[QUOTE="theone86"]What, only deities can be murdered by governments? Back in Roman times religion was a method of social control, having one universal religion made it easier for the Roamns to promote loyalty and keep peace. Jews were an exception because they had never threatened Roman authority before. Now Jesus comes along with this new sect of Jews and teaches things that could be considered revolutionary at the time, like give to Ceaser what is Ceaser's and give to god what is god's, or that god is the only real king and all men ruling as kings do so by god's authority. The Romans didn't want to have to make concessions for every new Jewish sect that came along, and they certainly didn't want religion being used to undermine their empire, that's why they crucified Jesus. It had nothing to do with if he was actually a deity or not.
As for the Jewish religious leaders, they probably had much the same reasons. Jesus didn't necessarily conflict with their teachings, but he was making trouble with the Romans. They rightfully feared that if Jesus' teachings became synonymous with Judiasm that all Jews would suffer for what Jesus was teaching.
Jesus was a political casualty, simple as that. That he was executed proves nothing. The Romans also executed Celts, Gauls, Druids, and just about any other person who refused to accept Roman gods and traditions. Does that make all those people deities as well?
Not for the longest time did the Romans acknowledge Jesus to not be apart of the Jews. Not for many years after Jesus death did people treat Christians differently than Jews. They met in the same synagogues, they read the same Scripture, etc. Jesus died because the religious leaders accused him of blasphemy, the only thing the Romans had against him was... well nothing. They killed him based on the Pharisaic religious laws of that day, not because of politics. Anything you say otherwise is purely guesswork and has no foundation in written history.Jesus preached against the Pharisees at times, Jesus aggrivated Jewish religious leaders. I'm not saying they worshipped seperately, I'm saying Jesus' teachings constituted a seperate sect. Romans feared that what Jesus was saying, along with the type of following he was generating would cause unrest. Jewish leaders feares that Jesus' teahcings would be seen by Romans as representing Judiasm as a whole and would turn the Romans against them. There's absolutely foundation in written history, as even before th events of the crucifixtion Roman officials were discussing Jesus and what he meant to future political stability.
BTW, "Jesus died because the religious leaders accused him of blasphemy...They killed him based on the Pharisaic religious laws of that day." That's called politics.
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