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as long as they come here with the intent to contribute to this country, I don't really care all that much.
Not trying to pick any sides here, but it is fine for the people already living in the country to be not as hard working or even lazy? When it's all down to randomness/luck where someone is born.I think its ok for really hard working immigrants to come in. But not by the boat loads. There should be a screening period or some kind of regulations to keep only the hard working contributor to society immigrants coming in.
[QUOTE="nooblet69"]Not trying to pick any sides here, but it is fine for the people already living in the country to be not as hard working or even lazy? When it's all down to randomness/luck where someone is born.I think its ok for really hard working immigrants to come in. But not by the boat loads. There should be a screening period or some kind of regulations to keep only the hard working contributor to society immigrants coming in.
The Constitution states that anybody who is born in the US will automatically become a US citizen, even if their parents are here illegally. Since we can't kick out the people who are able but not willing to give a meaningful contribution to society the next best thing is to keep people who aren't citizens out that won't contribute and don't have a sponsor that can take care of them.
Send them home. For every Illegal working, there are 2 selling meth, gangbanging ms13/sureno/etc.., stealing your catalytic convertor/power tools/hubcaps/copper/recycling you name it. I live in california, its horrible. I worked with a guy who came here when he was like 5, and at 40 years old barely spoke english. The whole hardworking thing is a myth. Maybe in the fields because they are paid by the basket. Just about every Illegal or hispanic ive worked with ( in landscape maintainence) was a stupid lazy screwup. 1 in 10 met the stereotype of hardworking. Almost all of them where openly racists- against whites,asians,blacks, jews, you name it. Illegal immigrants are a drain on society =taking the jobs ment for young people ( fast food, wait staff,construction) .Â
Doesn't matter what the american people want, Obama/Democrats/ RHINO's will make sure they all can become citizens.
How many people would let someone who broke into their house to just live there full time? Not many I would think. Same with illegals. Why would you let them stay in your country that they broke into? It just does not make sense. And yes, they are illegal and it accurately describes them. While it might be difficult to get into the US, it is designed to weed out those who could be a possible drain on the social systems that are in place for citizens. I even recall being asked if I was gonna look for a job when I entered England on vacation a couple of years ago so it just isn't the US.
I also do not believe giving illegals already in this country amnesty or a quick path to citizenship. They need to go back whence they came and then apply to return to the US. Prove to authorities that you have a skill that is needed before being allowed back in. If they have a criminal record, no they do not qualify.Â
Many people who break into homes at night in risk their lives however we consider them doing something illegal. Breaking the law is breaking the law. Go through the system, learn the country, it's history, culture and practices and then file for citizenship. No need to break the law to make your home someplace.Many of them risked their lives to get here and may never see their families again because of it, in short they sacrificed a lot in the name of chasing a better life that they believe only America could provide. They deserve better than the semi-derogatory term illegal.
They aren't really a problem to me.
[QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"]Im surprised a lot of you dont seem to care that illegal immigrants arent paying taxes. famicommanderGood for them. The problem is not that they AREN'T paying, it's that we ARE.
Tell us more about your minimum wage job.
Besides, everybody who tries to say all of us are illegal immigrants fail to realize that there were no immigration laws in place when Europeans first arrived on North America and we didn't have over 300 million mouths to feed. Things change.ad1x2
Except food is still very cheap, we are capable of producing quite a lot of it, and we can import it (not that we would have to). Are you intentionally sh!tposting? Do you think before you post?
We have a screening system in place for a reason. It isn't just for the purpose of trying to allow the cream of the crop in, it is to try and block possible security risks from coming in. If a Mexican who only wants a better life can sneak in anytime then what is stopping some guy from a Middle Eastern cell who flew into Mexico from sneaking in the same way?ad1x2
Terrorists generally have support and resources and immigrate legally. It's kinda counter productive to their aims if they can't move about freely without worrying about getting booted out of the country just because they don't have the right paperwork.
Not trying to pick any sides here, but it is fine for the people already living in the country to be not as hard working or even lazy? When it's all down to randomness/luck where someone is born.[QUOTE="dramaybaz"][QUOTE="nooblet69"]
I think its ok for really hard working immigrants to come in. But not by the boat loads. There should be a screening period or some kind of regulations to keep only the hard working contributor to society immigrants coming in.
The Constitution states that anybody who is born in the US will automatically become a US citizen, even if their parents are here illegally. Since we can't kick out the people who are able but not willing to give a meaningful contribution to society the next best thing is to keep people who aren't citizens out that won't contribute and don't have a sponsor that can take care of them.
Well the Constitution doesn't actually state that (as with many things the Constitution is kinda vague on the issue), that's just how the courts have interpreted it.
How many people would let someone who broke into their house to just live there full time? Not many I would think. Same with illegals. Why would you let them stay in your country that they broke into? It just does not make sense. And yes, they are illegal and it accurately describes them. While it might be difficult to get into the US, it is designed to weed out those who could be a possible drain on the social systems that are in place for citizens. I even recall being asked if I was gonna look for a job when I entered England on vacation a couple of years ago so it just isn't the US.WhiteKnight77
Do people actually believe that line of horseshit?
