How do you know that the Christian group wanted this response? Why would they want US, UK and German embassies raided and protests throughout North Aftrica and the Middle East?
Why wouldn't the same levels of violence be assumed for this program:
Do you think those documentary-makers wanted to rile Muslims too?
I got the information here, seems pretty obvious to me, they also made a version in arabic language version. Also the documentary has been shelved by channel 4 due to complaints.
The director and producer known to cast and crew as Bacile now thought to be Nakoula, a Coptic activist who has been convicted of financial crimes commissioned Media for Christ to shoot the video at Blue Cloud studios in Santa Clarita, also known as Blue Cloud Movie Ranch, according to the Pasadena Star-News.
Cast and crew, recruited through a trade magazine, said in a statement on Wednesday they were told the film was set in Egypt 2,000 years ago and would be titled Desert Warriors.
It was shot quickly and cheaply with green screens. Post-production dubbing inserted insulting references to Islam and turned one character, Master George, into a murderous, sex-obsessed version of the prophet Muhammad.
It had a budget of just $100,000, Jimmy Israel, a realtor linked to the production, told Buzzfeed. Bacile claimed to have cancer and to have briefly returned to Egypt to raise funding, Israel said.
There are unconfirmed reports the film was screened once earlier this year to a largely empty cinema in Hollywood. Not in question is the fact that in July a 13-minute video in English purporting to be a trailer for a full-length film was posted on YouTube under the pseudonym Sam Bacile.
It was subsequently promoted by a Washington DC-based radical Coptic activist, Morris Sadik, and the Qur'an-burning Florida pastor Terry Jones.An Arabic-language version was posted on YouTube on September 4. Five days later it was being denounced by media and Muslim clerics in Egypt, prompting assaults on US diplomatic missions in Cairo and Benghazi.
You still haven't actually backed up your claim that the Christian group wanted the response the film gotWhy make a version in arabic then? Did you follow the link? Read this bit if you remain unconvinced:
A small network of militant US Christians helped the video's Californian Coptic makers.
Steve Klein, an anti-Islamic activist and self-described counter-terrorism expert, said he acted as a "consultant" on the film. He did not respond to interview requests on Thursday.
Klein has worked closely with Coptic groups over the years, according to Jim Horn, a fellow activist. "He's been helping them to stand up for themselves against Islamic terror in Egypt. That's what he does," he told the Guardian.
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