Anarchy is utopia...as described by M.Bakunin, it can never be achieved. Not within a human society.RushKing
i believe the word you are looking for is dystopia
Actually it is utopia... most people have a wrong perception of what Anarchy actually is. They identify it with chaos and disaster where in fact it's the opposite... at least according to the man the conceived the idea of Anarchism (M.Bakunin). However truth is that be it utopia or dystopia... it is not possible to be achieved in our human society for various reasons. Thus there's no point even talking about it.
Edit: Also same applies to communism... most people are not even aware of what communism truly is. They were simply fed up with propaganda and believe that communism = Soviet Union where in reality Soviets never achieved true communism, no nation achieved it actually. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commune#Notable_examples_of_communes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Territory http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutionary_Catalonia[/QUOTE]
you list a bunch of failed states and communes?
how does this support your point?
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