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The man outright lied about a story of an army captain in afganistan who said his rifle company didn't have enough weapons and were forced to use captured weapons from terrorists.
You frequent Redstate a lot I take it? That story is true, it has been investigated and reported as factual.
Considering he only plans to repeal tax cuts on those making more than 250 grand I find this unlikely. Could you point me towards the sources you have for this?People in the 150-200 thousand a year range face tax raises potentially as high as 60% of their net taxable income. yeah yeah, I know, but those r the rich!!! But really, wait til they decide to tax the middle class makine 50-70 thousand a year that amount. His tax proposals call for up to a 45% tax for people in this bracket as well.
Guilty by association is it? FORMER is an important word there, he teaches at the University of Illinois now, I would say that he now qualifies as a productive citizen.Aidenfury19I'd call this /thread
don't you think?
[QUOTE="Ilived"]People will still vote for him because he is 'cool'.Jak_28
I really hate people who vote for someone because of how they look or whivh side they're on, not for who they are.
surely you should be voting on their policies, not 'who they are'I'm going to be so glad when the elections are over.WildLIkeChild
Then we can get to work on 010, amirite?
People will still vote for him because he is 'cool'.Ilived
and black. liberals are the most racist of all. I, like a lot of people strongly believe liberals see minorities in a similar vein that a mother sees her children.
republicans at least assume theyre capable of living on their own.....
I don't see why self proclaimed conservatives would vote for the Republican party. They've been anything BUT conservative. They've sent the country into even further debt and even with all this government spending the U.S. is still heading into/through a recession!
Furthermore on social issues many of their policies just feel outdated. Gay marriage? Come on. Do we as people really have the right to tell others who they can or can't be married to? Even if it was just a civil union, they deserve it as human beings.
your second paragraph has to do with the christian conservatives who arent conservative to begin with.
a lot of REAL conservatives dont want government to manage marriage in the first place... then we can all be happy and "divorce" wouldnt result in men losing all their stuff to career divorcers
I don't really care about obama. My class had a vote and Obama won by 80% on the democratic side. I asked some of the people who voted for him why they liked him and they had NO idea why. Those people are the ones who are voting for the president to run the country. The ones who have NO idea. If they were educated i wouldn't have minded but since they didn't actually know why they were voting for him (i am guessing because he is "cool") i got a little annoyed.hoola
Most people who vote aren't clear on the issues, one of the reasons having so many debates is a good thing IMO.
But Obama is so good at rambling about change! Lets just hope he avoids specifics....DeathStar17
Go read his specifics before you dismiss them, thanks.
[QUOTE="MarineJcksn"][QUOTE="Hewkii"][QUOTE="MarineJcksn"]We can bankrupt Americans by raising taxes as high as 60% in certain brackets?
Q: which brackets?
People in the 150-200 thousand a year range face tax raises potentially as high as 60% of their net taxable income. yeah yeah, I know, but those r the rich!!! But really, wait til they decide to tax the middle class makine 50-70 thousand a year that amount. His tax proposals call for up to a 45% tax for people in this bracket as well.
Good God the anti-tax people in this country make me freaking sick.
I don't care if taxes are raised. As long as the money is used for good things unlike the ridiculous war we have going on (It is simply hillarious that you get on candidates for wanting to raise taxes and then support the war. Seriously you need your head checked).
Guess what? As long as things are done right the tax raises will save us money in certain areas of our lives and could very easily amount to more money saved than lost, not to mention we need to start paying off all the debt this stupid war has put us in (Yeah we had debt before but I do believe Bush pretty much tripled it with the war if I remember the stats right). you're in favor of paying 80 Billion to the Un towards global poverty while our own people starve? Obama's initiative. Just one of the crazy issues he wants. He also wants our gun owners to fall under jurisdiction of the UN, not US law. The man is a complete idiot with no qualifications. Watch, here's a question I ask every Obama supporter and they can never answering it without going to Google:
Name ONE accomplishment Obama has had during his time in the Senate. Besides "he didn't vote for the war".
[QUOTE="Thechaninator"][QUOTE="MarineJcksn"][QUOTE="Hewkii"][QUOTE="MarineJcksn"]We can bankrupt Americans by raising taxes as high as 60% in certain brackets?
Q: which brackets?
People in the 150-200 thousand a year range face tax raises potentially as high as 60% of their net taxable income. yeah yeah, I know, but those r the rich!!! But really, wait til they decide to tax the middle class makine 50-70 thousand a year that amount. His tax proposals call for up to a 45% tax for people in this bracket as well.
