[QUOTE="chessmaster1989"][QUOTE="SolidSnake35"] I won't conduct research where common sense suffices. You're the one making the bold claim that there are many people who don't know how to use a PC. My claim is not so bold. My claim is that most people don't know how to use a Mac.SolidSnake35
I never made a claim that there are many people who don't know how to use a PC, I merely question your claim that many more people don't know how to use a Mac than how to use a PC. "Common sense" aside (not being a very compelling argument), what evidence do you have to support it?
I told you already. Market share. Because of that, more people will have come into contact with a PC and not a Mac. If you disagree, I suggest you explain why that wouldn't be so.Because market share isn't a great indicator of whether or not people have come into contact with a PC/Mac. You use computers aside from your individual computer at various times (using a friends/family member's computer, using a school/business computer, etc.). For example, I don't own a Mac, but I've used one many times in the last (academic) year helping a friend with Stata.
So I don't find an argument from market share convincing. It only indicates the percentage of each type of computer available, not how many people have come into contact with each kind.
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