they killed hundreds of million in a couple of days than the world would callapse, economies would be in choas and recovery very hardthey want something thats slow, and your telling me that Africa doesnt have a large population???(more than 1 billion)
and there aint a single place in africa without Aids, U.S. is full fo AIDS, look at the researches done
I mean, I'm just going to go with all of the empirical data that credible, reliable scientists and researchers have given us. You can keep your one Youtube video for proof. I'll go with everyone else who has legitimate knowledge on the issue. You also have to wonder why governments are donating millions to AIDs research and why they allow NGO's to donate condoms and other things to prevent the spread of the disease.
[QUOTE="The-Great-One99"][QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="The-Great-One99"][QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="The-Great-One99"][QUOTE="jointed"][QUOTE="snoopeymaster"]did you guys even watch it?
you know, its funny how people believe that a virus THAT NOTHING can destroy can easily and magically form by itself.
Do you honestly believe AIDS was created by its own, so your telling me, we can create a nucleur bomb that destroys a entire city, but we cant create a virus that is un stoppable and can kill millions?
Well, have you ever heard of the theory of evolution?
viruses are not living things, i dont know if nonliving things can evolve
It's living in much the same manner as plants are alive. That's why we have different strains of bacteria and disease. Some forms of the flu have essentially adapted to and become immune to our vacinations.
so then my biology book was lying
Your Biology book says that viruses, diseases, bacteria don't mutate and adapt?
no, it says they are not living
but they do have DNA/RNA (i can't remember which for AIDS) and they do reproduce and mutate. they don't need to metabolise (Virii don't metabolise, which is why they are not classed as 'alive') to evolve.If i recall correctly, the only reason there is no cure for AIDS is because the bastard virus keeps changin and evolving, am i correct?
[QUOTE="jointed"][QUOTE="snoopeymaster"]did you guys even watch it?
you know, its funny how people believe that a virus THAT NOTHING can destroy can easily and magically form by itself.
Do you honestly believe AIDS was created by its own, so your telling me, we can create a nucleur bomb that destroys a entire city, but we cant create a virus that is un stoppable and can kill millions?
Well, have you ever heard of the theory of evolution?
viruses are not living things, i dont know if nonliving things can evolve
Ever heard of the Flu? I'm sure that was man made as well, and it's always changing. Many virus infections can't be treated due to their very nature.
watch this
Cure for AIDS just MAGICALLY disappears, whats a coincidence
now tell me, is it mroe profitable to fix a disease over a long period of time using many machines or equipment or to just give a person one shot of a vaccine?
The big companies bribe and dont want such a vaccine that well cure this Virus, they make so mcuh money of people who want to get rid fo teh Virus, its all about money, and these companies will NEVER LET A CURE BE FOUND!
there is so much corruption and lies in this world, i cant believe you guys are letting them spoon feed you with information!
Think, do you honestly believe that these companies will allow a cure to be found?
I have a question, if everyone with AIDS in the entire world stopped spreading the virus, wouldnt it dissappear in a few years? I mean, nobody is born with AIDS, so if everyone with AIDS dies, then the virus would be gone from the face of the Earth The-Great-One99if a mother has HIV or AIDS so will her child.
[QUOTE="The-Great-One99"]I have a question, if everyone with AIDS in the entire world stopped spreading the virus, wouldnt it dissappear in a few years? I mean, nobody is born with AIDS, so if everyone with AIDS dies, then the virus would be gone from the face of the Earth Mr_sprinklesif a mother has HIV or AIDS so will her child.
D'oh! I thought i finally found a way
they did it for smallpox. They do it every year for this
Cure for AIDS just MAGICALLY disappears, whats a coincidencenow tell me, is it mroe profitable to fix a disease over a long period of time using many machines or equipment or to just give a person one shot of a vaccine?
The big companies bribe and dont want such a vaccine that well cure this Virus, they make so mcuh money of people who want to get rid fo teh Virus, its all about money, and these companies will NEVER LET A CURE BE FOUND!
there is so much corruption and lies in this world, i cant believe you guys are letting them spoon feed you with information!
Think, do you honestly believe that these companies will allow a cure to be found?
watch this
Cure for AIDS just MAGICALLY disappears, whats a coincidencenow tell me, is it mroe profitable to fix a disease over a long period of time using many machines or equipment or to just give a person one shot of a vaccine?
The big companies bribe and dont want such a vaccine that well cure this Virus, they make so mcuh money of people who want to get rid fo teh Virus, its all about money, and these companies will NEVER LET A CURE BE FOUND!
there is so much corruption and lies in this world, i cant believe you guys are letting them spoon feed you with information!