Good God the anti-tax people in this country make me freaking sick.
I don't care if taxes are raised. As long as the money is used for good things unlike the ridiculous war we have going on (It is simply hillarious that you get on candidates for wanting to raise taxes and then support the war. Seriously you need your head checked).
Guess what? As long as things are done right the tax raises will save us money in certain areas of our lives and could very easily amount to more money saved than lost, not to mention we need to start paying off all the debt this stupid war has put us in (Yeah we had debt before but I do believe Bush pretty much tripled it with the war if I remember the stats right). you're in favor of paying 80 Billion to the Un towards global poverty while our own people starve? Obama's initiative. Just one of the crazy issues he wants. He also wants our gun owners to fall under jurisdiction of the UN, not US law. The man is a complete idiot with no qualifications. Watch, here's a question I ask every Obama supporter and they can never answering it without going to Google:
Name ONE accomplishment Obama has had during his time in the Senate. Besides "he didn't vote for the war".
lmao once again you make those claims without providing a proper link.
Oh and be careful, you need to have an actual reliable link.
Oh and how can anyone actually be said to "accomplish" something in the senate? The senate itself is what accomplishes things. They must have cooperation and from what I have read previously Obama is well-know for being able to work with Republicans and make compromises. Its a little thing called charisma and people here seem to not realize how important it is.
Honestly, who do you thinks going to make a better impression with other countries, Mccain or Obama? Definitely Obama.
[QUOTE="jointed"]What a disgusting attempt to slander Obama...
I don't like him either...but come on.
dot[QUOTE="Ilived"]People will still vote for him because he is 'cool'.H8sMikeMoore
and black. liberals are the most racist of all. I, like a lot of people strongly believe liberals see minorities in a similar vein that a mother sees her children.
republicans at least assume theyre capable of living on their own.....
liberals are the most racist? Have you looked at the comments left on Fox News' website? :shock:
[QUOTE="MarineJcksn"]The man outright lied about a story of an army captain in afganistan who said his rifle company didn't have enough weapons and were forced to use captured weapons from terrorists.
You frequent Redstate a lot I take it? That story is true, it has been investigated and reported as factual.
Considering he only plans to repeal tax cuts on those making more than 250 grand I find this unlikely. Could you point me towards the sources you have for this?People in the 150-200 thousand a year range face tax raises potentially as high as 60% of their net taxable income. yeah yeah, I know, but those r the rich!!! But really, wait til they decide to tax the middle class makine 50-70 thousand a year that amount. His tax proposals call for up to a 45% tax for people in this bracket as well.
Actually, the Captain's story Obama told is nowhere near truth. He commented on shortages of ammunition during TRAINING missions, not combat. Which is common during war-time, training needs are superceeded by combat usage. Obama also said the Captain told him he lost half his platoon because they had to deploy to Afganistan, this has been disproven. Specific members of the 10th Mountain division were transferred to specific assignments outside the unit. This is typical during combat ops. Which shows that either Obama is a liar or just incredibly stupid when it comes to us who serve in the Military. And this is the man you wants as Commander in Chief. It's not easy to want someone as unprepared as Obama to Command the troops when you're active duty, nobody I know in any of the units I work with will vote for this man. He's so unqualified it's staggering.
[QUOTE="rocafelon1001"]If not Obama, then who do you suggest? Clintons, who are nothing but a bunch of crooks anyway, or McCain who is basically Bush in different body?LJS9502_basic
Wrong on both counts....
How exactly is he wrong about the Clintons?
[QUOTE="MarineJcksn"][QUOTE="Thechaninator"][QUOTE="MarineJcksn"][QUOTE="Hewkii"][QUOTE="MarineJcksn"]We can bankrupt Americans by raising taxes as high as 60% in certain brackets?
Q: which brackets?
People in the 150-200 thousand a year range face tax raises potentially as high as 60% of their net taxable income. yeah yeah, I know, but those r the rich!!! But really, wait til they decide to tax the middle class makine 50-70 thousand a year that amount. His tax proposals call for up to a 45% tax for people in this bracket as well.
Good God the anti-tax people in this country make me freaking sick.
I don't care if taxes are raised. As long as the money is used for good things unlike the ridiculous war we have going on (It is simply hillarious that you get on candidates for wanting to raise taxes and then support the war. Seriously you need your head checked).
