wow, this is one of the most intelligent topicsive ever seen on GS.
to answer that perticular question, we would have to look at the norms of society at that time. simply, if no one recieved slaves from africa, then slaves would have been brought in from somewhere else. every nation that conquers another either lets them rule (under supervision), imbue them into their society, or enslave them. thats it. if early america never had slavery, then there would be no prominent southen colonies and there for no prominent southern states. the north would continue to proper as the shipping industry of the great ports increased, yet the south would be unable to truly flurish. you couldnt really expect a handful of people to farm hundreds of acers, numerous times a year, it would be impossible, so there are many things that would happen
a. the us population cannot be sustaned as lack of food from the south staves the agricultural poor north, and the american population remains relatively small for a time
c. the lack of hands to farm the south forces the nation to create new technologies to assist in agriculture, (necessity is the mother of all inventions) and us sparks the first true industrial revolution, opening up many possibilites and many problems
c. the us is forced to import food from other nations, with the us still being a minor power (or not a power at all) there could be little done to change this, and other welthier empires colonize north america, pushing the weak and small americans back to britan or merging them into their own nation (imagine the entire north america being called the united europeain colonies nation)
d. but the most likey thing that would happen is slavery would occur, just with a diffrent people, maby hispanics, asians, or europeins them selves. we them to think of slaves as african american, but that is hardly the case (also it would have been far to easy to turn indentured servents into slaves. if they owed you a crossing debt, land or what not, you could make them work to pay it back and not pay them any wages) slavery had been the answer to agricultural, military, defensive, and many other problems (got alot of land and money? need to build an empire? get some slaves)
so really the thought of americans having no slaves is almost impossible, the may not have come from africa, but they would have been slaves non the less. that what i think anyway
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