Emo = emotional. So this means everyone is emo every once in awhile. Every time I tell this to my friends they answer me that emo is wearing tight clothes, having strange haircuts, and cutting your arms. My chemical romance is considered emo by thousands but their recent music dosen't talk about suicide, being emotional, and wanting to take revenge in a girl. But they are emo because they use dark clothes and their fans use dark clothes and weird haircuts. I've heard really sad and emotional songs about suicide, losing girls, and being sad but they aren't considered emo by almost everyone. Is it because they do not use few power chords with lot's of distortion and screams? I hope this emo fashion ends soon. What are your feelings about this topic?
EDIT : I have some skinny jeans. Every time I wear them I am called emo. I am not emotional... but for a strange reason I am emo because of my clothing. This is stupid.
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