Social Security shouldn't be axed, but it should be fixed.
a) make it optional( if it is even an option at this point since the program is in debt and people are starting to retire)
b) keep the money put into SS AWAY from government budget
Fixing is good. But if you only fix it, the program is still enormously expensive. Tack on the debt servicing, military, and infrastructure maintenance, and you have a hefty bill right there. Now, when most of the money in the country is earned by a small minority, it means that in order to raise enough to continue to function, you need to tax that minority more. If you use a flat tax, you'll either end up with not enough money coming in, or with a tax which is too heavy on the people who don't make nearly as much.
Let's say one guy earns $1 000 000 and another earns $50 000. A 30% tax rate would bring in $315 000. It would leave the second guy with just $35 000. So let's lower it to 20%. Now the second guy is left with $40 000, but the goverment brings in just $210 000. That's a big drop that results in just $5000 more spending cash for the second guy. Most people in America earn closer to $50 000 than they do to $1 000 000. So you can see the problem with the flat tax here. The government would never be able to bring in enough cash while at the same time ensuring that the vast majority of people in the country pay a realistic amount of tax.
There's only so much pie to go around. Take more pie, pay for more pie. Or the pie stops getting made.
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