How did Bush represent any sort of liberal movement? He was anti-union, very pro-business, made the income tax much more regressive, supported a constitutional amendment that would ban gay marriage, and he tried to privatize social security.[QUOTE="-Sun_Tzu-"][QUOTE="DaBrainz"]
The point is (and I'm pretty sure that I've argued with you on this topic before), that the Democrats andsupporters are just as prone to what you call "ridiculous rhetoric". And to somehow equate anti-intellectualism with only republicans is anti-intellectual in itself. Sinceanti-intellectualism remains somewhat constant across all boundaries then there is no movement.
Both Bush and Obamarepresentthe most liberal movement since the LBJ days. That's whyitsveryillogical torepresent Bushas a pillar of anti-intellectualism without saying the same thing about Obama.
Here is the problem. Republicans are notorius for talking about how they support fiscal conservatism but the fact is the government grows everytime they have power. Your also confusing things that he said with things he actually did.
Like with the bailouts he basically said that businesses should be allowed to fail, but I'll make an exception this one time.:? I could list a bunch of other examples but I think you could easily google those. Its safe to say that Bush and most of the republicans fell out of favor with the fiscal conservatives long ago.
Okay, but just because someone is fiscally irresponsible, that doesn't mean that they are a liberal. And the same is true when talking about the size of government; just because someone grew the size of government, that doesn't mean that they are a liberal. Bush, like most republicans since Reagan, is a staunch corporatist. He's a believer of corporate welfare; socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor, and that goes against everything the left stands for.The bailouts are a perfect example of this. All Bush really did was save the asses of his banker friends. A lot of liberals wanted to nationalize the banks, not hand blank checks to these CEO's who drove their companies into the ground.
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