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Agreed but there's a difference between "I'm Right and your wrong" and pointing out serious problems within religions.
I'd just perfer sticking to what can be proven.
Agreed but there's a difference between "I'm Right and your wrong" and pointing out serious problems within religions.
I'd just perfer sticking to what can be proven.
I like to stick to things that can't be proven wrong. Like say...the Bible.
[QUOTE="mechwarrior_bob"]Agreed but there's a difference between "I'm Right and your wrong" and pointing out serious problems within religions.
I'd just perfer sticking to what can be proven.
I like to stick to things that can't be proven wrong. Like say...the Bible.
How is the Bible more plausible then any other relgious text?
[QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"][QUOTE="mechwarrior_bob"]Agreed but there's a difference between "I'm Right and your wrong" and pointing out serious problems within religions.
I'd just perfer sticking to what can be proven.
I like to stick to things that can't be proven wrong. Like say...the Bible.
How is the Bible more plausible then any other relgious text?
Go ahead. Read it. Find something false, and get back to me on it.
[QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"][QUOTE="mechwarrior_bob"]Agreed but there's a difference between "I'm Right and your wrong" and pointing out serious problems within religions.
I'd just perfer sticking to what can be proven.
I like to stick to things that can't be proven wrong. Like say...the Bible.
How is the Bible more plausible then any other relgious text?
Go ahead. Read it. Find something false, and get back to me on it.
Find something true.
[QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"][QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"][QUOTE="mechwarrior_bob"]Agreed but there's a difference between "I'm Right and your wrong" and pointing out serious problems within religions.
I'd just perfer sticking to what can be proven.
I like to stick to things that can't be proven wrong. Like say...the Bible.
How is the Bible more plausible then any other relgious text?
Go ahead. Read it. Find something false, and get back to me on it.
Find something true.
Haha. Where should I start?
[QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"][QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"][QUOTE="mechwarrior_bob"]Agreed but there's a difference between "I'm Right and your wrong" and pointing out serious problems within religions.
I'd just perfer sticking to what can be proven.
I like to stick to things that can't be proven wrong. Like say...the Bible.
How is the Bible more plausible then any other relgious text?
Go ahead. Read it. Find something false, and get back to me on it.
Find something true.
What about the planet is 6000 years old amazing how people can be so stupid and belive in that.
[QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"][QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"][QUOTE="mechwarrior_bob"]Agreed but there's a difference between "I'm Right and your wrong" and pointing out serious problems within religions.
I'd just perfer sticking to what can be proven.
I like to stick to things that can't be proven wrong. Like say...the Bible.
How is the Bible more plausible then any other relgious text?
Go ahead. Read it. Find something false, and get back to me on it.
Find something true.
Walking on Water ;)
Read The Satanic Bible.I bet you won't be able to find anything wrong with it.Go ahead. Read it. Find something false, and get back to me on it.
[QUOTE="mechwarrior_bob"]Agreed but there's a difference between "I'm Right and your wrong" and pointing out serious problems within religions.
I'd just perfer sticking to what can be proven.
I like to stick to things that can't be proven wrong. Like say...the Bible.
I really don't think you understand the principle of the Burden of Proof.
First of all, the Bible has been claimed to be a historical document, so you have to read it as a document. In ancient times there were 24,000 prints of the Bible in different texts and "books" of the Bible, when different people were writing them, all of the stories were the same.
While using the example...down the telephone line...meaning, as word goes, it changes. But, with the Bible, nothing has changed. Something so precious and perfect like it can't be changed. It's the Word of God. Not some fairy tale.
[QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"][QUOTE="mechwarrior_bob"]Agreed but there's a difference between "I'm Right and your wrong" and pointing out serious problems within religions.
I'd just perfer sticking to what can be proven.
I like to stick to things that can't be proven wrong. Like say...the Bible.
I really don't think you understand the principle of the Burden of Proof.
:lol: T
Well if thr bibel is always right does that mean that dinosaurs is the biggest fraud in history.First of all, the Bible has been claimed to be a historical document, so you have to read it as a document. In ancient times there were 24,000 prints of the Bible in different texts and "books" of the Bible, when different people were writing them, all of the stories were the same.
