Anyone know what a Huntsman spider is?
Remember that giant-spider-behind-a-clock picture that used to be posted here? Well, that was a huntsman spider.
Anyway, once at my mom's house, she saw a big huntsman spider on the ceiling and asked me to get it. So I tried to catch it (humane captures only, I won't kill harmless animals just because people are afraid of them). But those spiders are fast, so it ended up getting away.
Anyway, my mom started yelling at me for not catching it, because she's really afraid of spiders. And I'm thinking, "jesus christ, mom, I was doing YOU a favour. I didn't have to try to catch the spider at all."
So in order to put her in her place, I said, "hey, look on the bright side. At least I didn't damage the spider's egg sack."
She then asks me how many eggs these spiders carry in their egg sacks, and i said, "I'm not sure, but I'll bet it's at least 400 or so."
I expected her to start yelling at me again, at which point I could say "haha, mom, there was no egg sack! I just made that up to mess with you! That's what you get for freaking out over one tiny little spider!"
But she didn't yell at me at all. She didn't say anything. She just fell to her knees and started weeping. And that made me feel kind of bad. Even though she was TOTALLY overreacting, I had made my mom cry, and that made me feel bad. So I tried telling her that there was no egg sack, and that I just said that there was one as a joke. But she didn't believe me, she just kept right on crying.
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