[QUOTE="Honenheim"][QUOTE="amob"][QUOTE="Honenheim"][QUOTE="mig_killer2"][QUOTE="Honenheim"][QUOTE="mig_killer2"][QUOTE="Honenheim"][QUOTE="GettingTired"][QUOTE="john_doe2"] [QUOTE="GettingTired"]He's right technically. Humans really don't abide by nature. If humans weren't alive, then things would work pretty perfectly.mig_killer2
That's debatable. But would you be willing to wipe out your own race in order to save other species?
Well, no. Humans would be pretty stupid to send themselves into extinction. I'm simply saying he has a point.
i agree, our ignorance has brought nothing but trouble and that is a cold fact my friends
thats not a cold hard fact. its not a fact at all. its an opinion:Phistory has proven otherwise like system of down said on their , "500, 000 children dying from starvation while thousands are built on bombs creating death showers"
500,000 children dying isn't humanity's fault. its natures fault. I say we exterminate nature:Pnature's fault ? how is that good sir ? since the lack of compasion and atention is the reason why society is built the way it is
i hate to be the first one to tell you this, but nature is a b***
in some way i agree to that, but we as people we reside on nature and depend on it we dont own it, we only think we do, nature depends on us as much a we depend on her or it ....whatever :P
how does nature depend on us? everytime we try to change nature, we just screw it up, but we shouldent just exterminate ourselves, that'd be retarded. no, not just retarded, petardedthats the thing, its not in our place to question nature, we do not own this planet since nature was here 1st long before time, im not saying we should all die thats a little to harsh for such a cause, im suggesting that man must learn respect and seek reason when we have done nothing thats contribute to this planets health in matters of warfare and pollution
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