While using the example...down the telephone line...meaning, as word goes, it changes. But, with the Bible, nothing has changed. Something so precious and perfect like it can't be changed. It's the Word of God. Not some fairy tale.
First of all, the Bible has been claimed to be a historical document, so you have to read it as a document. In ancient times there were 24,000 prints of the Bible in different texts and "books" of the Bible, when different people were writing them, all of the stories were the same.
While using the example...down the telephone line...meaning, as word goes, it changes. But, with the Bible, nothing has changed. Something so precious and perfect like it can't be changed. It's the Word of God. Not some fairy tale.
That proves nothing!!!
[QUOTE="ZenesisX"]I agree, there isnt really away to prove anything is righttheo_1
Yea right, you dont exist cause we cant prove anything.
Meh. I think fallibilism is more credible than you assume.
Calm Down people! This isn't a big deal (or at least it wasn't intended to be).
Simple Stated we can believe whatever we want. All I was saying is personally I'd want something that can be proven if someone said "I believe a sissor can cut paper" that can be proven there for it's believable. That's all that I was saying.
Calm down if it can't be disproven that doesnt make it true persay it just means it cant be tested leaving it open both; doubt and belief.
[QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"][QUOTE="mechwarrior_bob"]Agreed but there's a difference between "I'm Right and your wrong" and pointing out serious problems within religions.
I'd just perfer sticking to what can be proven.
I like to stick to things that can't be proven wrong. Like say...the Bible.
How is the Bible more plausible then any other relgious text?
Go ahead. Read it. Find something false, and get back to me on it.
You are being silly. Take the Tooth Fairy religion for example.
Somebody finds a book about the toothfairy, the book is 2,000 years old. The followers of the fairy claimed she would take their fallen out teeth and replace them with money because she loves them. However, current followers today don't expereince such miracles because "the Tooth Fairy works in mysterious ways." They do however, put teeth under pillows as a traditional ritual.
You then have logical people saying, "if the tooth fairy is real, then why is my tooth still under my pillow?". The followers would simply respond, "we don't need evidence, we have faith, that is the point of our religion."
Can the logical people prove the belivers wrong? No. Can they believers prove that they are right? No.
For all we know the Tooth Fairy is real, but it's up to you to decide the chances of such a thing, let alone live your life by it.
So can I prove something false in the bible? No. Can you prove it true? No.
Which ever side you choose to be more believable, have fun and keep it to yourself.
[QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"]Well if thr bibel is always right does that mean that dinosaurs is the biggest fraud in history.First of all, the Bible has been claimed to be a historical document, so you have to read it as a document. In ancient times there were 24,000 prints of the Bible in different texts and "books" of the Bible, when different people were writing them, all of the stories were the same.
While using the example...down the telephone line...meaning, as word goes, it changes. But, with the Bible, nothing has changed. Something so precious and perfect like it can't be changed. It's the Word of God. Not some fairy tale.
In Genesis Chapter 1:21, "So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind." 24.."Let the land produce living creatures according to the kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." 26.."Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, over all the creatures that move along the ground."
[QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"][QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"][QUOTE="mechwarrior_bob"]Agreed but there's a difference between "I'm Right and your wrong" and pointing out serious problems within religions.
I'd just perfer sticking to what can be proven.
I like to stick to things that can't be proven wrong. Like say...the Bible.
How is the Bible more plausible then any other relgious text?
Go ahead. Read it. Find something false, and get back to me on it.
You are being silly. Take the Tooth Fairy religion for example.
Somebody finds a book about the toothfairy, the book is 2,000 years old. The followers of the fairy claimed she would take their fallen out teeth and replace them with money because she loves them. However, current followers today don't expereince such miracles because "the Tooth Fairy works in mysterious ways." They do however, put teeth under pillows as a traditional ritual.
You then have logical people saying, "if the tooth fairy is real, then why is my tooth still under my pillow?". The followers would simply respond, "we don't need evidence, we have faith, that is the point of our religion."
Can the logical people prove the belivers wrong? No. Can they believers prove that they are right? No.
For all we know the Tooth Fairy is real, but it's up to you to decide the chances of such a thing, let alone live your life by it.
So can I prove something false in the bible? No. Can you prove it true? No.
Which ever side you choose to be more believable, have fun and keep it to yourself.
