There will be no more virgins if women are allowed to drive, said Saudi Clerics.

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#51 RationalAtheist
Member since 2007 • 4428 Posts
Who knows, maybe theyre right, Look how **** up things are here.... Half this country could use a good lashing. Were just better at ignoring our atrocities and violence while they are a bit more open about itMephers3
Isn't lashing atrocious violence? My Dad always said: "Fight fire with fire". That's why he was fired from the fire brigade...
And you just know vehicle related deaths and accidents would go upMephers3
Womens' car insurance is cheaper than mens' insurance because women statistically cause fewer and less expensive accidents - according to insurance company actuaries.
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#52 Aero5555
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This is simply an argument a cleric wants to make in order to try and counter the ban reconsideration that the council is currently reviewing. It's no different from an opinion, and it has been blown outta proportions by the usual Make-Islam-And-Its-Biggest-Promoter-Look-Bad media. There was this African-American individual who argued during some council hearing in the US how the white man needs to be exterminated to solve the world's problems and I never saw that be blown out as big as this.

You guys REALLY need to watch Prince Al-Faisal's response to that journalist who similarly lashed out at him as he was about to give a speech.

And P.S. guess where I live. Thanks for those who're open-minded enough to know that this is one opinion outta many. And I honestly feel sorry for some of you who just read stuff like the OP's link and make a complete picture out of it.

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#53 Victorious_Fize
Member since 2011 • 6128 Posts
These God damn liberals and feminists are ruining it for everybody. Al Faqih said all Saudis were kuffar, Wajeeha al Huwaider said Muhammad was backward and not applicable for today's world. People get angry at them and refuse to support their agenda, fight it, even. The people are protesting their regimes, and the feminists thought they were strong and empowering by fighting to drive. Al Saud's psychological establishment took no minute off of seizing the opportunity and they did, public opinion was successfully averted. As for what people think of my country, I'm not surprised and am not stopping anyone. However, to think it has anything to do with Islam couldn't be far from truth.
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#54 Victorious_Fize
Member since 2011 • 6128 Posts

I realise I may be... somewhat biased, but this really, really, REALLY makes me fucĸing rage! Errgh I want to go and stab the men in this Saudi Arabian 'Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice' council in their stupid faces!

"Spokesman of the Ha'eal district, Sheikh Motlab al-Nabet, said the committee has a right to stop a woman whose eyes seem 'tempting' and order them to cover them immediately."

Arrgrgggh! Raaaarrrrrgghh! Arrogant *stabs* Pig-Headed *stabs* Uneducated *stabs* Weak *stabs* Pathetic *stabs* Prejudiced *stabs* Small-minded *stabs* Opinionated *stabs* Obsintinate *stab* Cruel *stab* Segregationist *stab* Bigoted *stab* Fanatical *stab* Chauvinistic *stab* Misogynistic *stab* CUΝTS!!

And I don't even care if I get modded for that.



HAIA is actually pretty good, respected and cherished by the public. They have their extremes, and definitely fail excution, I'll give you that, but for the most part, they do exactly what the people want.

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#55 deactivated-597bb01c846a2
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I don't really care as long as they keep their backwards ideologies in their own countries.
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#56 TehFuneral
Member since 2007 • 8237 Posts

Erm, call me slow but I don't even understand what does driving cars have to do with having sex?

Edit: I read the link. Seems to me like the Saudi clerics are just overboard paranoid as usual. But the whole context is as usual exaggerated.

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#57 jimmyjammer69
Member since 2008 • 12239 Posts
You mock, but isn't that exactly what happened in the West? Hmm?
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#58 DeX2010
Member since 2010 • 3989 Posts
LOL. I always find the Saudi Clerics good for a laugh, but then when you take in to account that they are actually SERIOUS about this... i mean really? They're still stuck in 500BC.
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#59 MissLibrarian
Member since 2008 • 9589 Posts

MissL tl;dr to follow:

*munches humble pie* I must say I am sorry for my little, er, outburst and I realise it poorly explained my actual position on this subject.

