[QUOTE="hokies1313"][QUOTE="X360PS3AMD05"]This was planned long ago, next is North Korea.mfacek
Rather North Korea than Iran. Atleast the North Koreas would want us there, and the South Koreans have an extremely well trained military to assist the US.
You obviously know NOTHING about North Korea. Or South Korea for that matter. Hey remeber when we claimed Iraqis will "Hail us as liberators"? I do, and how did that turn out? North Koreans hail jim Jong Il as a living God, they worship him. They are brainwashed at birth, and live in a state where everything good thing is attributed to him, while the bad is forgotten. An invasion would kill millions of civilians as they would try everything to fight of troops, kind of like how the Japanese would have during WW2 in the event of an invasion, they worshipped their Emperor as an God too.
Quite frankly it's statements like "Atleast North koreans would want us there" that put us in 5+ year, drawn out, costly wars like Iraq. And if you think South Korea would support an invasion, you're dreaming. They want a unified Korea through Peace, not force. They feal a korea divided is a terrible thing, and give the second largest amount of aid to North Korea, next to the U.S., but they would shun killing of Koreans, because they are both Koreans. North and south.
Obviously you know nothing of the current political situation in North Korea. The people are starving, many are thrown in soviet style gulags. The only people reliablely getting food are the people in the military and high up in the party. Ever heard of the voical minority? How many people are just giving Kim Jong Ill the lip service?
We've been a 50+ year war in Korea, that war has never officially ended. American servicemen and women have been killed over there since the cease fire. South Korea would love to help the people of North Korea, and if the US was dead set on invasion, they would most likely do whatever they could to make it expediant and for the betterment of all Korean peoples.
Yeah, they may not like it alot, but in the end they would help.
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