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I don't want to get rid of all religion, as I think people should be able to believe what they wish. I don't even have a problem with them organizing their religion and building churches. My problem is when they try to bring their religion into the public and force it upon others through legislation, tax exemptions, and violence (to list a few). All government should be 100% secular, churches should have to pay taxes like any other business, and religious folks should stop killing those who do not agree with their beliefs.
How does tax exemption force beliefs on anybody? Churches are tax exempt because they aren't businesses; they're considered charity organisations, and no charity is taxed. Furthermore, taxing a church is a violation of Separtation of Church and State.
But if I'm wrong I want Christianity to not lead others astray either... I want to know truth and get rid of falsehoods more than prove my beliefs to be true.You are one of the few religious people who I've had discussions with who I enjoy having discussions with because you actually think rather than attack. That beign said I am curious, how do you hope to find truth through berlief? If a belief works practically and rationally then would it not be truth (or at the very least, have some essence of truth)? I do not doubt Christianity to be able to do that (with Christianity defined by scripture and not "religious people"). At least something has to be true regarding Christianity for it to be so convincing to so many people. Do not think I'm arguing numbers means reliability but numbers does at the least signify many people find an element of truth. I just keep searching more and more after that truth. The more I examine these beliefs the more I believe them to be rational and practical, the more I believe this to be true as opposed to a simple belief. I say this as I try to literally use scripture as my guidebook for life. It has yet to lead me astray.[QUOTE="mindstorm"][QUOTE="Dark-Sithious"]
And you think Christianity is the only true religion, thus you want every other religion to disappear. If this is true, you are very jaded
If a belief works practically and rationally then would it not be truth (or at the very least, have some essence of truth)? I do not doubt Christianity to be able to do that (with Christianity defined by scripture and not "religious people"). At least something has to be true regarding Christianity for it to be so convincing to so many people. Do not think I'm arguing numbers means reliability but numbers does at the least signify many people find an element of truth. I just keep searching more and more after that truth. The more I examine these beliefs the more I believe them to be rational and practical, the more I believe this to be true as opposed to a simple belief. I say this as I try to literally use scripture as my guidebook for life. It has yet to lead me astray.mindstormBut why are you trying to use scripture as a guidebook to life if it could possibly be false? There are many religions that have had a very large following in the past and a large following to this day that go against the beliefs of other religions. This does not make them true but you are correct in that they must be based on some specific truth of the past. I asked this to BR before: Within the last 100 years there has been a huge number of fragments of crolls found near the Dead Sea. Some of these fragments contain scripture from long ago which differs from the scripture of today. Most archeological websiets claim that there is a significant difference while most reliious websites claim the differences are minor. These documents are currently being copied and scanned to put on the internet for everyone to see (Hopefully for free). What will your thoughts be on the differences between current religious scripture and these ancients documents?
[QUOTE="mindstorm"]Only the ones that are not true...RearNakedChoke
So all of them then, right?
no, just the ones that arent true...I'd say Scientology, but I have a feeling you're talking about real religions rather than cults.
In which case I say the Church of Euthanasia.
Scientology makes me lol... but, honestly, yeah, no, I'd get banned for expressing my opinions on it :P.
I'd get rid of Christianity, btw.
[QUOTE="mindstorm"]Only the ones that are not true...Anti-Venom
So all of them then, right?
no, just the ones that arent true...I guess all we're left with is Eastwoodism.
That's the religion that worships Clint Eastwood as God and Bruce Willis as his son and our savior :P.
[QUOTE="BumFluff122"]You are one of the few religious people who I've had discussions with who I enjoy having discussions with because you actually think rather than attack. That beign said I am curious, how do you hope to find truth through berlief? If a belief works practically and rationally then would it not be truth (or at the very least, have some essence of truth)? I do not doubt Christianity to be able to do that (with Christianity defined by scripture and not "religious people"). At least something has to be true regarding Christianity for it to be so convincing to so many people. Do not think I'm arguing numbers means reliability but numbers does at the least signify many people find an element of truth. I just keep searching more and more after that truth. The more I examine these beliefs the more I believe them to be rational and practical, the more I believe this to be true as opposed to a simple belief. I say this as I try to literally use scripture as my guidebook for life. It has yet to lead me astray.[QUOTE="mindstorm"] But if I'm wrong I want Christianity to not lead others astray either... I want to know truth and get rid of falsehoods more than prove my beliefs to be true.mindstorm
Then again, don't about 25-30% of Americans believe that 9/11 was an inside job?