I realise that Saudi Arabia is, politically speaking, in a very difficult place trying to establish new political ideals concerning reform especially concerning the role of women in their society while also facing growing extremist and violent protestations and trying to maintain a cultural identity steeped in a very rich and varied history.

There can be little doubt of major advances for women's rights in the country, many occurring now in this ever-changing crazy world, for example women's literacy increasing to approx. 75% nationwide compared to only 2% in the 1970s. The fact that women are allowed to seek employment on their own merits now following the 2008 repeal of the law requiring her Male Guardian to speak for her (although, I must admit, I am inclined to think that culturally a man's opinion is probably still required whenever a women applies for work).

The fact that women have been promised at least some sort of limited franchise in the upcoming 2015 elections is also a promising sign for such an 'extreme' (in the loosest possible sense) society - though again I must admit I am wary of this promise, and will eagerly await to see if it comes to fruition.

However women cannot be judges, cannot enter law enforcement, is there a woman on the CPVPV? Like hell there is. Women make up less than 15% of the Saudi workforce compared to around 40% in Kuwait and Malaysia.

Women are exempt from sports, from driving, legally only the fathers have sole custody of any children. Women have to have a male guardian (either father or husband) responsible for them AT ALL TIMES. Schools, education establishments and workplaces still on the whole enforce sex segregation. Women's individuality is somewhat repressed by fairly obvious strict dress codes. If a woman wants to buy or sell property she has to take two male witnesses to court with her to confirm her rights and identities, and a further FOUR men to confirm the witness statements of the first two men!

On the plus side women have been able to apply for their own ID cards as of 2010 (previously they would be listed on their father's or husband's card) but these have been vehemently protested against by the Ulema and conservative Saudis who dislike the fact it has to show her face without coverings.

And don't even get me started on Sharia Law, Namus and Honor Killings.

It might seem that I read only one article and have a rant about because I am 'not aware' of the complete picture in Saudi Arabia but, believe me, any opinions I have on this subject are based on genuine observations and extensive reading into the subject as much as any other strong opinion I might have on any subject that's 'closer to home', shall we say.

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#60 deactivated-597bb01c846a2
Member since 2011 • 1495 Posts
You mock, but isn't that exactly what happened in the West? Hmm?jimmyjammer69
It doesn't matter. It's still mock worthy.
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#61 LustForSoul
Member since 2011 • 6404 Posts
Don't see what virginity and driving have to do with each other but whatever. Those guys are just stupid as hell, which is exactly where they will go if they keep up.
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#62 Harisemo
Member since 2010 • 4133 Posts

surely the cleric is trolling

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#63 Victorious_Fize
Member since 2011 • 6128 Posts
You mock, but isn't that exactly what happened in the West? Hmm?jimmyjammer69
As long as you don't fall to PWSteal_Ldpinch's bigotry/agenda, and can see the bigger picture of this socio-political matter (although really not necessary), there is no need to beat up a dead horse. Most Saudis (and humans I assume) enjoy genuine and thoughtful concerns directed at each other. I for one welcome all sorts of honest comments and criticisms leveled at my country.
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#64 ycdeo
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As they would be driving to various sexual encounters all the timechaoscougar1
cute, but they normally dont. only pretty girls got more love luck.
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#65 Victorious_Fize
Member since 2011 • 6128 Posts


Fantastic post. Allow me to pitch in my humble opinion, if I may.

TL;DR reply below

"*munches humble pie* I must say I am sorry for my little, er, outburst and I realise it poorly explained my actual position on this subject."

I very much prefer someone to vent vigorously to maintain his/her collected mind later on than to keep calm and gradually loses it to asinine rhetorics. However, I do hope that's a good pie all the same.

"I realise that Saudi Arabia is, politically speaking, in a very difficult place trying to establish new political ideals concerning reform especially concerning the role of women in their society while also facing growing extremist and violent protestations and trying to maintain a cultural identity steeped in a very rich and varied history."