[QUOTE="killzowned24"]I think they are lazy and only the ones who have the will to even complete the tests should be allowed in.RhazaknaNow that's an extremely stupid statement. Someone who risks their lives to cross a border can't be called lazy by any reasonable standard Don't care. If they can't take the time to learn out history and such ,they are lazy and should be deported.
[QUOTE="Rhazakna"][QUOTE="killzowned24"]I think they are lazy and only the ones who have the will to even complete the tests should be allowed in.killzowned24Now that's an extremely stupid statement. Someone who risks their lives to cross a border can't be called lazy by any reasonable standard Don't care. If they can't take the time to learn out history and such ,they are lazy and should be deported. You can argue for their deportation, but calling them lazy is just idiocy. Illegals are harder working than most citizens, that's part of their high market value. Who's more likely to be a harder worker; someone who was born here or someone who risked their life to get here just to work? They aren't lazy.
[QUOTE="killzowned24"]I think they are lazy and only the ones who have the will to even complete the tests should be allowed in.worlock77
What tests?[QUOTE="worlock77"][QUOTE="killzowned24"]I think they are lazy and only the ones who have the will to even complete the tests should be allowed in.killzowned24
What tests?'s the test for citizenship. We're talking about immigration. So again, what tests?
[QUOTE="worlock77"][QUOTE="killzowned24"]I think they are lazy and only the ones who have the will to even complete the tests should be allowed in.killzowned24
What tests? do realize that is for naturalization right? Big difference between that and getting a visa to immigrate.Â
[QUOTE="Nibroc420"]If it were genuinely easier to simply apply, which would make jumping the border the more difficult of the two... Wouldn't people just apply? Because it's easier, and if you're caught, you're legally allowed in the USA. Critical thinking seems to be a challenge for you.RhazaknaApplying legally takes a lot longer because of the immigration bureaucracy. The reason people don't do it that way is because they live in abject poverty and can't support themselves in Mexico's abysmal economy. The people who can afford to wait so long are usually people who are already relatively wealthy, or at least not poverty-stricken. Jumping the border is much more labor intensive and difficult, but a lot quicker. Doing it the legal way and dealing with red tape is easier, but takes a lot longer. This isn't complicated.
Why is it up to the US to allow people into the country due to abject poverty in their own country? We have a hard enough time feeding and caring for our own poor as it is, why should someone else be allowed in due to that? Whether they want to work or not is irrelevant. Their country already gets millions in aid from the US, why do we need to take their people in on top of that?
We put in place regulations to limit immigration and there is nothing wrong with it. All countries have limitations on it for pretty much the same reasons. As far as it is people of poverty who jump the border, they have to come up with thousands of dollars to do that, where are they getting the money if they are so poor that they need to come to the US to have a better life?
If people really want a better life in their country, they should demand that their government do more to either create jobs or make it easier for companies in their country to open and hire more people. Â
You cant be that ignorantWho do you think picks the crops? For a fraction of MIN wage..Prices would go though the roof
Yes I agree, but they would probably bring workers in if there were no illegals, or develop machines for it.
Ever seen one of these?
They hire illegals because no one else is willing to do the work for such small wages (not even minimum) and giant threshers aren't suited for small fruits and veggies (not to mention that most common fruits grown on trees, which you can't thresh anyway).
Yes I know you can't thresh trees, I'm using the harvester as an example of a job that used to be done by hand. And really, the illegals are a temporary solution at best. They are all working very low paying jobs, and offer no lasting value to society. When immigrants first came to the US, nobody went and started picking strawberries. They bought land, started a business, or became an apprentice. There is around 25 million illegals in the US, and this is way too many. It is an over saturation, and will bite us in the ass later.
This country doesn't need low skill workers right now. Yes, the prices for fruit and veggies would rise initially, but do you think the crop companies would let prices sit like that? No, not at all, not in this free market economy. They would figure out a way to lower prices, even if that means outsourcing (which is not bad like everyone says).Â
No one wants to admit it, but this illegal situation is almost exactly the same as slavery in the 1800's, but on a smaller scale. Hordes of uneducated people from another country are doing a low wage no skill task. Slavery turned out to be one of the biggest mistakes the US has ever made.Â
I think they should be refused any medical treatment even from emergency rooms. They should be refused all welfare assistance, and I think they should not be allowed to work at all. If an employer is caught with illegals, they should be fined one million per illegal and should do a minimum of 5 years in prison. If it was this way, we would have no illegals. I am okay with immigrants coming here as long as they do it the legal way. But if what I said was actually done, all the illegals would be forced to leave due to no way to survive here. Hate me all you wish for thinking this way, I couldn't care less.AmazonTreeBoaOr they just turn to crime.
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