I rest my case...
But why are you trying to use scripture as a guidebook to life if it could possibly be false? There are many religions that have had a very large following in the past and a large following to this day that go against the beliefs of other religions. This does not make them true but you are correct in that they must be based on some specific truth of the past. I asked this to BR before: Within the last 100 years there has been a huge number of fragments of crolls found near the Dead Sea. Some of these fragments contain scripture from long ago which differs from the scripture of today. Most archeological websiets claim that there is a significant difference while most reliious websites claim the differences are minor. These documents are currently being copied and scanned to put on the internet for everyone to see (Hopefully for free). What will your thoughts be on the differences between current religious scripture and these ancients documents? Of those Dead Sea scrolls there were a few variants but none of them were anything major. The variants were largely copying errors like replaced names, different numbers, etc. Nothing doctrinally is actually different. Not to mention the fact the New Testament often quotes the Old Testament correctly. As for New Testament manuscripts, most of them are likewise the same. On the occasion you will find differences like the added section in Mark, but again, nothing major has changed. The section in Mark that has been added to a few of the manuscripts, not all. This section is known to be faulty as it not only mentions material not found elsewhere in scripture but the very vocabulary is different. The only material in that section that is actually different than the rest of scripture deals with the handling of snakes... and only people in West Virginia take that seriously. Let's not forget seemingly insignificant events and people within both testaments that can be proven to be true. I'm talking about conversions of influential people in Acts, references to people of other kingdoms in the Old Testament, etc. etc. In conclusion, some minor differences can be seen between scripture today and scripture 2000 years ago but not enough that it can't be trusted at all. I take confidence in the fact that scripture has remained largely untouched over the past 2000 years.[QUOTE="mindstorm"] If a belief works practically and rationally then would it not be truth (or at the very least, have some essence of truth)? I do not doubt Christianity to be able to do that (with Christianity defined by scripture and not "religious people"). At least something has to be true regarding Christianity for it to be so convincing to so many people. Do not think I'm arguing numbers means reliability but numbers does at the least signify many people find an element of truth. I just keep searching more and more after that truth. The more I examine these beliefs the more I believe them to be rational and practical, the more I believe this to be true as opposed to a simple belief. I say this as I try to literally use scripture as my guidebook for life. It has yet to lead me astray.BumFluff122
Of those Dead Sea scrolls there were a few variants but none of them were anything major. The variants were largely copying errors like replaced names, different numbers, etc. Nothing doctrinally is actually different. Not to mention the fact the New Testament often quotes the Old Testament correctly. As for New Testament manuscripts, most of them are likewise the same. On the occasion you will find differences like the added section in Mark, but again, nothing major has changed. The section in Mark that has been added to a few of the manuscripts, not all. This section is known to be faulty as it not only mentions material not found elsewhere in scripture but the very vocabulary is different. The only material in that section that is actually different than the rest of scripture deals with the handling of snakes... and only people in West Virginia take that seriously. Let's not forget seemingly insignificant events and people within both testaments that can be proven to be true. I'm talking about conversions of influential people in Acts, references to people of other kingdoms in the Old Testament, etc. etc. In conclusion, some minor differences can be seen between scripture today and scripture 2000 years ago but not enough that it can't be trusted at all. I take confidence in the fact that scripture has remained largely untouched over the past 2000 years.mindstormSo you've seen the scrolls?
I'd say Scientology, but I have a feeling you're talking about real religions rather than cults.
In which case I say the Church of Euthanasia.
Scientology makes me lol... but, honestly, yeah, no, I'd get banned for expressing my opinions on it :P.
I'd get rid of Christianity, btw.
lol @ Epicurus quote.