From a normal observation, this is absolutely spot on. My opinion is honestly is very different though, KSA strikes me as heading towards a different route, a very different route in the future. With Nayef in charge at least. To be honest, Al Saud are apathetic and realize they live on borrowed time more than ever. 20 years ago, a Saudi would thank Al Saud for being their loyal citizen; now, Al Saud would thank (and they do) thecitizens for remaining in charge.

"There can be little doubt of major advances for women's rights in the country, many occurring now in this ever-changing crazy world, for example women's literacy increasing to approx. 75% nationwide compared to only 2% in the 1970s. The fact that women are allowed to seek employment on their own merits now following the 2008 repeal of the law requiring her Male Guardian to speak for her (although, I must admit, I am inclined to think that culturally a man's opinion is probably still required whenever a women applies for work)."

Indeed the HDI in this country is advancing as is with most developing nations. The terrible literacy rate of old days is not all that exclusive to women though. You just... you don't want to know how it was like back then, so I would beg you not to use anything before Abdullah's ascendance. All I'll say is that they are Abolition of Literacy institutes almost everywhere, one in the housing project I'm living too, so that says something! Women are always facing challenges with employment as it is with our constantly separative society. Regardless of what you read in the news, if the woman is not a teacher, she will probably face many hurdles along the road. However, this is entirely dependant on the family, and not the society, the society just endorses the family's prevention (usually). For example, my sister is working her way onto becoming a dentist and another took a trip to Denmark for this new metro they're building, it was infact my mother that disowned them and fought them. Whereas my father was passively supportive, so you can see how mistaken some are about the system here...

"The fact that women have been promised at least some sort of limited franchise in the upcoming 2015 elections is also a promising sign for such an 'extreme' (in the loosest possible sense) society - though again I must admit I am wary of this promise, and will eagerly await to see if it comes to fruition."

That council barely plays a role as is... I would seriously not give it much weight on anything. I highly doubt women entering unless they're strict Wahabists. I'm also interested to see if they'll go with it. If the king doesn't survive, you might as well toss it away.

"However women cannot be judges, cannot enter law enforcement, is there a woman on the CPVPV? Like hell there is. Women make up less than 15% of the Saudi workforce compared to around 40% in Kuwait and Malaysia."

Law... I'm no lawyer, so I'm not familiar with the reasoning behind such a thing. Do note we live in a Sharia mixed society, so it's very different from Common Law in Britain. As for the workforce, you have to understand that this is not entirely the government's fault. I'll be honest here, we have a lot of dependant women, I wouldn't say lazy, as this is a mutual exchange. Many women opt to depend on a strong male to live an easy family life of love and relaxation. However, to make you feel happy, I am pleased to say they are implementing a process of "feminization" that would make all feminine stores (which are MANY) run by willing Saudi females and working immigrants.

"On the plus side women have been able to apply for their own ID cards as of 2010 (previously they would be listed on their father's or husband's card) but these have been vehemently protested against by the Ulema and conservative Saudis who dislike the fact it has to show her face without coverings."

"And don't even get me started on Sharia Law, Namus and Honor Killings."

I was planning on only making one post, so I really, really, don't want to talk about either of these. Also, Namus? Namus is mosquito in Saudi Arabia...

"It might seem that I read only one article and have a rant about because I am 'not aware' of the complete picture in Saudi Arabia but, believe me, any opinions I have on this subject are based on genuine observations and extensive reading into the subject as much as any other strong opinion I might have on any subject that's 'closer to home', shall we say."

If it was anything but genuine, I would not have replied. I understand your concern, and I thank you for channeling it here and appreciate the opportunity to pitch in on it from a Saudi observation.

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#66 Mephers3
Member since 2011 • 164 Posts
A more accurate title for this thread would of been "There will be no more virgins if Mephers3 ever stops playing Battlefield 3 and Skyrim and leaves his apartment."
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#67 DroidPhysX
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I don't know what you're getting at. I regularly bash Islam, Muslims, and Muslim countries.


The point went over your head, which is exemplified by your post. Also, most GS mods strongly patrol and protect groups whether it be religions and what not. And for those reasons, the unhealthy hate for Islam will result in the banning of your account.