Think, do you honestly believe that these companies will allow a cure to be found?
[QUOTE="Mr_sprinkles"][QUOTE="The-Great-One99"][QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="The-Great-One99"][QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="The-Great-One99"][QUOTE="jointed"][QUOTE="snoopeymaster"]did you guys even watch it?
you know, its funny how people believe that a virus THAT NOTHING can destroy can easily and magically form by itself.
Do you honestly believe AIDS was created by its own, so your telling me, we can create a nucleur bomb that destroys a entire city, but we cant create a virus that is un stoppable and can kill millions?
Well, have you ever heard of the theory of evolution?
viruses are not living things, i dont know if nonliving things can evolve
It's living in much the same manner as plants are alive. That's why we have different strains of bacteria and disease. Some forms of the flu have essentially adapted to and become immune to our vacinations.
so then my biology book was lying
Your Biology book says that viruses, diseases, bacteria don't mutate and adapt?
no, it says they are not living
but they do have DNA/RNA (i can't remember which for AIDS) and they do reproduce and mutate. they don't need to metabolise (Virii don't metabolise, which is why they are not classed as 'alive') to evolve.If i recall correctly, the only reason there is no cure for AIDS is because the bastard virus keeps changin and evolving, am i correct?
Yeah, it transcribes its RNA into a host's DNA via an enzyme called reverse transcriptase, common to most retroviruses. However, reverse transcription tends to be more error-prone than normal genetic transcription, introducing a lot more variations and mutations, making it much harder to isolate features of the virus to be targeted. Indeed, one of the major courses of treatment for people infected is based on inhibiting the function of reverse transcriptase, which slows the virus' ability to this
Cure for AIDS just MAGICALLY disappears, whats a coincidencenow tell me, is it mroe profitable to fix a disease over a long period of time using many machines or equipment or to just give a person one shot of a vaccine?
The big companies bribe and dont want such a vaccine that well cure this Virus, they make so mcuh money of people who want to get rid fo teh Virus, its all about money, and these companies will NEVER LET A CURE BE FOUND!
there is so much corruption and lies in this world, i cant believe you guys are letting them spoon feed you with information!
Think, do you honestly believe that these companies will allow a cure to be found?
Ok, that is just freaky
im saying it all about profits and money, they dont want a cure to be found, because if it is than these companies wont make much money.
[QUOTE="snoopeymaster"]watch this
Cure for AIDS just MAGICALLY disappears, whats a coincidencenow tell me, is it mroe profitable to fix a disease over a long period of time using many machines or equipment or to just give a person one shot of a vaccine?
The big companies bribe and dont want such a vaccine that well cure this Virus, they make so mcuh money of people who want to get rid fo teh Virus, its all about money, and these companies will NEVER LET A CURE BE FOUND!
there is so much corruption and lies in this world, i cant believe you guys are letting them spoon feed you with information!
Think, do you honestly believe that these companies will allow a cure to be found?
[QUOTE="Aradae2357"][QUOTE="mingo123"]believeing that aids wasnt man made is a conspiracy theorysnoopeymaster
Holy crap, this is one of the most idiotic threads I've ever posted in.
than leave, obviously you are to ignorant to do your own research and to immature to discuss things, leave please :)i want a good dicussion, not one that has cartoon stuff in it, like you posted!
Do you even realize how organized everything would have to be to pull it off and keep it under wraps. Don't you think that occam's razor will serve as a good diagnosis as to the origing of the HIV virus.
A lot of times, however, people want to feel that there's something bigger and deeper. It makes "uncovering the truth" so much more exciting. Do you really want to put your faith into these people who are so obsessed with uncovering a conspiracy and making the world interesting than those who are just trying to report the facts such as the media or the average scientist.
I've got better, rigorously validated, things to research.
Please; you don't think that researchers would sit on a cure and ignore the massive publicity, assured Nobel Prize, etc for the sake of their employers bottom line? That's the thing with most conspiracy theories (well, one of the things); they assume a vast monolithic bloc of people behaving in diabolical lockstep in defiance of saying it all about profits and money, they dont want a cure to be found, because if it is than these companies wont make much money.