Well put, well put indeed.
[QUOTE="Rip870"][QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"]Well if thr bibel is always right does that mean that dinosaurs is the biggest fraud in history.First of all, the Bible has been claimed to be a historical document, so you have to read it as a document. In ancient times there were 24,000 prints of the Bible in different texts and "books" of the Bible, when different people were writing them, all of the stories were the same.
While using the example...down the telephone line...meaning, as word goes, it changes. But, with the Bible, nothing has changed. Something so precious and perfect like it can't be changed. It's the Word of God. Not some fairy tale.
In Genesis Chapter 1:21, "So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind." 24.."Let the land produce living creatures according to the kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." 26.."Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, over all the creatures that move along the ground."
How is this historically accurate? I could have wrote a better story if I was a sheep herder back then too.
The Illiad is a much better piece of literature.
[QUOTE="Rip870"][QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"]Well if thr bibel is always right does that mean that dinosaurs is the biggest fraud in history.First of all, the Bible has been claimed to be a historical document, so you have to read it as a document. In ancient times there were 24,000 prints of the Bible in different texts and "books" of the Bible, when different people were writing them, all of the stories were the same.
While using the example...down the telephone line...meaning, as word goes, it changes. But, with the Bible, nothing has changed. Something so precious and perfect like it can't be changed. It's the Word of God. Not some fairy tale.
In Genesis Chapter 1:21, "So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind." 24.."Let the land produce living creatures according to the kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." 26.."Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, over all the creatures that move along the ground."
And what's the point of quoting this excerpt from Genesis?
[QUOTE="harashawn"][QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"][QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"][QUOTE="mechwarrior_bob"]Agreed but there's a difference between "I'm Right and your wrong" and pointing out serious problems within religions.
I'd just perfer sticking to what can be proven.
I like to stick to things that can't be proven wrong. Like say...the Bible.
How is the Bible more plausible then any other relgious text?
Go ahead. Read it. Find something false, and get back to me on it.
Find something true.
What about the planet is 6000 years old amazing how people can be so stupid and belive in that.
I dont think the bible should be taken so literal, maybe in those times people believed the earth was 6,000 years ago becuase they can trace humans that back unlike today, and like how the sun was created on a certain day, people where not so smart and must of appeared on a cloudy day or trace it back to a cloudy day, no one knew the sun was hiding under clouds, until later So in a way its what men saw first happen when god was making stuff. Of course the bible was written by men not god himself. And like today we have theorys about the earth which are going to look silly in a few years. :p
[QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"][QUOTE="Rip870"][QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"]Well if thr bibel is always right does that mean that dinosaurs is the biggest fraud in history.First of all, the Bible has been claimed to be a historical document, so you have to read it as a document. In ancient times there were 24,000 prints of the Bible in different texts and "books" of the Bible, when different people were writing them, all of the stories were the same.
While using the example...down the telephone line...meaning, as word goes, it changes. But, with the Bible, nothing has changed. Something so precious and perfect like it can't be changed. It's the Word of God. Not some fairy tale.
In Genesis Chapter 1:21, "So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind." 24.."Let the land produce living creatures according to the kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." 26.."Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, over all the creatures that move along the ground."
How is this historically accurate? I could have wrote a better story if I was a sheep herder back then too.
The Illiad is a much better piece of literature.
There are landmarks that are found to be infallible and correct in the Bible. Is that something to tickle your fancy about being truth?
finally, someone agrees with me on the religion topic =D
that was actually one of the reasons i became atheist. it gets so annoying when everyone is telling you that their right and your wrong. i dont care whos right or wrong. why cant people stop trying to force their religion down our throats with a blunt object :?
[QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"][QUOTE="Rip870"][QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"]Well if thr bibel is always right does that mean that dinosaurs is the biggest fraud in history.First of all, the Bible has been claimed to be a historical document, so you have to read it as a document. In ancient times there were 24,000 prints of the Bible in different texts and "books" of the Bible, when different people were writing them, all of the stories were the same.
While using the example...down the telephone line...meaning, as word goes, it changes. But, with the Bible, nothing has changed. Something so precious and perfect like it can't be changed. It's the Word of God. Not some fairy tale.