Well then let me explain myself. There is nothing wrong with "bashing" a group of people who hold dangerous ideologies. On OT, nobody gets banned from bashing the Westboro Baptists. Nobody would get banned for bashing white supremacists or Nazis. If someone takes their moral guidance from Hitler and "Mein Kampf", they should be bashed. Likewise, if someone takes their moral guidance from Muhammad and the Quran, they should be bashed as well.

There's a difference between bashing and unhealthy insulting of a religion.
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#68 Ilovegames1992
Member since 2010 • 14221 Posts

I realise I may be... somewhat biased, but this really, really, REALLY makes me fucĸing rage! Errgh I want to go and stab the men in this Saudi Arabian 'Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice' council in their stupid faces!

"Spokesman of the Ha'eal district, Sheikh Motlab al-Nabet, said the committee has a right to stop a woman whose eyes seem 'tempting' and order them to cover them immediately."

Arrgrgggh! Raaaarrrrrgghh! Arrogant *stabs* Pig-Headed *stabs* Uneducated *stabs* Weak *stabs* Pathetic *stabs* Prejudiced *stabs* Small-minded *stabs* Opinionated *stabs* Obsintinate *stab* Cruel *stab* Segregationist *stab* Bigoted *stab* Fanatical *stab* Chauvinistic *stab* Misogynistic *stab* CUΝTS!!

And I don't even care if I get modded for that.



So much hidden sexulity here. Maybe these guys are onto something.

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#69 LJS9502_basic  Online
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I think someone needs to give the Saudi clerics the birds and the bees talk. They seem confused.
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#70 Crunchy_Nuts
Member since 2010 • 2749 Posts
Saudi clerics speak the truth. We should listen to them.
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#71 PWSteal_Ldpinch
Member since 2011 • 1172 Posts

There's a difference between bashing and unhealthy insulting of a religion.DroidPhysX

"Unhealthy insulting of a religion"? Sounds like something that would piss off an islamofascist.

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#72 deactivated-597bb01c846a2
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[QUOTE="DroidPhysX"]There's a difference between bashing and unhealthy insulting of a religion.PWSteal_Ldpinch

"Unhealthy insulting of a religion"? Sounds like something that would piss off an islamofascist.

I think Islam and all the insane, repugnant ideologies that were born from it need to be exterminated from the face of the Earth. I have nothing but pure disdain for the entire religion. It's about as tolerable as Christianity. In other words, not at all. Is that healthy?
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#73 LJS9502_basic  Online
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[QUOTE="DroidPhysX"]There's a difference between bashing and unhealthy insulting of a religion.Diophage

"Unhealthy insulting of a religion"? Sounds like something that would piss off an islamofascist.

I think Islam and all the insane, repugnant ideologies that were born from it need to be exterminated from the face of the Earth. I have nothing but pure disdain for the entire religion. It's about as tolerable as Christianity. In other words, not at all. Is that healthy?

I cannot take posts seriously when they have false information within...
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#74 Sunsha
Member since 2005 • 20662 Posts
Never cared much for virgins anyway.
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#75 Victorious_Fize
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[QUOTE="DroidPhysX"]There's a difference between bashing and unhealthy insulting of a religion.PWSteal_Ldpinch

"Unhealthy insulting of a religion"? Sounds like something that would piss off an islamofascist.

Perhaps because it's unhealthy?

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#76 PWSteal_Ldpinch
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These God damn liberals and feminists are ruining it for everybody. Wajeeha al Huwaider said Muhammad was backward and not applicable for today's world. The feminists thought they were strong and empowering by fighting to drive.Victorious_Fize

Everything is backwards for you isn't it? Feminists asking for the right to drive are just creating problems. Liberals who bring attention to the ignorance of Islamic society are just creating unrest.

You're from Saudi Arabia, and I guess this type of thinking conforms with what you've been taught. Injustice against an oppressed individual should always be blamed on the oppressed individual. The oppressed person is creating problems and is just asking for it. The oppressor cannot help but crush the powerless individual. This story is about the highest Saudi Clerics being ridiculous and your first response is "These God damn liberals and feminists are ruining it for everybody."