So you've seen the scrolls? I've seen some pictures but nothing firsthand. I've read a little bit about them though as well as have been taught a little bit about them by professors (such as my Biblical Hebrew professor).[QUOTE="mindstorm"]Of those Dead Sea scrolls there were a few variants but none of them were anything major. The variants were largely copying errors like replaced names, different numbers, etc. Nothing doctrinally is actually different. Not to mention the fact the New Testament often quotes the Old Testament correctly. As for New Testament manuscripts, most of them are likewise the same. On the occasion you will find differences like the added section in Mark, but again, nothing major has changed. The section in Mark that has been added to a few of the manuscripts, not all. This section is known to be faulty as it not only mentions material not found elsewhere in scripture but the very vocabulary is different. The only material in that section that is actually different than the rest of scripture deals with the handling of snakes... and only people in West Virginia take that seriously. Let's not forget seemingly insignificant events and people within both testaments that can be proven to be true. I'm talking about conversions of influential people in Acts, references to people of other kingdoms in the Old Testament, etc. etc. In conclusion, some minor differences can be seen between scripture today and scripture 2000 years ago but not enough that it can't be trusted at all. I take confidence in the fact that scripture has remained largely untouched over the past 2000 years.BumFluff122
I've seen some pictures but nothing firsthand. I've read a little bit about them though as well as have been taught a little bit about them by professors (such as my Biblical Hebrew professor).mindstormAhhhh. I think it will be interesting to see the truth when the scrolls are finally able to be read online. If it is the word of God it would show tha humans have had a hand in changing it over time. The Dead Sea scrolls are from roughly the time of Christs birth while the old testament is thought to have been written as far back as the 12th century BCE. I'm curious as to how many times false copying has changed it over time.
All organized religion would be nice. Any religion which insists on its verity while denouncing others, which indoctrinates its followers and manipulates the lives ofthem through dogma and fear or retribution, I would gladly see disappear. The worst of all though, are the ones which force themselves on others. A true faith would be a source of guidance which the faithul would seek out willingly, not one which comes to you and tells you how you ought to live your life.
I wouldn't want to get rid of religion as it's a huge part of some peoples lives.
Although I would like to make it a smaller force in the world.
It's well known that Science and Politics don't mix well with religion.
If everyone had a better understanding of each other then there would probably be less fighting on who has the better god/gods.
Also, any fighting would at least have some decent meaning other than convert or die.
So basically, keep religion a private matter because it generally causes more problems than it solves.
Ahhhh. I think it will be interesting to see the truth when the scrolls are finally able to be read online. If it is the word of God it would show tha humans have had a hand in changing it over time. The Dead Sea scrolls are from roughly the time of Christs birth while the old testament is thought to have been written as far back as the 12th century BCE. I'm curious as to how many times false copying has changed it over time. After doing research on the subject I've never actually seen an argument that the text has changed further than what I've mentioned. As a result I've never seen an anti-theist use the Dead Sea scrolls in a debate. The only time any moderately accepted scholarly work has been done to argue scripture to be changed it has argued the New Testament to have been written as late as 200 AD (which I do not agree with whatsoever) and not that it has actually changed, just written late. In regard to the Old Testament, they rarely argue it has been changed at all other than a few select books, they just question the reliability of the original sources. The reliability is questioned by trying to argue an oral tradition over a period of years before the text is actually written down. The only times this can be partially argued is in places like Genesis and Job. The historical books like 1 and 2 Kings are rarely if ever argued against in such a manner.[QUOTE="mindstorm"] I've seen some pictures but nothing firsthand. I've read a little bit about them though as well as have been taught a little bit about them by professors (such as my Biblical Hebrew professor).BumFluff122
I don't want to get rid of all religion, as I think people should be able to believe what they wish. I don't even have a problem with them organizing their religion and building churches. My problem is when they try to bring their religion into the public and force it upon others through legislation, tax exemptions, and violence (to list a few). All government should be 100% secular, churches should have to pay taxes like any other business, and religious folks should stop killing those who do not agree with their beliefs.
How does tax exemption force beliefs on anybody? Churches are tax exempt because they aren't businesses; they're considered charity organisations, and no charity is taxed. Furthermore, taxing a church is a violation of Separation of Church and State.