Guess what? As long as things are done right the tax raises will save us money in certain areas of our lives and could very easily amount to more money saved than lost, not to mention we need to start paying off all the debt this stupid war has put us in (Yeah we had debt before but I do believe Bush pretty much tripled it with the war if I remember the stats right). you're in favor of paying 80 Billion to the Un towards global poverty while our own people starve? Obama's initiative. Just one of the crazy issues he wants. He also wants our gun owners to fall under jurisdiction of the UN, not US law. The man is a complete idiot with no qualifications. Watch, here's a question I ask every Obama supporter and they can never answering it without going to Google:
Name ONE accomplishment Obama has had during his time in the Senate. Besides "he didn't vote for the war".
lmao once again you make those claims without providing a proper link.
Oh and be careful, you need to have an actual reliable link.
Oh and how can anyone actually be said to "accomplish" something in the senate? The senate itself is what accomplishes things. They must have cooperation and from what I have read previously Obama is well-know for being able to work with Republicans and make compromises. Its a little thing called charisma and people here seem to not realize how important it is.
Honestly, who do you thinks going to make a better impression with other countries, Mccain or Obama? Definitely Obama.
Typical, dance around the issue when I ask what he's done in his political career.
The TC is just like Hillary. Every time she attacks Obama on some silly thing thats not even important, her numbers go down.
This is where Obama is in the national polls right now.
Obama 54%
Hillary 39%
Remember when hillary was 20 points ahead?
This is what you call momentum. Momentum for change.
Name ONE accomplishment Obama has had during his time in the Senate. Besides "he didn't vote for the war".
Government transparency under the Coburn-Obama Act (formally the Federal Funding and Transparency Act of 2006), expanded the Nunn-Luger law that works to dismantle conventional weapons and WMDs under the Lugar-Obama Act, worked to reduce humanitarian crisis and promote democracy in the Congo through S. 2125.
Thats three.
The TC is just like Hillary. Every time she attacks Obama on some silly thing thats not even important, her numbers go down.
This is where Obama is in the national polls right now.
Obama 54%
Hillary 39%
Remember when hillary was 20 points ahead?
This is what you call momentum. Momentum for change.
[QUOTE="MarineJcksn"]Name ONE accomplishment Obama has had during his time in the Senate. Besides "he didn't vote for the war".
Government transparency under the Coburn-Obama Act (formally the Federal Funding and Transparency Act of 2006), expanded the Nunn-Luger law to dismantle conventional weapons and WMDs under the Lugar-Obama Act, worked to reduce violence and promote democracy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo through S. 2125.
Thats three.
[QUOTE="Thechaninator"][QUOTE="MarineJcksn"][QUOTE="Thechaninator"][QUOTE="MarineJcksn"][QUOTE="Hewkii"][QUOTE="MarineJcksn"]We can bankrupt Americans by raising taxes as high as 60% in certain brackets?
Q: which brackets?
People in the 150-200 thousand a year range face tax raises potentially as high as 60% of their net taxable income. yeah yeah, I know, but those r the rich!!! But really, wait til they decide to tax the middle class makine 50-70 thousand a year that amount. His tax proposals call for up to a 45% tax for people in this bracket as well.
Good God the anti-tax people in this country make me freaking sick.
I don't care if taxes are raised. As long as the money is used for good things unlike the ridiculous war we have going on (It is simply hillarious that you get on candidates for wanting to raise taxes and then support the war. Seriously you need your head checked).
Guess what? As long as things are done right the tax raises will save us money in certain areas of our lives and could very easily amount to more money saved than lost, not to mention we need to start paying off all the debt this stupid war has put us in (Yeah we had debt before but I do believe Bush pretty much tripled it with the war if I remember the stats right). you're in favor of paying 80 Billion to the Un towards global poverty while our own people starve? Obama's initiative. Just one of the crazy issues he wants. He also wants our gun owners to fall under jurisdiction of the UN, not US law. The man is a complete idiot with no qualifications. Watch, here's a question I ask every Obama supporter and they can never answering it without going to Google:
Name ONE accomplishment Obama has had during his time in the Senate. Besides "he didn't vote for the war".
lmao once again you make those claims without providing a proper link.
Oh and be careful, you need to have an actual reliable link.
Oh and how can anyone actually be said to "accomplish" something in the senate? The senate itself is what accomplishes things. They must have cooperation and from what I have read previously Obama is well-know for being able to work with Republicans and make compromises. Its a little thing called charisma and people here seem to not realize how important it is.
