[QUOTE="enormousaxie"]hey guys... not happy... >_>jakeboudvilleWhy axie?:( My photoshop CS3 isnt working anymore.. and not everything works on CS2 anymore... =\
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[QUOTE="enormousaxie"]hey guys... not happy... >_>jakeboudvilleWhy axie?:( My photoshop CS3 isnt working anymore.. and not everything works on CS2 anymore... =\
Life sucks... The only thing good about it is ice cream...funkadelichika
Yeah chocolate ice cream that is, no other ice cream is as good =D
[QUOTE="enormousaxie"]hey guys... not happy... >_>mac906OMG Axie!!! :cry: I missed you Hey Mac... :)
[QUOTE="funkadelichika"]Life sucks... The only thing good about it is ice cream...mac906:o Like the saying says, life's a *****, then ya die. :lol: Well I think there are a few things in between but yeah... Jakey... My life is just odd and a little crappy right now.. Mistakes were made that I have to live with...
[QUOTE="jakeboudville"][QUOTE="enormousaxie"]hey guys... not happy... >_>enormousaxieWhy axie?:( My photoshop CS3 isnt working anymore.. and not everything works on CS2 anymore... =\
[QUOTE="joshrocks2245"]Hai everybody im here ^_^ jakeboudvilleYayz:|
It doesn't matter that your not excited to see me cause plenty of other people are they just aren't here :x
[QUOTE="enormousaxie"][QUOTE="mac906"][QUOTE="enormousaxie"]hey guys... not happy... >_>mac906OMG Axie!!! :cry: I missed you Hey Mac... :)
Yayz:|[QUOTE="jakeboudville"][QUOTE="joshrocks2245"]Hai everybody im here ^_^ joshrocks2245
It doesn't matter that your not excited to see me cause plenty of other people are they just aren't here :x
Whatever >_>I was doing alright... just working on some projects for college.. but now my photoshop isnt working anymore... :(Is there an error message or something? Mine seems fine >_>
[QUOTE="joshrocks2245"]Yayz:|[QUOTE="jakeboudville"][QUOTE="joshrocks2245"]Hai everybody im here ^_^ jakeboudville
It doesn't matter that your not excited to see me cause plenty of other people are they just aren't here :x
Whatever >_>Your just jealous because you know you will never have a chance with the sexy pink pony ^_^
[QUOTE="enormousaxie"][QUOTE="jakeboudville"][QUOTE="enormousaxie"]hey guys... not happy... >_>jakeboudvilleWhy axie?:( My photoshop CS3 isnt working anymore.. and not everything works on CS2 anymore... =\
I finally got CS3.. I entered all the serial codes.. and when the program runs for the first time.. it says something like ''Trail period ended''... so I uninstalled it.. but now my CS2 isnt working as it should... :'(Looks like CS3 didn't get uninstalled properly >_>
[QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"][QUOTE="mac906"][QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"][QUOTE="mac906"][QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"]Thank you!*hugs*mac906Yeah, anytime. :) hmmm...I need new handcuffs:P:lol: Ah man lol what its the truth:P:o :? :shock: Wait. wah? :P Sawry if I weirded you out:P
you mean*pic of handcuffs*these[QUOTE="mrs_Sesshomaru"]2ndWonder
thx for the hug :oops: *hugs back*
Yes yes I did!:oops: Thank you! *hugs*[QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"]Sawry if I weirded you out:Pmac906It's called creative writing. ;) :P what's creative writing?:P
[QUOTE="jakeboudville"] Looks like CS3 didn't get uninstalled properly >_>enormousaxie
I hate adobe... >____> T_T
I wuv Adobe >_> especially Premiere >_>[QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"][QUOTE="mac906"][QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"]Sawry if I weirded you out:Pmac906It's called creative writing. ;) :P what's creative writing?:PJust a way to express what you're thinking into a story. :P lol ok:P 2ndWonder gave me new ones so i am happy:P
[QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"] Yes yes I did!:oops: Thank you! *hugs*2ndWonderyour welcome, *HUGS* What's with you and the hugs today?:|
[QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"] Yes yes I did!:oops: Thank you! *hugs*2ndWonderyour welcome, *HUGS* *hugs* I needed those:P
Hey Jakey when do you think you will reach 80k? I want to be here for that party!! :D joshrocks2245There isn't a party.. >_>
[QUOTE="joshrocks2245"]Hey Jakey when do you think you will reach 80k? I want to be here for that party!! :D jakeboudvilleThere isn't a party.. >_> Well not a public party...:P
[QUOTE="joshrocks2245"]Hey Jakey when do you think you will reach 80k? I want to be here for that party!! :D jakeboudvilleThere isn't a party.. >_>
:o That is non sense! Thats all that you speak of is non sense! Arrgh!! :x
[QUOTE="enormousaxie"][QUOTE="jakeboudville"] Looks like CS3 didn't get uninstalled properly >_>jakeboudville
I hate adobe... >____> T_T
I wuv Adobe >_> especially Premiere >_>I had a course in Premiere, that was my favorite program. .. I need to get that again.
Hello everyone.
Yes, CS3 is so much easier too plus it has BlueRay output too i think though I don't think I would use that:lol:I had a course in Premiere, that was my favorite program. .. I need to get that again.
Hello everyone.
[QUOTE="jakeboudville"] What's with you and the hugs today?:|2ndWonderjust being nice and plus she likes hugs I thought she liked glomps:?
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