That's my point, I don't think that religion should be considered a charitable organization. Do religious organizations do good things? Of course they do. What I'm saying, is that their exempt status should be more closely regulated. Sure, money goes out to help the community, but what about the money used to build unnecessary mega churches or finance religiously motivated political campaigns? Religious organizations should be required to submit documents that specify how they are using their tax exempt money and be taxed on any money used to fund churches, support politicians, and any other spending that doesn't relate to any charitable outreach. Should religion really be exempt from spending money on such endeavors?
Also, that's a weird interpretation of separation and church and state, but hey, maybe you are right and that does protect them, but I don't buy it. How does it interfere or endanger the practicing of religion? Or, on the other side of the coin, how does it threaten government? Separation of church and state is meant to protect the government from religious influence and establishing a specific religion and also protect those who wish to practice a certain religion. Prove to me how being taxed threatens religion and I'll buy that argument.
I love how tolerant people are. :roll:
Tolerance is a tricky thing, would you ask someone to be tolerant of intolerance?
The reason people do not respect religion is because they have seen and heard things that resulted in negative impression. For example the Catholic Pope not too long ago said Homosexuality is a threat to humanity in league with climate concerns, which no doubt offended many homosexuals. Should we fight for equal human rights regardless of sexual orientation; or oppress homosexuals as a sign of 'tolerance and respect' for the Catholic faith?
Some say slavery will never truly end until women living in Islamic theocracies are no longer seen and treated as possessions, however they would argue it would be intolerant of their faith to have women seen equal to men. Whose views do we respect here? The human rights of women as recognised by western culture, or Muslim culture that allows concubine sex slaves?
Would you be tolerant of this happening in your country because it is part of their belief system? (NSFW, lots of blood)
Intolerance is nothing to be ashamed of when there is valid justification, few people would feel bad if they were accused of being intolerant of Nazi and Soviet ideologies. Unified dislike and hate for something negative creates the driving force for positive change, it shouldn't always be labelled bad; or we create a situation were anyone who doesn't go with the flow is accused of being bigoted and ignored.
threads like these bring the worst of OT.
the ignorance and intolerance is staggering
and none, because beliefs and faith make some people happy.
I love how tolerant people are. :roll:
Tolerance is a tricky thing, would you ask someone to be tolerant of intolerance?
The reason people do not respect religion is because they have seen and heard things that resulted in negative impression. For example the Catholic Pope not too long ago said Homosexuality is a threat to humanity in league with climate concerns, which no doubt offended many homosexuals. Should we fight for equal human rights regardless of sexual orientation; or oppress homosexuals as a sign of 'tolerance and respect' for the Catholic faith?
Some say slavery will never truly end until women living in Islamic theocracies are no longer seen and treated as possessions, however they would argue it would be intolerant of their faith to have women seen equal to men. Whose views do we respect here? The human rights of women as recognised by western culture, or Muslim culture that allows concubine sex slaves?
Would you be tolerant of this happening in your country because it is part of their belief system? (NSFW, lots of blood)
Intolerance is nothing to be ashamed of when there is valid justification, few people would feel bad if they were accused of being intolerant of Nazi and Soviet ideologies. Unified dislike and hate for something negative creates the driving force for positive change, it shouldn't always be labelled bad; or we create a situation were anyone who doesn't go with the flow is accused of being bigoted and ignored.
I'd say best post of the nightOnly the ones that are not true...mindstormlike christianity? The Greek Pantheon makes more sense and seems more true imo.
Both of them killed billions. Christianism kill less today but is still a problem.. Islam is a huge problem.
I agree, Islamic EXTREMISTS are bad.
You missed a word, buddy.
The extremist are bad, but not the normal ones. It goes to ALL religions.