I think you need to re-analyze your entire frame of reference. You've got everything backwards.

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#77 Ilovegames1992
Member since 2010 • 14221 Posts

Don't see what virginity and driving have to do with each other but whatever. Those guys are just stupid as hell, which is exactly where they will go if they keep up.LustForSoul

I was expecting something really stupid like constant speed bumps would break the hymen. I'm not joking. They weren't far off being that ridiculous.

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#78 deactivated-597bb01c846a2
Member since 2011 • 1495 Posts

[QUOTE="Victorious_Fize"]These God damn liberals and feminists are ruining it for everybody. Wajeeha al Huwaider said Muhammad was backward and not applicable for today's world. The feminists thought they were strong and empowering by fighting to drive.PWSteal_Ldpinch

Everything is backwards for you isn't it? Feminists asking for the right to drive are just creating problems. Liberals who bring attention to the ignorance of Islamic society are just creating unrest.

You're from Saudi Arabia, and I guess this type of thinking conforms with what you've been taught. Injustice against an oppressed individual should always be blamed on the oppressed individual. The oppressed person is creating problems and is just asking for it. The oppressor cannot help but crush the powerless individual. This story is about the highest Saudi Clerics being ridiculous and your first response is "These God damn liberals and feminists are ruining it for everybody."

I think you need to re-analyze your entire frame of reference. You've got everything backwards.

Screw whiny liberals and feminists. I'd form a resistance group and go in there with guns blazing to cut the head off the snake. And it's going to happen one day.
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#79 Barbariser
Member since 2009 • 6785 Posts

Well, I guess this thread is a demonstration of "fight fire with fire", if you replaced "fire" with "insanity".

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#80 DroidPhysX
Member since 2010 • 17098 Posts

[QUOTE="DroidPhysX"]There's a difference between bashing and unhealthy insulting of a religion.PWSteal_Ldpinch

"Unhealthy insulting of a religion"? Sounds like something that would piss off an islamofascist.

Actually I'm an atheist and even I know there's a line.
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#81 PWSteal_Ldpinch
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[QUOTE="DroidPhysX"]There's a difference between bashing and unhealthy insulting of a religion.DroidPhysX

"Unhealthy insulting of a religion"? Sounds like something that would piss off an islamofascist.

Actually I'm an atheist and even I know there's a line.

You're supporting the Islamofascists' laws on their behalf. I guess that makes you a dhimmi.

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Member since 2006 • 25110 Posts

I realise I may be... somewhat biased, but this really, really, REALLY makes me ******* rage! Errgh I want to go and stab the men in this Saudi Arabian 'Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice' council in their stupid faces!

"Spokesman of the Ha'eal district, Sheikh Motlab al-Nabet, said the committee has a right to stop a woman whose eyes seem 'tempting' and order them to cover them immediately."

Arrgrgggh! Raaaarrrrrgghh! Arrogant *stabs* Pig-Headed *stabs* Uneducated *stabs* Weak *stabs* Pathetic *stabs* Prejudiced *stabs* Small-minded *stabs* Opinionated *stabs* Obsintinate *stab* Cruel *stab* Segregationist *stab* Bigoted *stab* Fanatical *stab* Chauvinistic *stab* Misogynistic *stab* *****!!

And I don't even care if I get modded for that.



Erm...I...also kinda dislike that guy's statement..?

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#83 DroidPhysX
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"Unhealthy insulting of a religion"? Sounds like something that would piss off an islamofascist.


Actually I'm an atheist and even I know there's a line.

You're supporting the Islamofascists' laws on their behalf. I guess that makes you a dhimmi.

Please find me a post where I said that I supported Islamic laws.

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#84 Victorious_Fize
Member since 2011 • 6128 Posts

[QUOTE="Victorious_Fize"]These God damn liberals and feminists are ruining it for everybody. Wajeeha al Huwaider said Muhammad was backward and not applicable for today's world. The feminists thought they were strong and empowering by fighting to drive.PWSteal_Ldpinch

Everything is backwards for you isn't it? Feminists asking for the right to drive are just creating problems. Liberals who bring attention to the ignorance of Islamic society are just creating unrest.