[QUOTE="snoopeymaster"]Please; you don't think that researchers would sit on a cure and ignore the massive publicity, assured Nobel Prize, etc for the sake of their employers bottom line? That's the thing with most conspiracy theories (well, one of the things); they assume a vast monolithic bloc of people behaving in diabolical lockstep in defiance of saying it all about profits and money, they dont want a cure to be found, because if it is than these companies wont make much money.
conspiracy or not people shouldnt be wasting time discussing it, they should try finding cures ASAP
You have a good point there but i wonnder why human beings will make other people suffer just for money? I wish it wasnt true, but look at the holocaustThe-Great-One99because some people are selfish.
this world is all about money, and if you fail to realize and the government and mass media is spoon feeding you with false information, trying to distract you from the truth.
JUST LOOK AT THEIR MANSION, LOOK AT THE CONDITIONS YOU LIVE IN!!! They distract and always talk about terrorist, but there is a much bigger picture, why do people find it so hard not to believe their government?
[QUOTE="snoopeymaster"]Please; you don't think that researchers would sit on a cure and ignore the massive publicity, assured Nobel Prize, etc for the sake of their employers bottom line? That's the thing with most conspiracy theories (well, one of the things); they assume a vast monolithic bloc of people behaving in diabolical lockstep in defiance of reason.when they threaten to kill you or your family, or they offer you give you millions of dollars i bet they willim saying it all about profits and money, they dont want a cure to be found, because if it is than these companies wont make much money.
look at that video where the cure for AIDS disappears, isnt that amazing?
Dude these companies Can do anything, they are supported by the government, they can make you disappear, they will never allow a cure to be showed to the public, they will kill anyone who tries to.
because some people are selfish.[QUOTE="The-Great-One99"]You have a good point there but i wonnder why human beings will make other people suffer just for money? I wish it wasnt true, but look at the holocaustsnoopeymaster
this world is all about money, and if you fail to realize and the government and mass media is spoon feeding you with false information, trying to distract you from the truth.
JUST LOOK AT THEIR MANSION, LOOK AT THE CONDITIONS YOU LIVE IN!!! They distract and always talk about terrorist, but there is a much bigger picture, why do people find it so hard not to believe their government?
I agree, but not everybody is a money-hungry fool. I bet theres somone up there that at least has SOME decency
[QUOTE="snoopeymaster"]because some people are selfish.[QUOTE="The-Great-One99"]You have a good point there but i wonnder why human beings will make other people suffer just for money? I wish it wasnt true, but look at the holocaustThe-Great-One99
this world is all about money, and if you fail to realize and the government and mass media is spoon feeding you with false information, trying to distract you from the truth.
JUST LOOK AT THEIR MANSION, LOOK AT THE CONDITIONS YOU LIVE IN!!! They distract and always talk about terrorist, but there is a much bigger picture, why do people find it so hard not to believe their government?
I agree, but not everybody is a money-hungry fool. I bet theres someone up there that at least has SOME decency
very few, ill bet if i myself was a rich man who owned big business i wouldnt give a damn about people, seeing that they love to be lied to and can be brainwashed easily, people deserve to be manipulated and brainwashed[QUOTE="The-Great-One99"][QUOTE="snoopeymaster"]because some people are selfish.[QUOTE="The-Great-One99"]You have a good point there but i wonnder why human beings will make other people suffer just for money? I wish it wasnt true, but look at the holocaustsnoopeymaster
this world is all about money, and if you fail to realize and the government and mass media is spoon feeding you with false information, trying to distract you from the truth.
JUST LOOK AT THEIR MANSION, LOOK AT THE CONDITIONS YOU LIVE IN!!! They distract and always talk about terrorist, but there is a much bigger picture, why do people find it so hard not to believe their government?
I agree, but not everybody is a money-hungry fool. I bet theres someone up there that at least has SOME decency
very few, ill bet if i myself was a rich man who owned big business i wouldnt give a damn about people, seeing that they love to be lied to and can be brainwashed easily, people deserve to be manipulated and brainwashedSo, what are you suggesting?
You do realize how stupid this all sounds right?Aradae2357
my thoughts exactly...I highly doubt anyone could do such a thing. It sounds just as stupid as "the haulocaust never happened".
watch this
Cure for AIDS just MAGICALLY disappears, whats a coincidencenow tell me, is it mroe profitable to fix a disease over a long period of time using many machines or equipment or to just give a person one shot of a vaccine?
The big companies bribe and dont want such a vaccine that well cure this Virus, they make so mcuh money of people who want to get rid fo teh Virus, its all about money, and these companies will NEVER LET A CURE BE FOUND!
there is so much corruption and lies in this world, i cant believe you guys are letting them spoon feed you with information!
Think, do you honestly believe that these companies will allow a cure to be found?
