Well I gotta go...see ya'll later...funkadelichikaBye bye. :(
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[QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"][QUOTE="jakeboudville"][QUOTE="mac906"][QUOTE="jakeboudville"]You should know:wink:mac906Remind me plz. :P I can't>_>. Others may be jealous of you>_> I wont..i have sumthing going on betweeen me and a user...I already know who it is:PIt's Kolby :P How does everyone know?:P
[QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"][QUOTE="mac906"][QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"]Laylamac906Layla is just a friend. :P mm hmm:P*poke*Don't believe me? :P sawry but nope:P I see how you talk to her:P
[QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"] How does everyone know?:PjakeboudvilleIt's pretty obvious >_> How is it obvious?:P*poke*
sawry but nope:P I see how you talk to her:PMrs_SesshomaruBut he talks to all the ladies that way >_> at least that's what i think:P
[QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"]How does everyone know?:Pmac906That's why they call me magic mac. :lol: Mc Lovin lol
[QUOTE="jakeboudville"][QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"] How does everyone know?:PMrs_SesshomaruIt's pretty obvious >_> How is it obvious?:P*poke* You keep on talking about him and vice versa:P
[QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"]sawry but nope:P I see how you talk to her:Pmac906Lawl, think whatcha want. :P well tell me...pwease I'll give you a cookie!:P
[QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"][QUOTE="jakeboudville"][QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"] How does everyone know?:PjakeboudvilleIt's pretty obvious >_> How is it obvious?:P*poke* You keep on talking about him and vice versa:P aww he talks about me:oops:
Alright, passed midnight. I'm gonna watch TV for a few hours until I pass out in bed. XD Night everyone, and good day Jake. :Pmac906See you around..I'm not going to be on here as much from now on..
Alright, passed midnight. I'm gonna watch TV for a few hours until I pass out in bed. XD Night everyone, and good day Jake. :Pmac906awwww:( Sweetdreams:P *hugs*
[QUOTE="mac906"]Alright, passed midnight. I'm gonna watch TV for a few hours until I pass out in bed. XD Night everyone, and good day Jake. :PjakeboudvilleSee you around..I'm not going to be on here as much from now on.. awww now I'll be all alone and Kolby is asleep!:cry:
[QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"]aww he talks about me:oops: jakeboudvilleAll the time. I'm sick of it:x ooo tell me what he says...pwease I'll give you a cookie:P
[QUOTE="jakeboudville"][QUOTE="mac906"]Alright, passed midnight. I'm gonna watch TV for a few hours until I pass out in bed. XD Night everyone, and good day Jake. :PWhicker89See you around..I'm not going to be on here as much from now on..university baby?
university baby?Boogie time baby ^_^. No, weird hours of cIass makes it difficult to be on here>_>
[QUOTE="jakeboudville"][QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"]aww he talks about me:oops: Mrs_SesshomaruAll the time. I'm sick of it:x ooo tell me what he says...pwease I'll give you a cookie:P No deal. Maybe a handful of it would clear the fog a bit in my memory >_>
[QUOTE="quadraleap"]I'm glad you're happy. ^_^Good to hear - I am much much better tonight. Its amazing what communication can do for anxiety. :)
More like relieved, but close enough. ;) :P
[QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"][QUOTE="jakeboudville"][QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"]aww he talks about me:oops: jakeboudvilleAll the time. I'm sick of it:x ooo tell me what he says...pwease I'll give you a cookie:P No deal. Maybe a handful of it would clear the fog a bit in my memory >_> *Gives you a HUGE bag of cookies*:P
Gives you a HUGE bag of cookies:PMrs_SesshomaruWell..*munches on the cookies* He did say..he like..
[QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"] Gives you a HUGE bag of cookies:PjakeboudvilleWell..*munches on the cookies* He did say..he like.. Pwease tell me...he probably won't tell me if I ask him on MSN:P *gives another bag of cookies*
[QUOTE="jakeboudville"][QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"] Gives you a HUGE bag of cookies:PMrs_SesshomaruWell..*munches on the cookies* He did say..he like.. Pwease tell me...he probably won't tell me if I ask him on MSN:P *gives another bag of cookies*Who'se this huh?
[QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"][QUOTE="jakeboudville"][QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"] Gives you a HUGE bag of cookies:PWhicker89Well..*munches on the cookies* He did say..he like.. Pwease tell me...he probably won't tell me if I ask him on MSN:P *gives another bag of cookies*Who'se this huh?
