It hasn't happened to me, but a friend of mine just told me tonight about his experience with a shadow person.
It was like 3 in the morning and he heard his cats start freaking out and hissing in the kitchen. Being afraid there might be a burglar, he grabbed a samurai sword and headed to the kitchen. He stressed the point that he isn't afraid of things including being hurt. He is not afraid of getting pummeled in a fight even if he knows it's going to happen. But when he got to the kitchen he saw one of those shadow people. he said it was reminiscent of a junkyard man. It was hunched over with its arms out in a very creepy pose he demostrated for me,
The second he saw the thing he immediately dropped the sword out of fear and he hunched over and started throwing up which scared the hell out of his GF which I guess was with him at the time.
Man if I ever encountered one of those things I might **** myself. They are some creepy beings and the consensus is that they are definitely malevolent beings. The craziest thing is that in the wikipedia article it mentions that they have actually been know to get right in peoples faces and stare at them for several seconds. That has to be one of the freakiest things a person can experience I am seriously shivering just thinking about it.
Hahaha, it's a freaky expirience all right, but not throw up kind of bad. It always does however send a shiver down my spine to see something without a face. It's like they're looking at you but you can't tell. Mine I've only seen for a second at most, wrost being when I turned aorund to shut my door, got it shut, turned around to face down the long end of the hallways and it was right in my face. I freaked and jumped back, it just kinda moved away and disappeared into nothing.
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