In Genesis Chapter 1:21, "So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind." 24.."Let the land produce living creatures according to the kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." 26.."Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, over all the creatures that move along the ground."
How is this historically accurate? I could have wrote a better story if I was a sheep herder back then too.
The Illiad is a much better piece of literature.
There are landmarks that are found to be infallible and correct in the Bible. Is that something to tickle your fancy about being truth?
There are landmarks in the Da Vinci Code, does that mean the Da Vinci Code is real??
I don't mind the argument threads about religion, but the thing I really dislike is when people start to say "My religion is right, yours is wrong, and I know that for a fact." No one knows which religion is the correct one. Chances are, all religions are completely wrong. To say " I'm right" is ignorant, since there is not enough proof to support any religion (including Atheism). We should all just mind our own business and stop trying to convert everyone on the internet. Who agrees with me?harashawn
Totally. I am a devoted Roman Catholic but I never take part in close-minded 'What the bible means to you' discussions in OT
I'm sick of know it alls in general. But the "I'm right and you're wrong!" atheists are far worse than any theist who preaches about his text.Theokhoth
Oh? Why? It's the same thing, but the theist who preaches about his text is basing it on blind faith.
[QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"][QUOTE="Rip870"][QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"]Well if thr bibel is always right does that mean that dinosaurs is the biggest fraud in history.First of all, the Bible has been claimed to be a historical document, so you have to read it as a document. In ancient times there were 24,000 prints of the Bible in different texts and "books" of the Bible, when different people were writing them, all of the stories were the same.
While using the example...down the telephone line...meaning, as word goes, it changes. But, with the Bible, nothing has changed. Something so precious and perfect like it can't be changed. It's the Word of God. Not some fairy tale.
In Genesis Chapter 1:21, "So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind." 24.."Let the land produce living creatures according to the kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." 26.."Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, over all the creatures that move along the ground."
How is this historically accurate? I could have wrote a better story if I was a sheep herder back then too.
The Illiad is a much better piece of literature.
There are landmarks that are found to be infallible and correct in the Bible. Is that something to tickle your fancy about being truth?
The passage you quotes refers to no landmark. Please try harder.
Most myths are based on real places anyways. Ever read Greek mythology?
[QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"][QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"][QUOTE="Rip870"][QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"]Well if thr bibel is always right does that mean that dinosaurs is the biggest fraud in history.First of all, the Bible has been claimed to be a historical document, so you have to read it as a document. In ancient times there were 24,000 prints of the Bible in different texts and "books" of the Bible, when different people were writing them, all of the stories were the same.
While using the example...down the telephone line...meaning, as word goes, it changes. But, with the Bible, nothing has changed. Something so precious and perfect like it can't be changed. It's the Word of God. Not some fairy tale.
In Genesis Chapter 1:21, "So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind." 24.."Let the land produce living creatures according to the kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." 26.."Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, over all the creatures that move along the ground."
How is this historically accurate? I could have wrote a better story if I was a sheep herder back then too.
The Illiad is a much better piece of literature.
There are landmarks that are found to be infallible and correct in the Bible. Is that something to tickle your fancy about being truth?
There are landmarks in the Da Vinci Code, does that mean the Da Vinci Code is real??
It was ficticious. It was written solely as a fictional book.
[QUOTE="Theokhoth"]I'm sick of know it alls in general. But the "I'm right and you're wrong!" atheists are far worse than any theist who preaches about his text.Funky_Llama
Oh? Why? It's the same thing, but the theist who preaches about his text is basing it on blind faith.
And the atheist who preaches that he's right is basing it on immature arrogance. Faith >>> arrogance.
And no, it's not blind faith.
[QUOTE="harashawn"][QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"][QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"][QUOTE="Rip870"][QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"]Well if thr bibel is always right does that mean that dinosaurs is the biggest fraud in history.First of all, the Bible has been claimed to be a historical document, so you have to read it as a document. In ancient times there were 24,000 prints of the Bible in different texts and "books" of the Bible, when different people were writing them, all of the stories were the same.
While using the example...down the telephone line...meaning, as word goes, it changes. But, with the Bible, nothing has changed. Something so precious and perfect like it can't be changed. It's the Word of God. Not some fairy tale.