[QUOTE="jakeboudville"][QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"] Gives you a HUGE bag of cookies:PMrs_SesshomaruWell..*munches on the cookies* He did say..he like.. Pwease tell me...he probably won't tell me if I ask him on MSN:P *gives another bag of cookies* It's foggy >_> I'll tell you next time on it. Keeps you in suspense after all:P
[QUOTE="Whicker89"][QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"][QUOTE="jakeboudville"][QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"] Gives you a HUGE bag of cookies:PMrs_SesshomaruWell..*munches on the cookies* He did say..he like.. Pwease tell me...he probably won't tell me if I ask him on MSN:P *gives another bag of cookies*Who'se this huh?
[QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"][QUOTE="Whicker89"][QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"][QUOTE="jakeboudville"][QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"] Gives you a HUGE bag of cookies:PWhicker89Well..*munches on the cookies* He did say..he like.. Pwease tell me...he probably won't tell me if I ask him on MSN:P *gives another bag of cookies*Who'se this huh?
[QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"][QUOTE="jakeboudville"][QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"] Gives you a HUGE bag of cookies:PjakeboudvilleWell..*munches on the cookies* He did say..he like.. Pwease tell me...he probably won't tell me if I ask him on MSN:P *gives another bag of cookies* It's foggy >_> I'll tell you next time on it. Keeps you in suspense after all:P Well I hope he talks about me in a good way:P atleast he does on MSN :oops: I miss him:P
Ok well don't like laugh please because i know a lot of people think online realtionships are stupid, but yeah i've been in this online realtionship for over 7 months now, it was going good for so long but then she started not to come online anymore and never talk to me, and she says shes buzy with college and her job but how could she be that buzy? It just seems so weird, last semester she was still online when she was buzy. Well my friend came online a while ago and sent me a message of what my girl said to my friend, she said some stuff then after that shes like "i tried texting josh but it wouldn't work and if you tell him all this it'd appreciate that so much" But she was on facebook and i requested to add her but she couldn't have simply messaged me on there? She obviously spent a long time on there because she even uploaded one of her new pictures i saw, like i just don't know if i should keep her anymore, i mean she lives all the way in new jersey and i live in canada, is it worth it to keep her or am i wasting time?joshrocks2245
you are probably wasting your time, since I think this girl thinks that having online relationships are pointless. If she keeps avoiding you, theres nothing you can really do about it, I suggest you move on since she isn't interested.
Ok well don't like laugh please because i know a lot of people think online realtionships are stupid, but yeah i've been in this online realtionship for over 7 months now, it was going good for so long but then she started not to come online anymore and never talk to me, and she says shes buzy with college and her job but how could she be that buzy? It just seems so weird, last semester she was still online when she was buzy. Well my friend came online a while ago and sent me a message of what my girl said to my friend, she said some stuff then after that shes like "i tried texting josh but it wouldn't work and if you tell him all this it'd appreciate that so much" But she was on facebook and i requested to add her but she couldn't have simply messaged me on there? She obviously spent a long time on there because she even uploaded one of her new pictures i saw, like i just don't know if i should keep her anymore, i mean she lives all the way in new jersey and i live in canada, is it worth it to keep her or am i wasting time?joshrocks2245Just move along. You're just wasting your time if you continue it.
Well I hope he talks about me in a good way:P atleast he does on MSN :oops: I miss him:PMrs_SesshomaruSeems like you love talking to him daily >_>
[QUOTE="Mrs_Sesshomaru"]Well I hope he talks about me in a good way:P atleast he does on MSN :oops: I miss him:PjakeboudvilleSeems like you love talking to him daily >_> Yes yes I have:P Why is there something wrong with that?:P
[QUOTE="joshrocks2245"]Ok well don't like laugh please because i know a lot of people think online realtionships are stupid, but yeah i've been in this online realtionship for over 7 months now, it was going good for so long but then she started not to come online anymore and never talk to me, and she says shes buzy with college and her job but how could she be that buzy? It just seems so weird, last semester she was still online when she was buzy. Well my friend came online a while ago and sent me a message of what my girl said to my friend, she said some stuff then after that shes like "i tried texting josh but it wouldn't work and if you tell him all this it'd appreciate that so much" But she was on facebook and i requested to add her but she couldn't have simply messaged me on there? She obviously spent a long time on there because she even uploaded one of her new pictures i saw, like i just don't know if i should keep her anymore, i mean she lives all the way in new jersey and i live in canada, is it worth it to keep her or am i wasting time?jakeboudvilleJust move along. You're just wasting your time if you continue it.
Hmmmm i guess, im just trying to see if im happier without her. Like i was happy with talking to her, but she did cause some problems for me quite a bit, and now that i don't really talk to her a lot it's like i feel more free like i can do what i acctually want to do. I won't end it right now though, i will just live my life the way i've been living it lately and i have been happy lately so :)
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