[QUOTE="Ontain"] but it's the US that is overspending these days.On3ShotOneKill
true, but we are not in an arm's race (something we cannot drop out of)and we can pull back before its too late. Many would argue we need to do that now, but there is still time.
Bojangles, I admire your optimism and the many others who say that "America will never collapse, maybe just decline." However, that is a very naive thing to say, and it is just as foolish to say as: "America will definately collapse, it's the end of the world". There are no absolutes in the future, but I personally believe the U.S. is headed towards its own destruction for various historical, economic, political, and logical reasons. If the U.S. does have a Roman-like fall, it will send the entire modern world and prehaps all of humanity into some of its darkest days, due to Globalization and the presence of nuclear weaponry.
On the question of "Is America an Empire?" , that is certainly a yes. I would say an empire is not defined by how much physical land it has, but by the militaristic, economic, and cultural dominance/expansion it has. Lets look at each catagory;):
Military: The United States is the only nation with military installations around the world, to the tune of 700+. The USSR collapsed almost 20 years ago, and we still need all of that power projection? For what? We also have 11 Supercarriers with the sole purpose of naval dominance. What is the need to dominate the Sea with the largest Navy/Carrier force in the world? Not not even Russia or China had anywhere near that number of GIANT carriers, yet we still built more. We are acountry fighting two of the longest wars in its history and also out spend Russia, China, Brtain, France, and India combined in terms of defense spending. This is what I would call Military Over-expansionism. The Romans did suffer from this against the Gauls in the latter part of their history, just like the USSR during the Cold War.
Economy: Our currency the USD is the World Reserve Currency.This gives the U.S. unmatched purchasing power and makes it much easier for us to go into debt without consequences(somewhat). It also makes us vital to the world economy due to the circulation of Dollars, Oil being traded in the USD, and the World's second and third largest economies having a masssive holding of U.S. Treasury Bonds. We have made ourselves an economic hegemony, and have become truely vital to the rest of the world for the most part. We go down, most every1 else does too. This certainly does not mean we are invincible, as we may soon discover.
Cultural: Too damn long to explain, but stuff like Hollywood, Elvis, Micheal Jackson, U.S.Constitution, etc.I think you guys can at least agree with me on this one :P
I view history as the most epic story of all time. The lesson the U.S. may teach we currently living people? You reap what you sow. A priceless lesson that many people do learn. None of this is certainly certain though:P and we all have to just wait and see. Just my 2 cents ;)
2 cents? More like a hundred bucks.
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