Ehm, guys...there is no population "crisis" in the US.jointed
If anything, that's my point. Overpopulation isn't even a problem right now. And while there have been some dire predictions about overpopulation made in the past, isn't it the case that worldwide population growth has actually SLOWED DOWN quite a bit over the last decade or so?
So...I think that the worldwide population crisis in general is sort of blown out of proportion by some people.
But most specifically, this is the first that I have EVER heard anyone mentioning a population crisis in the USA. Maybe someone can back up a USA population crisis by posting some new statistics concerning annual population growth vs annual death rates, with immigration and emigration taken into account.
But I have NEVER had the slightest inkling that the USA faces such a population crisis.
So...can someone actually show that there IS such a population crisis in the USA?
IF there is no such crisis, then WHY are people even talking about the government restricting the number of children that people in the USA can have? If there is no crisis, then WHY allow the government to tell you how many freaking children you can have? Why would you people WANT government to exercise that kind of control, PARTICULARLY if the USA does NOT face a population crisis?
The sad thing is, I've heard inklings of this noted upon, even if it was unintentional. Yes, it has been pointed out that people in poverty have higher birth rates than people who are financially sound. Yes, it has been pointed out that minorities in the USA tend to be more poor than white people. Yes, it has been pointed out that rich people don't have many children anyway, so on the whole they would be likely less affected than poor people. And yes, there have been MANY posts in this thread which have been complaining about how it would be inherently a BAD thing for white people to become a minority.
Connect the dots.
Is there REALLY a population crisis? Is the "population crisis" in the USA really so dire that the USA should implement a policy on the maximum number of children that people can have?
Or is that just a (possibly subconscious) desire to selectively impose penalties on the poor, thereby ensuring that the poor REMAIN poor, while simultaneously ensuring that the USA remains predominantly white?
Too many minorities are prospering here. The number of white people is dwindling. Let's fix that by imposing penalties for having kids. Doesn't affect ME in the least, since I am a rich white American. But that DOES hurt the poor black kids living near me by making them less likely to rise above poverty. The result being that Rich White American Me gets to be unaffected by abominable social policies that **** all over the struggling lower class. And hey, as an added benefit, my white gated community gets to remain white! Everyone wins (except for the poor, but **** them). Let's institute such horrible and unethical social policies as a reaction to a "crisis" which actually DOES NOT EXIST. :roll:
Or we could talk about WHY certain nations and certain demographics tend to have such high population growth, and fix the CAUSES of population growth. If countries with HUGE segments of the population in absolute poverty tend to have the HIGHEST population growth rates, and countries full of rich people tend to have the LOWEST rates of population growth, maybe we could solve the "population crisis" by focusing on geting more people out of poverty? Maybe instead of ****ing on the poor and making it even more difficult for the poor to escape poverty, perhaps we could solve the "population crisis" by helping more people to GET OUT OF POVERTY?
I don't know, it's just an idea. Probably a stupiud one at that.
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