Yeah, I agree completely. It was a huge thing to happen...but not as big as the accomplishments MLK and Malcom X made.
Honestly, I dont know enough about Malcom X. I wish schools would teach more about him. One of these days, I need to sit back and read up on Malcom X.
Want a short recap?
Young man sees his father killed by the clan. Mother struggles without husband. Family grows up poor. Malcolm becomes a petty criminal like many poor youth without fathers. He develops a taste for white women, probably as some sort of revenge. Starts a crime ring with a couple of said white women. Gets busted (although white women, of course, get little if any jail time). Goes to prison. Meets a man in prison who helps him get rid of SOME of his anger and resentment. That man is a Muslim. Man teaches Malcolm the tenets of the Muslim faith. When he gets out of jail, he meets Elijah Mohammed(sp) who totally speaks to Malcolm's soul, and he instantly becomes a member of The Nation Of Islam. He is very charismatic and quickly rises in the ranks of the organization, which angers many in the organization. It comes to light that Elijah fathered MANY children with MANY young girls, which seriously saddens Malcolm, who is a man of very strong convictions.
Malcolm speaks out against Elijah, making him a marked man. He started recieving death threats, but he remained true to himself and to Allah. In fact, he goes to Mecca (which most in the Nation never actually did), and gets a true understanding of the faith. He saw men of all races worshipping together, and it changed him completely. He stopped looking at ALL white people as devils, and tried to turn over a new leaf. Before he could speak out a lot about the New Malcolm though, he was finally killed just before giving a speech.
Some members of The Nation were involved, and it is heavily suspected that the FBI was encouraging their retaliation. It is a fact that almost every word that Malcolm uttered was recorded. An agent at the time was credited with saying "Compared to Martin (who was cheating on his wife), Malcolm is a SAINT."
so as he was changing and clearing up, he was killed...
damn, thats sad. He was definitely a great man.
Yeah, deefinately. Once I read the Autobiography of Malcolm X, I changed as well. Malcolm instantly became a role model for me, and Martin fell a number of places. I still love him for what he did, but "I am Malcolm X" (a line at the end of the movie. You really should watch it. It tells the story very competely. Almost word for word with the book.)
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