[QUOTE="BumFluff122"]Ahhhh. I think it will be interesting to see the truth when the scrolls are finally able to be read online. If it is the word of God it would show tha humans have had a hand in changing it over time. The Dead Sea scrolls are from roughly the time of Christs birth while the old testament is thought to have been written as far back as the 12th century BCE. I'm curious as to how many times false copying has changed it over time. After doing research on the subject I've never actually seen an argument that the text has changed further than what I've mentioned. As a result I've never seen an anti-theist use the Dead Sea scrolls in a debate. The only time any moderately accepted scholarly work has been done to argue scripture to be changed it has argued the New Testament to have been written as late as 200 AD (which I do not agree with whatsoever) and not that it has actually changed, just written late. In regard to the Old Testament, they rarely argue it has been changed at all other than a few select books, they just question the reliability of the original sources. The reliability is questioned by trying to argue an oral tradition over a period of years before the text is actually written down. The only times this can be partially argued is in places like Genesis and Job. The historical books like 1 and 2 Kings are rarely if ever argued against in such a manner. Please check out the pm's i sent you! :)[QUOTE="mindstorm"] I've seen some pictures but nothing firsthand. I've read a little bit about them though as well as have been taught a little bit about them by professors (such as my Biblical Hebrew professor).mindstorm
What the hell is this BS, Islam is a religion of peace.Islam, assuming the European Union multicultural police won't lock me up for saying that. That is the sort of influence political Islamic has over here, freedom of speech doesn't mean jack when you have theocracies in the United Nations demanding that their particular brand of religion be put above criticism.
I personally think humanity has a lot to gain from doing away with all dogmatic belief systems and just having secularism, but most of the religions aren't that dangerous. They aren't moving to countries they hate to protest in the streets about how evil they are and will be conquered by Islam.
[QUOTE="AnnoyedDragon"]What the hell is this BS, Islam is a religion of peace.Islam, assuming the European Union multicultural police won't lock me up for saying that. That is the sort of influence political Islamic has over here, freedom of speech doesn't mean jack when you have theocracies in the United Nations demanding that their particular brand of religion be put above criticism.
I personally think humanity has a lot to gain from doing away with all dogmatic belief systems and just having secularism, but most of the religions aren't that dangerous. They aren't moving to countries they hate to protest in the streets about how evil they are and will be conquered by Islam.
I expect most of the posters in this thread know absolutely nothing about the religion they want to get rid of. I would be more interested to see more reasons than simply naming a religion. Without reasons, there seems to be ignorance in my opinion.
What the hell is this BS, Islam is a religion of peace.[QUOTE="CombatHigh"][QUOTE="AnnoyedDragon"]
Islam, assuming the European Union multicultural police won't lock me up for saying that. That is the sort of influence political Islamic has over here, freedom of speech doesn't mean jack when you have theocracies in the United Nations demanding that their particular brand of religion be put above criticism.
I personally think humanity has a lot to gain from doing away with all dogmatic belief systems and just having secularism, but most of the religions aren't that dangerous. They aren't moving to countries they hate to protest in the streets about how evil they are and will be conquered by Islam.
I expect most of the posters in this thread no absolutely nothing about the religion they want to get rid of. I would be more interested to see more reasons than simply naming a religion. Without reasons, there seems to be ignorance in my opinion.
Thank you man :) you just summed it up. (ignore my raging head)Christianity.
not even going to bother 'trying' to explain why, there is really no point having an 'e-bate' with someone will go nowhere, and solve/ prove nothing
Does secularism count as a religion? If so, then that.Famiking
Secularism isn't a religion, it is belief without a religion. Think of anyone who thinks there may be a God but does not adhere to any particular religious group or scripture.
Why you would want to be rid of that is beyond me, secularism hurts no one. If anything it is the purest form of faith, uncorrupted by dogmatic teachings that attempts to control people using faith.
[QUOTE="stepnkev"][QUOTE="CombatHigh"] What the hell is this BS, Islam is a religion of peace.CombatHigh
I expect most of the posters in this thread no absolutely nothing about the religion they want to get rid of. I would be more interested to see more reasons than simply naming a religion. Without reasons, there seems to be ignorance in my opinion.
Thank you man :) you just summed it up. (ignore my raging head)Yes because as we all know, when someone says that other posters have no knowledge on certain religions, then that is certainly and undoubtedly true. :)Please Log In to post.
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