You're from Saudi Arabia, and I guess this type of thinking conforms with what you've been taught. Injustice against an oppressed individual should always be blamed on the oppressed individual. The oppressed person is creating problems and is just asking for it. The oppressor cannot help but crush the powerless individual. This story is about the highest Saudi Clerics being ridiculous and your first response is "These God damn liberals and feminists are ruining it for everybody."

I think you need to re-analyze your entire frame of reference. You've got everything backwards.

I'm sorry, I can't converse with people that troll over and over, dodging bans in the process.

Having said that, I support a democratic regime and women right to drive. Not the people that champion it for themselves.

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#85 PWSteal_Ldpinch
Member since 2011 • 1172 Posts


[QUOTE="Victorious_Fize"]These God damn liberals and feminists are ruining it for everybody. Wajeeha al Huwaider said Muhammad was backward and not applicable for today's world. The feminists thought they were strong and empowering by fighting to drive.Victorious_Fize

Everything is backwards for you isn't it? Feminists asking for the right to drive are just creating problems. Liberals who bring attention to the ignorance of Islamic society are just creating unrest.

You're from Saudi Arabia, and I guess this type of thinking conforms with what you've been taught. Injustice against an oppressed individual should always be blamed on the oppressed individual. The oppressed person is creating problems and is just asking for it. The oppressor cannot help but crush the powerless individual. This story is about the highest Saudi Clerics being ridiculous and your first response is "These God damn liberals and feminists are ruining it for everybody."

I think you need to re-analyze your entire frame of reference. You've got everything backwards.

I'm sorry, I can't converse with people that troll over and over, dodging bans in the process.

I don't know who that it, but nice try deflecting the discussion.

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#86 Riverwolf007
Member since 2005 • 26023 Posts

pfft, women... out driving... flaunting their dirty ankles to every tom, dick and achmed that wants a peek.... what if they drive to a bookstore? didja think of that?

probably start speaking before they are spoken to too. pretty soon you won't even be able to beat them properly if this keeps up.

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#87 Victorious_Fize
Member since 2011 • 6128 Posts



Everything is backwards for you isn't it? Feminists asking for the right to drive are just creating problems. Liberals who bring attention to the ignorance of Islamic society are just creating unrest.

You're from Saudi Arabia, and I guess this type of thinking conforms with what you've been taught. Injustice against an oppressed individual should always be blamed on the oppressed individual. The oppressed person is creating problems and is just asking for it. The oppressor cannot help but crush the powerless individual. This story is about the highest Saudi Clerics being ridiculous and your first response is "These God damn liberals and feminists are ruining it for everybody."

I think you need to re-analyze your entire frame of reference. You've got everything backwards.


I'm sorry, I can't converse with people that troll over and over, dodging bans in the process.

I don't know who that it, but nice try deflecting the discussion.

But I edited my reply. You either spent 4 full minutes typing that, or have removed my addition. Read: "Having said that, I support a democratic regime and women right to drive. Not the people that champion it for themselves." Because: "Wajeeha al Huwaider said Muhammad was backward" and "Al Faqih said all Saudis were Kuffar".
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#88 inoperativeRS
Member since 2004 • 8844 Posts

What is there to discuss besides the stupidity of the clerics in Saudi Arabia?

. It's too bad Saudi women can't move away freely. I would find it hilarious if they all moved to the west.
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#89 siriusbusiness
Member since 2011 • 87 Posts

you never forget your first subaru

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#90 Victorious_Fize
Member since 2011 • 6128 Posts

What is there to discuss besides the stupidity of the clerics in Saudi Arabia?

. It's too bad Saudi women can't move away freely. I would find it hilarious if they all moved to the west.

It's funny, last I went to a mall. I didn't see women madly screaming "SAVE US" to the world. They were, you know, shopping, and, surprisingly, having fun, in Saudi Arabia! Ain't that a shocker!
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#91 Ilovegames1992
Member since 2010 • 14221 Posts


What is there to discuss besides the stupidity of the clerics in Saudi Arabia?


