Looks like the old media lobby is at it again, this time with a new proposed law that would make streaming copyrighted works not only illegal, but a felony. It would also allow the FBI to wiretap your connection if they find your IP logged on a stream of a Lady Gaga music video that was uploaded without the record label's permission.
Personally I think this is ridiculous. Making something as trivial as watching an episode of House via stream a felony is not only absurd, but it bogs down law enforcement with an ocean of stupid offenses to sift through when they could be focusing on more important things. For example, if this bill passes then the FBI gets to blow most of the internet crime division's resources on catching youtube visitors instead of catching guys uploading child porn, conducting hacking attacks on websites, and running Jihadist websites. Then there's the fact that damn near everything on the internet violates copyright, especially under the DMCA. To see what I mean, just listen to what this guy has to say.
[spoiler] Congrats, under the new bill you would have now committed a felony offense, have your internet monitored by FBI agents, and could expect to be arrested [/spoiler]
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