Honestly, who do you thinks going to make a better impression with other countries, Mccain or Obama? Definitely Obama.
Typical, dance around the issue when I ask what he's done in his political career.
Typical, no link and yet you try and call me out on something? lol.
BTW I didn't dance around the issue. I gave you reason as to why your question was stupid. I then gave reason as to, despite your dumb question, how Obama has been good in the senate.
It's on a web page so it must be true!!
Seriously, do you have anything from say, a reliable source?
A Nascar group on Google? Seriously?
[QUOTE="rocafelon1001"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="rocafelon1001"]If not Obama, then who do you suggest? Clintons, who are nothing but a bunch of crooks anyway, or McCain who is basically Bush in different body?Godly_Cure
Wrong on both counts....
Heh ok let's see here. The Clinton's sold blueprints for American Fighter Jets to China, Watergate, Bill Clinton pardoned dozens of convicted felons, the whole lawsuit ordeal that's going on in Nevada right now, oh and not to mention perjury. I could go on and on but if you seriously think the Clinton's aren't crooks, you are one very naive person, and that is sad.
Did you just say Watergate.:lol:
Have the Clintons been convicted? If not, then they are not criminals.
Well, according to speculation, most find it weird that once Bill Clinton took office, it was said that he was the first ever to have had fired every US Attorney and Supreme Court Judge only to appoint those that would play by his game without reason. The events that took place afterwards regarding the various scandals/murders/black ops all can be and have been traced back to the Clintons without question, but nothing has ever been done about it.
Bill Clinton's Secret Life
Very interesting video, especially for those naive tools like LJBasic etc
People will still vote for him because he is 'cool'.Ilived
I am beginning to believe that people really are voting for him because of this.
Funny how attacks on democrats are always insignificant meaningless crap while pretty much all the republicans in power are completely corrupt bastards serving only their self interest.Lazy_Boy88
[QUOTE="Ilived"]People will still vote for him because he is 'cool'.ImaPirate0202
I am beginning to believe that people really are voting for him because of this.
You didn't see the debate in Cleveland last night? Hilary Clinton kept interrupting and she was whining about how she gets asked questions first and it was just annoying. She isn't "cool" in the calm, collective way and you really must prove yourself to be if you wan't to be president. If we're talking about the hip way, well, I think we need a younger guy who is more in tune with the world as it is instead of the political whatever Clinton has been living in.The TC is just like Hillary. Every time she attacks Obama on some silly thing thats not even important, her numbers go down.
This is where Obama is in the national polls right now.
Obama 54%
Hillary 39%
Remember when hillary was 20 points ahead?
This is what you call momentum. Momentum for change.
The majority of those (that I know atleast) voting for Obama don't even know his policies, and are voting for him based on his charisma alone. Do you have any idea how scary that is? According to the IRS, the top 50% of income earners pay almost 97% of the income tax. So, if you are in lower 50% your income tax burden is very small. His idea for the income tax to serve as a tool for redistribution of wealth is outrageous.
As for as people voting for them because they desire change, it's absolutely ridiculous, because the majority of those I've spoken with don't even know what changes he will actually bring to the U.S. if elected. I apologize for making this comparison, and do not mean to infringe on Obama's character, but if Hitler was alive and running for president I am sure he would promise, and eventually bring change. It doesn't matter that he wants to bring change, but what that change is.
[QUOTE="MarineJcksn"][QUOTE="Hewkii"][QUOTE="MarineJcksn"]We can bankrupt Americans by raising taxes as high as 60% in certain brackets?
Q: which brackets?
People in the 150-200 thousand a year range face tax raises potentially as high as 60% of their net taxable income. yeah yeah, I know, but those r the rich!!! But really, wait til they decide to tax the middle class makine 50-70 thousand a year that amount. His tax proposals call for up to a 45% tax for people in this bracket as well.
Good God the anti-tax people in this country make me freaking sick.
I don't care if taxes are raised. As long as the money is used for good things unlike the ridiculous war we have going on (It is simply hillarious that you get on candidates for wanting to raise taxes and then support the war. Seriously you need your head checked).