. It's too bad Saudi women can't move away freely. I would find it hilarious if they all moved to the west.

And all the repression makes them turn into utter sex crazy whores. I would genuinely laugh at the irony.

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#92 Ilovegames1992
Member since 2010 • 14221 Posts


What is there to discuss besides the stupidity of the clerics in Saudi Arabia?


. It's too bad Saudi women can't move away freely. I would find it hilarious if they all moved to the west.

It's funny, last I went to a mall. I didn't see women madly screaming "SAVE US" to the world. They were, you know, shopping, and, surprisingly, having fun, in Saudi Arabia! Ain't that a shocker!

Probably because if they make it known they want equality. They'll get lashed, beaten and put in jail. I wouldn't scream SAVE US either if i was them.

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#93 theone86
Member since 2003 • 22669 Posts

So what? Someone needs to get these clerics laid by a woman with experience, they have no idea what they're missing out on.

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#94 Victorious_Fize
Member since 2011 • 6128 Posts

[QUOTE="Victorious_Fize"][QUOTE="inoperativeRS"] . It's too bad Saudi women can't move away freely. I would find it hilarious if they all moved to the west.Ilovegames1992

It's funny, last I went to a mall. I didn't see women madly screaming "SAVE US" to the world. They were, you know, shopping, and, surprisingly, having fun, in Saudi Arabia! Ain't that a shocker!

Probably because if they make it known they want equality. They'll get lashed, beaten and put in jail. I wouldn't scream SAVE US either if i was them.

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#96 SPYDER0416
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Well, looks like some people are about 500 years behind the time.

What a bunch of idiots, if any place ever needed a complete reform and replacement by people who aren't idiots, its Saudi Arabia and whoever they allow the become clerics. Though at least they seem to be taking baby steps with the king (he did allow them to vote earlier this year and even become candidates, though that's probably the most change we'll see for a long while).

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Member since 2006 • 25110 Posts


What is there to discuss besides the stupidity of the clerics in Saudi Arabia?


. It's too bad Saudi women can't move away freely. I would find it hilarious if they all moved to the west.

It's funny, last I went to a mall. I didn't see women madly screaming "SAVE US" to the world. They were, you know, shopping, and, surprisingly, having fun, in Saudi Arabia! Ain't that a shocker!

Women being content with being second-cIass citizens, really.

It's depressing the degree to which Saudi Arabia disregards the capabilities approach to progress.

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#98 Victorious_Fize
Member since 2011 • 6128 Posts

[QUOTE="Victorious_Fize"][QUOTE="inoperativeRS"] . It's too bad Saudi women can't move away freely. I would find it hilarious if they all moved to the west.THE_DRUGGIE

It's funny, last I went to a mall. I didn't see women madly screaming "SAVE US" to the world. They were, you know, shopping, and, surprisingly, having fun, in Saudi Arabia! Ain't that a shocker!

Women being content with being second-cIass citizens, really.

It's depressing the degree to which Saudi Arabia disregards the capabilities approach to progress.

I invite you to visit Saudi Arabia and question its public before making such a remark. The responses may very well prove interesting to you. Otherwise, I fail to see how one thinks or knows how everyone feels down here.
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#99 ycdeo
Member since 2004 • 2841 Posts
under astrology, draculas exists. its was a legend. that castle? magically builted!
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Member since 2006 • 25110 Posts


[QUOTE="Victorious_Fize"] It's funny, last I went to a mall. I didn't see women madly screaming "SAVE US" to the world. They were, you know, shopping, and, surprisingly, having fun, in Saudi Arabia! Ain't that a shocker!Victorious_Fize

Women being content with being second-cIass citizens, really.

It's depressing the degree to which Saudi Arabia disregards the capabilities approach to progress.

I invite you to visit Saudi Arabia and question its public before making such a remark. The responses may very well prove interesting to you. Otherwise, I fail to see how one thinks or knows how everyone feels down here.

Given that these statements are being said and considered valid in the nation, the fact that women can feel contention in what is happening around them in regard to their capabilities is indicative of negligence of the capabilities approach, thus meaning the halt of social progress.