A few points of notion for those grosely misinformed (note that I still voted for the Samurai, because the frist strike is all).
Viking axes were NOT slow, and cumbersome, they were very light and agile, and still capable of cutting through a shield, then an armor, and still leave you dead in one blow.
Also the Vikings used bows you know... the British Longbow is in the family of the bows that Vikings used (commonly known as shortbows in newer times). and the Viking bow were far more effective then the Japanese Bows. (400m pinpoint) opposed to the British Longbow (800m Pinpoint).
also the chainmail IS a rather effective defence against slashing weapons. The Samurais composite Armor (Made of Leather metal, and in some cases bamboo too) was a very good armor, especially against slashing. Both armors had the same flaw tho, they were near useless vs. Blunt weapons.
Also the Vikings were NOT slow in any way, they were really REALLY fast, using almost "blitzkrieg" like tactics.
In fairness I think they are pretty good matched, neither were stupid, and both were very tactical in thier approach. And they achieved some of the same things and used some of the same Defensive Strats. (like making nature do the work for them)
But Vikings were not dedicated warriors, they were as much merchants, and explorers as they were fighters, they observed, and sucked knowlage to them, adobting weapons from what they learned out in the world.
And it seems people here rarely does alot of background work:
Samurai were Nobility (of sorts) most of the Japanese warriors were not Samurai, they used peasents like the British did. The Ninjas were peasents who rose up against the Samurai, and made full work of the weaknesses of the Samurai, ie. lack of speed, using gurillia tactics, and backstabbing.
The Vikings did not just choose random people for the raids, and the Vikings who were fighters, DID train throughout thier lifes, bettering alot of the western forces of the time. Those were Noblemen aswell (usually 1-2 were picked in each town for thier renown as fighters).
The Vikings also prefered the spear over an axe, but axes were something most people were tought back home.
As I pointed out in my origenal post, As soon as Vikings lose thier advantage in speed and surprise, they lose thier edge. and in a 1 on 1, both would be lethal with thier first strike, nomatter who deals the first blow, would likely deal the ONLY blow.
That is why I chose the Samurai, they were basicly tought 1 motion untill it came naturally, theyd drawand swing in one continous motion, and if he connect that hit, it could very well slice a man in half (that was the way they tested the katanas btw.
At range Id give the advantage to the Viking, better bow, or a shield (a really massive one at that), up close the Samurai would edge up.
but bows against the Samurai has been tryied before, the Mongolian lost badly to the Samurai, when they assaulted Japan (The Samurai bringing portable walls).
mostly anything else vs a Samurai would be boring since the Samurai were far more advanced in war studies. As I said before the execption would be a Templar or Knight from the 13-1400 Europe, thier Armor alone would render the Katana useless and the shields they used were quite effective too (well unless they fought somewhere warm.
Best weapon vs a Samurai in close combat must be theKatar (from india), faster and way morekinetic energy harvested from its design.
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