[QUOTE="Thechaninator"][QUOTE="freek666"][QUOTE="Thechaninator"][QUOTE="freek666"][QUOTE="Blood-Scribe"][QUOTE="freek666"] Its hard to describe my love for metal. It was the first stuff I listened to 9 years ago and I thought "this is really good, I like this " (I was 6 btw) And as I got older I moved on from Thrash Metal (Megadeth, Metallica, Slayer) and Heavy Metal onto other genres such as Melodic Death Metal (In Flames). A person once asked me "doesn't it make you angry though?" and I replied with "Not really angry, but its kind of like an adrenalin shot. Just the fast beats of the drums and lightning quick solos make you want to thrash your head about until you dislocate it. It intoxicates my body." That is why I love it and it appeals to me.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I got into metal at a young age as well because I picked it up from my older brother. And of course, a lot of people questioned my interest of it.
Yeah same. My mate just came to school one day and said:
"heard of Metallica?"
"heard of Megadeth?"
"Come to my house and listen to it. Its good." "
His brother was about 5 years older than us and he had a lot of CD's, so we listened to them, and I've liked it since then. My parents used to be worried about it, but they're cool nowadays. And of course you had the people who assumed we were goths or something becuase we listened to it. Only one out of about 7 of us turned out goth. And us 7 were the only kids out of about 900 kids who listened to Metal. At least nowadays some people know what Megadeth is.
I have been lucky enough to have parents who were cool with me getting mature stuff. They freaking got the uncensored version of "The Chocolate Starfish and the Hotdog Flavored Water" for me when I couldn't have been older than 10 or 11.....
I know what you mean. Not really to do with music but with games. First PS game we got was Duke Nukem, the 18+ version, and they had no problem with me playing it when I was about 7. And when I was 8 I got GTA 2 for Christmas. I'm proof that video games dont warp childrens minds.
lol I had thought I had tricked my mom into buying me GTA by keping her vague on what it was about but she knew and still got it for me.
Tis the way I am gonna be with my kid. Don't restrict too much as they get older but make damn sure they know the difference between whats right and wrong.
lol funny thing is, after I had it for a few days and she saw it she banned me from playing it. She thought it was a car racing game because I had Grand Turismo and she thought it was that. It was until she saw me jacking the cars and running people down that she realised what it was. After a week I started playing again and she didnt mind.
lmao I've never been banned from a game:lol:
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