Here is a an excerpt from a very long article on multiple subjects:
"We will remember what too many Muslims forget, writes Hanson. The Muslim world suffers from political amnesia, we now have learned, and so has forgotten not only Arafats resurrection but also American help to beleaguered Afghanis, terrified Kuwaitis, helpless Kurds and Shiites, starving Somalis, and defenseless Bosniansdirect intervention that has cost the United States much more treasure and lives than mere economic aid for Israel ever did. They forget; but we remember the Palestinians cheering in Nablus hours after thousands of our innocents were incinerated in New York and the hagiographic posters of a mass murderer in the streets of Muslim capitals.
Even in the crucible of war, Hanson writes, we have discovered that our worst critics love us in the concrete as much as they hate us in the abstract. The concrete evidence of their love, if that is what it is, is that they want to come here and to send their children here. Hanson asks, Why do so many of these anti-Americans, who profess hatred of the West and reverence for the purity of an energized Islam or a fiery Palestine, enroll in Chico State or UCLA instead of madrassas in Pakistan or military academies in Iraq? The embarrassing answer would explain nearly everything, from bin Laden to the intifada. Dads and moms who watch Al-Jazeera and scream in the street at the Great Satan really would prefer that their children have dollars, an annual CAT scan, a good lawyer, air conditioning, and Levis in American hell than be without toilet paper, suffer from intestinal parasites, deal with the secret police, and squint with uncorrected vision in the Islamic paradise of Cairo, Teheran, and Gaza. Such a fundamental and intolerable paradox in the very core of a mans heartmultiplied millions of times overis not a healthy thing either for them or for us.
Hanson ends on the note of friendly counsel: So a neighborly bit of advice for our Islamic friends and their spokesmen abroad: topple your pillars of ignorance and the edifice of your anti-Americanism. Try to seek difficult answers from within to even more difficult questions without. Do not blame others for problems that are largely self-created or seek solutions over here when your answers are mostly at home. Please, think hard about what you are saying and writing about the deaths of thousands of Americans and your relationship with the United States. America has been a friend more often than not to you. But now you are on the verge of turning its peoplewho create, not follow, governmentinto an enemy: a very angry and powerful enemy that may be yours for a long, long time to come.
Do you guys think this is true, does the Muslim civilization actually envy the West and would most Middle-Easterners secretly prefer to be more like the West, or even live there?
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