Guess what? As long as things are done right the tax raises will save us money in certain areas of our lives and could very easily amount to more money saved than lost, not to mention we need to start paying off all the debt this stupid war has put us in (Yeah we had debt before but I do believe Bush pretty much tripled it with the war if I remember the stats right).
we have that in Denmark and also in sweden norway finland switzerland etc. it sucks ofcourse but its in economical terms its returned to you through gov't spending
The majority of those (that I know atleast) voting for Obama don't even know his policies, and are voting for him based on his charisma alone. Do you have any idea how scary that is?
You can say that about any candidate during any election. How many one-issue voters voted for Bush? (ie gay rights, abortion, terrorism, etc)
Obama = JFK of our time (has nothing to do with the assasination)
Assassination wise, Vince Foster is the next Highest Politician to have died under mysterious circumstances.
[QUOTE="Thechaninator"][QUOTE="MarineJcksn"][QUOTE="Hewkii"][QUOTE="MarineJcksn"]We can bankrupt Americans by raising taxes as high as 60% in certain brackets?
Q: which brackets?
People in the 150-200 thousand a year range face tax raises potentially as high as 60% of their net taxable income. yeah yeah, I know, but those r the rich!!! But really, wait til they decide to tax the middle class makine 50-70 thousand a year that amount. His tax proposals call for up to a 45% tax for people in this bracket as well.
Good God the anti-tax people in this country make me freaking sick.
I don't care if taxes are raised. As long as the money is used for good things unlike the ridiculous war we have going on (It is simply hillarious that you get on candidates for wanting to raise taxes and then support the war. Seriously you need your head checked).
Guess what? As long as things are done right the tax raises will save us money in certain areas of our lives and could very easily amount to more money saved than lost, not to mention we need to start paying off all the debt this stupid war has put us in (Yeah we had debt before but I do believe Bush pretty much tripled it with the war if I remember the stats right).
we have that in Denmark and also in sweden norway finland switzerland etc. it sucks ofcourse but its in economical terms its returned to you through gov't spending
Yeah, other countries are lucky enough to have college paid for, whereas here you either are gonna be paying off a loan for the rest of your life, gotta be an athlete, or rich.
[QUOTE="MarineJcksn"]Name ONE accomplishment Obama has had during his time in the Senate. Besides "he didn't vote for the war".
Government transparency under the Coburn-Obama Act (formally the Federal Funding and Transparency Act of 2006), expanded the Nunn-Luger law that works to dismantle conventional weapons and WMDs under the Lugar-Obama Act, worked to reduce humanitarian crisis and promote democracy in the Congo through S. 2125.
Thats three.
I stand corrected, someone was able to answer. Hats off to you
The TC is just like Hillary. Every time she attacks Obama on some silly thing thats not even important, her numbers go down.
This is where Obama is in the national polls right now.
Obama 54%
Hillary 39%
Remember when hillary was 20 points ahead?
This is what you call momentum. Momentum for same.
I'm not for Hillary, she's just as bad as Obama. McCain isn't a great choice either, so I'm kind of stuck. Listen, the whole point is that it's not because I hate Obama, I actually think he seems like a good guy. But his ideas are so farfetched and costly, we need fiscal responsibility, not more government spending. The country's already in debt to the tune of about 54 trillion dollars, we gotta tighten our wallets and Obama doesn't want to do that.
[QUOTE="spidermonkey11"]Obama = JFK of our time (has nothing to do with the assasination)
Assassination wise, Vince Foster is the next Highest Politician to have died under mysterious circumstances.
Really, you mean the circumstances where he had a torn up suicide note, gunshot residue on his hand and only a single wound? Or do you mean the circumstances where five investigations including one by the hack Kenneth Starr all determined it was a suicide? Maybe you mean the circumstances where only conservative hacks even so much as suggested it was something other than a suicide?
I'm not for Hillary, she's just as bad as Obama. McCain isn't a great choice either, so I'm kind of stuck. Listen, the whole point is that it's not because I hate Obama, I actually think he seems like a good guy. But his ideas are so farfetched and costly, we need fiscal responsibility, not more government spending. The country's already in debt to the tune of about 54 trillion dollars, we gotta tighten our wallets and Obama doesn't want to do that.
While I agree we need to tighten our wallets some, I think PAYGO is an acceptable solution and that is something Obama wants to reinstate (it should have happened a long time ago). Instead of just spending, deficit spending is the problem we have. I can empathize with your concern, but I don't share it.
My apologies for any times in this thread that I have been antagonistic, I just see a lot of inaccurate smears on Obama coming from various sides and it makes me a bit touchy about the subject.Please Log In to post.
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