That news story is BS... o we have the cure for aids!... j/k we dont bull s*** they never had it in the first place
im sure the condom companies had something to do with it too
what about the ebola virus and marburg? were these created for flash population control over the third world countries?
cause come on people.. if the gov made anything for population control they would make sure the subject was unable to procreate
but hmmmm if they are able to procreate then the virus will last longer
[QUOTE="xaos"][QUOTE="snoopeymaster"]Please; you don't think that researchers would sit on a cure and ignore the massive publicity, assured Nobel Prize, etc for the sake of their employers bottom line? That's the thing with most conspiracy theories (well, one of the things); they assume a vast monolithic bloc of people behaving in diabolical lockstep in defiance of reason.when they threaten to kill you or your family, or they offer you give you millions of dollars i bet they willim saying it all about profits and money, they dont want a cure to be found, because if it is than these companies wont make much money.
look at that video where the cure for AIDS disappears, isnt that amazing?
Dude these companies Can do anything, they are supported by the government, they can make you disappear, they will never allow a cure to be showed to the public, they will kill anyone who tries to.
Where is the cure info in that video? It all seems to be long on claims (baldly asserting that HIV was onnoculated into people) and short on any kind of evidence. Added to that claims like "90% of the media is controlled by the CIA" and you get the impression of typical conspiracy nonsense.[QUOTE="Aradae2357"]You do realize how stupid this all sounds right?ROFLMASTER
my thoughts exactly...I highly doubt anyone could do such a thing. It sounds just as stupid as "the haulocaust never happened".
yeah right... and plus if they are that good they can make a virus in the 70's... why dont they just make another one and call something different....
I'm open minded to AIDs possibly being engineered by man but what I've been taught by school and the government tells me that's not true so I will blindly believe them and everything else they tell me because the government never lies or cheats and schools are always 100% correct! Right fellas? This is logical of me isn't it?-theCHUD-What's more logical is looking at evidence and not taking contrary positions with no evidence simply because they appeal to your antiauthoritarian whims.
If man wanted to develope a lethal virus they wouldn't have made AIDs.. They would have made some mutated form of small pox, highly contagious and a immense 50+% fatality rate..
If man wanted to develope a lethal virus they wouldn't have made AIDs.. They would have made some mutated form of small pox, highly contagious and a immense 50+% fatality rate..
Are you Hitler reincarnated?
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]If man wanted to develope a lethal virus they wouldn't have made AIDs.. They would have made some mutated form of small pox, highly contagious and a immense 50+% fatality rate..
They had a whole special on it on the history channel.. They found it to be with in the reachs of man to do just that now that we are this advanced into biology... Could you imagine 50% fatality rate? That would be like armegeddon.. The influenza plague of 1918 was considered the worse plague ever in history, and that had only a 20% rate of fatality.
[QUOTE="Wetall_basic"][QUOTE="snoopeymaster"]watch this
Cure for AIDS just MAGICALLY disappears, whats a coincidencenow tell me, is it mroe profitable to fix a disease over a long period of time using many machines or equipment or to just give a person one shot of a vaccine?
The big companies bribe and dont want such a vaccine that well cure this Virus, they make so mcuh money of people who want to get rid fo teh Virus, its all about money, and these companies will NEVER LET A CURE BE FOUND!
there is so much corruption and lies in this world, i cant believe you guys are letting them spoon feed you with information!
Think, do you honestly believe that these companies will allow a cure to be found?
that's how it started. he gave it to the orcs who transformed into monkeys who did the dirty with some really perverted man who'd been alone for far too long and now we have aids.
Just to clear up...when you want a biological pick something that Not incubates and can be stopped from concluding it's course with medication. Jeez...conspiracy theories never use logic.:|LJS9502_basic
Ah, but if you want to engage in biological warfare without the public knowing, you want to pick something that kills slow so as not raise suspicion! HA!
*feels smart*
[QUOTE="xXBuffJeffXx"][QUOTE="The-Great-One99"][QUOTE="jointed"][QUOTE="snoopeymaster"]did you guys even watch it?
you know, its funny how people believe that a virus THAT NOTHING can destroy can easily and magically form by itself.
Do you honestly believe AIDS was created by its own, so your telling me, we can create a nucleur bomb that destroys a entire city, but we cant create a virus that is un stoppable and can kill millions?
Well, have you ever heard of the theory of evolution?
viruses are not living things, i dont know if nonliving things can evolve
It's living in much the same manner as plants are alive. That's why we have different strains of bacteria and disease. Some forms of the flu have essentially adapted to and become immune to our vacinations.
so then my biology book was lying
Pretty much. You're a Panthers fan, what do you expect from the Florida education system?
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