In Genesis Chapter 1:21, "So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind." 24.."Let the land produce living creatures according to the kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." 26.."Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, over all the creatures that move along the ground."
How is this historically accurate? I could have wrote a better story if I was a sheep herder back then too.
The Illiad is a much better piece of literature.
There are landmarks that are found to be infallible and correct in the Bible. Is that something to tickle your fancy about being truth?
There are landmarks in the Da Vinci Code, does that mean the Da Vinci Code is real??
It was ficticious. It was written solely as a fictional book.
If I wrote something as a religious book on top of a mountain with no witnesses but myself and "God." Would that be more believable?
[QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"][QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"][QUOTE="Rip870"][QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"]Well if thr bibel is always right does that mean that dinosaurs is the biggest fraud in history.First of all, the Bible has been claimed to be a historical document, so you have to read it as a document. In ancient times there were 24,000 prints of the Bible in different texts and "books" of the Bible, when different people were writing them, all of the stories were the same.
While using the example...down the telephone line...meaning, as word goes, it changes. But, with the Bible, nothing has changed. Something so precious and perfect like it can't be changed. It's the Word of God. Not some fairy tale.
In Genesis Chapter 1:21, "So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind." 24.."Let the land produce living creatures according to the kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." 26.."Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, over all the creatures that move along the ground."
How is this historically accurate? I could have wrote a better story if I was a sheep herder back then too.
The Illiad is a much better piece of literature.
There are landmarks that are found to be infallible and correct in the Bible. Is that something to tickle your fancy about being truth?
The passage you quotes refers to no landmark. Please try harder.
Most myths are based on real places anyways. Ever read Greek mythology?
I never stated anything about landmarks in the passage. There are others that I can quote to you if you'd like me to quote landmarks.
[QUOTE="Koalakommander"]So can I prove something false in the bible? No. Can you prove it true? No.
Sodom and Gomorrah.
King Solomon.
The Hittites.
Jesus Christ.
John the Baptist.
To name a few.
What, so you think the rest is right by association?I never stated anything about landmarks in the passage. There are others that I can quote to you if you'd like me to quote landmarks.
Please do. I'll wait patiently while you google things.
I'm very excited, something that proves the bible true!? I will convert instantly, but I wonder why the other 2/3 of the world hasnt....
If I wrote something as a religious book on top of a mountain with no witnesses but myself and "God." Would that be more believable?Koalakommander
Several people wrote several different accounts and they all came to be the EXACT same story. These people who wrote it had no way of communicating. They were written in different places. If they wanted to make a ficticious story for everyone to believe...wouldn't all accounts be exactly the same? The stories were from different points of view. Not all the exact same thing over and over.
[QUOTE="Funky_Llama"][QUOTE="Theokhoth"]I'm sick of know it alls in general. But the "I'm right and you're wrong!" atheists are far worse than any theist who preaches about his text.Theokhoth
Oh? Why? It's the same thing, but the theist who preaches about his text is basing it on blind faith.
And the atheist who preaches that he's right is basing it on immature arrogance. Faith >>> arrogance.
And no, it's not blind faith.
:lol: Yeah, that must be it. The atheist couldn't be basing it on reason, or evidence, or anything. It must be arrogance. Because apparently atheists use arrogance as an argument against God now.
[QUOTE="Theokhoth"][QUOTE="Koalakommander"]So can I prove something false in the bible? No. Can you prove it true? No.
Sodom and Gomorrah.
King Solomon.
The Hittites.
Jesus Christ.
John the Baptist.
To name a few.
What, so you think the rest is right by association?Tch. See, this is what I hate: somebody makes a claim (in this case, "nothing in the Bible can be proven to be true"), that claim is debunked, then the claimant pulls a strawman. The fact is, some things in the Bible can be and have been proven true beyond reasonable doubt. Sure, some other bits could be false, but the original claim was NOTHING in the Bible can be proven true.
[QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="3eyedrazorback"][QUOTE="mechwarrior_bob"]Agreed but there's a difference between "I'm Right and your wrong" and pointing out serious problems within religions.
I'd just perfer sticking to what can be proven.
I like to stick to things that can't be proven wrong. Like say...the Bible.
How is the Bible more plausible then any other relgious text?
Go ahead. Read it. Find something false, and get back to me on it.
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