This thread is about your theory into the meaning of life, no i'm right, your wrong rhetoric. This is about each other, looking and appreciating eachothers meaning. At the end of the day there is no answer, so we are all stating theories.
Meaning of Life
To perfect oneself in love(high vibration), before you were born you mapped out your life on this earth(from heaven), chose your parents, and also the events which would happen in your life,raisingthe vibration of thethespiritual body as your primary goal, learning through experience(you can be told something, but to understand it you need to experience it). Destiny a future already written in stone, or is it?. Destiny supports the notion of one path ---------->, free will would hence be impossible with the notion of destiny. So how can the future be forseen you ask?, lets take that one path ------->, now lets add two choices to that path --------> 1. 2. destiny suggests that the choice you make is already decided, so good and bad decisions are not down to choice but through a predetermined path, which is alreadydecided for you. Destiny is nothing more than an excuse, to pinpoint the blame on something elserather thanthe consequenceof your actions.
So the future being forseen is impossible?, no it is possible indeed. To put it simply each path has many choices, ------------>1.2..3.4(i hope you realised that the choice you makeleads you down a different path?), what i suggest is that no matter which choice you decide, the outcome of each choice is already known(yay free will). The choice you are likely to make can be forseen and predicted, how?, Choices are biased. The choice you make will determin the likelyhood ofthechoice you make next, making the decision to tell someone you will do something, will make the next choice, which isdeciding to do it or not,even if you don't want todo it, biased in favour of actually doing the task.
This brings us into the idea, if you have a choice which is biased into doing something bad and detrimental to your goal of raising your vibration, what then?
Spirit guides are there to give us hints and to keep us on the right path,e.g. intuition, gut feeling, thinking a certain thought. Earth can be seen as more of a school where we can progress alot quicker, because negative thoughts and low energy is impossible in the presence of God. Before we were born with the help of our spirit guides our lives were mapped out, in a way in which we mostly desired to better ourself, help was predetermined at certain points in our lives, if the choices we make take us to that possible future. Obviously help can be given at anytime in our life, and if things get too much the body and mind will ultimately die and the spirit can leave.
Mistakes are for learning and paths which are in favour of a bad choice are for you to overcome. The greater the challenge the better the reward. So what is this great challenge?, Time itself, the changing face of Time. Do you everget them moments in time when you remember back thinking, "those were the good times","i wish those good times lasted forever,.. i wish that person was still the same as they used to be". Time is the great challengs, because Time brings change, good or bad. Time itself has a purpose, have you ever heard the saying, "you don't realise how important something is till its gone", this states the purpose of Time very well. Time=Change, Good and Bad, two halves creating a whole (/), a vicous circle or perhaps a neccesary one. You have to remeber that saying, "you don't realise how important something is till it's gone", what it means is, you can't appeciate the good times if you don't have the bad. If you have nothing you apprieciate everything, the harder someones life the more they appriciate things and realise what they can't do without.
By overcoming negativeness, it enables you to progress much quicker in your goal. Negativeness causes blindness, it causes people to become materialistic, to believe they're nothing special, and their life is just a waste and in the end they will cease to exist. It will cause them to become materialistic and to become brainwashed by tv, (they will act how the tv tells them, dress like the tv tells them, behave like the tv tells them /lust/vanity/violence), they will become nothingmore thanbatteries for the money making upper classes, to keep the wealth in their pockets and to dumb down society to only tell them what they want them to know and keep there minds of thinking too much. By questioning things and trying to learn and keeping your faith strong, only then will youl be able to get a clear picture.
Positive choices and choices to better oneself in love no matter how difficult it may be is the path we all need to be on. If we do fail, reincarnation is used to keep on learning over and over again, different lives, parents etc. Ultimately if a person does become enveloped in too much negative energy and choose to be away from Love, then they will be in darkness with other like minded souls, which are violent and hurt eachother without being able to kill eachother, ultimately though it is all our goals to progress higher and higher. To learn what we have all been seeking our whole lives, perfect love, neverending, complete appreciation and it is through the many lives we can slowly work ourselves towards our goal.
This is merely my summary of life, it is to complicated for our minds to comprehend, but an interesting subject to ponder indeed.
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