I think stepnkev makes a good point, why does it matter so much to people who don't do drugs? To me, the big question is what effect will it have on society? Is it going to increase acess to the drug for young people? Not with age laws in place. Is it going to create and epidemic? Technically this country has never seen a drug epidemic, and I doubt a drug that doesn't create physical dependence is going to create an epidemic when opium couldn't create an epidemic when it was legalized almost exclusively for use as a recreational drug. I don't think non-users would even be able to notice the difference, all it would mean is a few distributers, some smoke lounges and bars, and small personal gardens. It'd be no different than the liqour stores, bars, and hookah lounges we have now.
The whole point we're arguing is the validity of a law. How can you argue validity just based on the fact that it's a law in the first place? That's circular logic.
Cannabis relaxes certain types of pain. I believe neurological and muscle pain are the primary types, and it helps a lot with pain caused by circulation problems like glaucoma. If you look at some pain relievers used in treating chemo pain, you have to take a myriad of drugs, most of them alleviating side effects of other ones. Weed can solve most of them with no side effects (chemo patients can take a pill form.)
Calvin- Wow, calvin, I don't know where to start. Of all of cannabis' health effects, brain deterioration is the least documented and studied. If you're going to argue on that point, anyways, why don't we criminalize alcohol? It also deteriorates the brain at an alarming rate, causes chirrosis, kidney damage, puts you at increased risks for heart attacks and strokes, damages your cardiovascular system, causes exponentially more driving deaths per year than cannabis, and unlike cannabis you can overdose on it. In fact, too much consumption can cause death in a couple of ways with alcohol (poisoning, choking on vomit), while it's physically impossible to consume a lethal dosage of cannabis.
Cannabis has been the reason for murder? In what way? And as previously mentioned, many cannabis, "substitutes," have adverse side efects that are either taken as a necessary evil or are treated with more drugs that often have more side effects. As for your dad being a doctor, the AMA is admittedly pro-temperance for all drugs, including tobacco and aclohol. Social factors are never going to allow either of those to be criminalized, so why is it so different for weed? Also, is he a scientist? Does he study these things? Is he receiving studies on this type of thing? If so, I'm not going to just take his word. As I've previously mentioned, many studies don't receive approval unless they set out with the goal of reinforcing current theories about the drug, whether there's real evidence or not.
You're saying pot turns people into killers? HAH! Just try and find a case of murder where being high was determined to be the motive. Thosestoriesabout cannabis turning people into maniacs are nothing more than lies and fabrications. And you're talking about rehab? There is no scientific evidence that says cannabis causes physical dependence. In fact, all research says it DOESN'T cause physical dependence. People whose lives are affected by cannabis, that's a good one. Michael Phelps smokes weed and he won eight gold medals, but you're right, before the Olympics he was probably huddling in a street corner begging for change to score his next hit.
Cannabis is less harmful than tobacco. Even if you prove it does 100% put you at as much risk for lung cancer as tobacco, it still does not cause bronchitis or empysema, where tobacco has an adverse effect on your pulminary system cannabis actually strengthens it, not to mention all the other health benefits cannabis has. Mentally addictive, that's a good one. Soda is mentally addictive, and more physically addictive than cannabis, and it can cause obesity, dental problems, increased heart rate, increased stress, and diabetes. Maybe we should think about criminalizing soda.
Why leagalize cannabis? Medical use, relative safety of the drug, economic reasons, to stop prosecution of non-violent users, take a chunk of income away from cartels, need I go on?
How did he come to this conclusion? Were there other drugs involved? Did he account for pre-existing conditions?
Chronic use does NOT cause schizophrenia. I've seen that study, it's total junk science. Case in point that you shouldn't believe everything you read.
Bd- you open your position up to a lot of criticism if you use that argument, however you are right in that, harmful or not, its effects are within socially accepted tolerances, so why is it made out to be worse than drugs like cocaine and heroine when there is no scientific evidence that supports these claims?
A55assin- I find your post hilarious. You say the whole country is going to go downhill if weed is legalized, then admit that there are more dangerous legal drugs that remain legal because of the income they generate. Thank you for proving my point for me.
So you're arguing that just using drugs pre-disposes you to abuse of hard drugs? If that's the case, why isn't everyone who drinks out trying to score meth and heroine? And do you know what they did as an economic boon during the depression? De-criminalized alcohol. There are fourteen and a half million cannabis users in America and eight and a half illicit drug users. If cannabis really predisposed people to drug abuse, don't you think that there would be a few more illicit drug users than there are now?
Drj- so because cannabis was used in conjunction with other drugs it can be labeled just as harmful as them? Does the fact that many illicit drug users also use cannabis mean cannabis predisposes them to harder drugs? Does the fact that a majority of cannabis users do not use illicit drugs not mean anything by that logic, then?
Are you really condemning someone for getting good grades? Christ, no wonder people can justify throwing around the word, "elitist," so much. This person's achieveing, they're probably going to get into a moderately good college, and if they continue to achieve and expand their mind there they'll contribute greatly to society, and you're going to criticize them for getting A's and B's in high school? High school's basically an audition for college anyways.
McJugga- are you talking grade average? If you are, mine's over 90% this semester, nice to meet you.
Panic- MM was saying that people thought tobacco was harmless at first and then it was proven to actually be harmful. he wasn't saying cannabis is harmful, he was saying that isn't the best analogy to make for cannabis criminalization.
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