Robin Hood is gay :o Maid Marion is gonna be devastatedxaos
In this movie he's not gay :P Take that.
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I voted for the UK, although being British I'm slightly bias. I have read about and watched documentaries on American history, although I found it boring.
The "who invented what" derailment a few pages back was a funny read, too.
[QUOTE="xaos"]Robin Hood is gay :o Maid Marion is gonna be devastatedairshocker
In this movie he's not gay :P Take that.
Maybe that's why it's so terrible?Maybe that's why it's so terrible?TELLMEYOURLIFE
To each their own. It was one of my favorite movies this year.
I do know some of British history, I don't know all of it but I know a lot of it.
The internet was invented in America though and you can't have the internet without a computer. Look who invented the computer
But now you're completely contradicting yourself. First you said you don't know much of UK history, now you say you don't just know some but you know a LOT. Which is it?
Second, the computer was never 'invented'. Nobody one day said 'EUREKA!' and made a computer. The first *working* computer was actually made in Manchester, England, which is often credited as the city which invented the computer. Even that is inaccurate however, because computers is such an ambiguos term that some historians cite machines made as long ago as the 1600s as being 'computers'.
You wikipedia article relates to the modern day PC as we know it, which was put into proper production by IBM. That by no means = 'invention'.
Pointless debate is pointless however. Like i said, inventing stuff does not = great history.
I live in Manchester. ^_^
Goes to show...I skipped it cause it wasn't interesting.:PI voted for the UK, although being British I'm slightly bias. I have read about and watched documentaries on American history, although I found it boring.
The "who invented what" derailment a few pages back was a funny read, too.
I guess the UK,as
They got a longer history.
The strangest and and most uneak royal line. Of all the royal lines in Europe, Briton's always seem to stand out in history. From the greats like Richard and Elizabeth, to those that dissolved into insanity like Mary and George III.
the uk has way more history then america does by far. the first records come about 2000 years ago when the romans came
I do know some of British history, I don't know all of it but I know a lot of it.
The internet was invented in America though and you can't have the internet without a computer. Look who invented the computer
But now you're completely contradicting yourself. First you said you don't know much of UK history, now you say you don't just know some but you know a LOT. Which is it?
Second, the computer was never 'invented'. Nobody one day said 'EUREKA!' and made a computer. The first *working* computer was actually made in Manchester, England, which is often credited as the city which invented the computer. Even that is inaccurate however, because computers is such an ambiguos term that some historians cite machines made as long ago as the 1600s as being 'computers'.
You wikipedia article relates to the modern day PC as we know it, which was put into proper production by IBM. That by no means = 'invention'.
Pointless debate is pointless however. Like i said, inventing stuff does not = great history.
I live in Manchester. ^_^
I go to the University of Manchester. >.>U.S. hasn't been around nearly as long. So much awesome U.K. history. I'd put my money on the U.S. for the past few hundred years though.
[QUOTE="TELLMEYOURLIFE"]Maybe that's why it's so terrible?airshocker
To each their own. It was one of my favorite movies this year.
Didn't touch past epics like Gladiator though.
That's how we roll.China and Japan are alot more interesting. Though if only out of those two, I'd go with the UK. Do you guys know that China's harsh drug laws (death penalty for all smugglers/dealers) is due to the british ruining the country for money?
That's how we roll.[QUOTE="Espada12"]
China and Japan are alot more interesting. Though if only out of those two, I'd go with the UK. Do you guys know that China's harsh drug laws (death penalty for all smugglers/dealers) is due to the british ruining the country for money?
Pretty much, the British and pretty much Europeans have been a scourge on the world throughout history. No offense to anyone, just facts.
The UK has just been around for so much longer than we have, it would be inaccurate to say our history was more interesting imo.
I'd say it depends on how far back you looked, and wether or not your inquiries are about who was the biggest douchebag.
That's how we roll.[QUOTE="Espada12"]
China and Japan are alot more interesting. Though if only out of those two, I'd go with the UK. Do you guys know that China's harsh drug laws (death penalty for all smugglers/dealers) is due to the british ruining the country for money?
yep, little old us bullied the chinese into letting us ship drugs through their ports, just thinking about that seems insane
our history is great, get out and see some national trust / heritage property, a couple of jacobean / georgian / victorianmansions etc just in the middle of nowhere, its brilliant and they're pretty much all over
I don't know... I might have to wait another 75 years. But, for now, the UK.
(Ironically, I'm from the US! :P)
The US. Yeah, the UK has been around longer, but most of its history to me is just soul-crushingly boring. The only really interesting parts were the English Civil War, and the events of the late 18th-20th centuries. The US was founded by ingenious Enlightenment thinkers, conquered a continent, and rose to become the anchor of the Liberal Democratic world.
The US. Yeah, the UK has been around longer, but most of its history to me is just soul-crushingly boring. The only really interesting parts were the English Civil War, and the events of the late 18th-20th centuries. The US was founded by ingenious Enlightenment thinkers, conquered a continent, and rose to become the anchor of the Liberal Democratic world.
The British did a similar thing, except they conquered two-thrids of the world.
Just about every Western European nation in my opinion has a more interesting history than the United States.
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