When dealing this topic, tension will almost inexorably grow harsher the deeper the conversation grows. It is so because in the end, this is a yay nay discussion (binary choice), but with many angles to be covered, and most of them are relative or even go to philosophical realms. However whichever your point is, the final question is: Do we legally allow abortion as a medical treatment or do we ban it? It is a final question because whether you are pro-choice or pro-life, what we are in the end fighting is this: Allow it legally or ban it. If you are pro-choice you will not ask forums about a desicion you have already made, and if you are pro-life you will not be arguing about why you do not have abortions.
So, when dealing with abortion, the real deal is not about ethics or biology. It is a legal discussion. It is about if we allow this conduct in legal grounds (whether you choose to do one or not) or we ban it.
Being that said it is necessary to ask why do we have rules or what are our laws. Legal systems and laws are best described by Social Contract (I know that it is not the only explanation, but IMO it deals best with what laws are made for).
Social contract describes a broad c|ass (avoid censor) of theories that try to explain the ways in which people form states to maintain social order. The notion of the social contract implies that the people give up some rights to a government or other authority in order to receive or maintain social order through the rule of law. It can also be thought of as an agreement by the governed on a set of rules by which they are governed.
Basically what social contract says is this: You laws are made so we dont kill/hurt each other. We accept these bans so we can keep a society working. Or if you want to it say this way, whatever you do, do not hurt anyone else. That is the base of -almost- every legal system. If you are doing something do not hurt a third person. Laws (except in the case of religious states, like some from in Middle east) DO NOT deal with matters of morality, good, bad, ugly, fair. It is either legal or not, no matter how disgusting it is. Proof below.
If you decide to take a hammer and smash your testicles with it, there is no law which forbids it. Why? Because you can do whatever you want if you dont hurt a third person.
If you decide to eat for a whole month glass and only glass, ripping your throat and bowels, there is no law which forbids it. Why? Because whatever you do, you should not hurt anyone else.
If you wish to destroy your house and burn the remains, making yourself a beggar at the moment, you should not better burn the tree next house, because that is not according to the legal system.
I repeat and no doubt about it. You can do anything. It can be bad, gross, inhuman, unhealthy, criminal, sad, silly, dangerous and scary; but if ut does not affect someone else, the law doesnt concern. The case of drugs is different. The ban is made because politicians say that the use of drugs tend to make society dangerous and with criminal tendencies, thus damaging a third one.
Moving back to our topic, and this is the hardest part to take (but in no part fake): Abortion doesnt meddle with the core of laws, Social Contract. Abortion does not damage a third party or society. Before you start typing, FLAMES about how a fetus is a human and you are killing someone, get this straight.
The earliest stage of pregnancy is mute. No one could tell the difference between a non-pregnant woman and a woman who has 9 weeks. No one could tell which one is pregnant and which is not.
Point is that, except from the woman making an abortion and her doctor, no one could tell. No one else is being harmed, no one is being damaged and the woman is making what she wants. You may still ask : What about the baby being killed?? Isnt that murder??
Let us assume for a moment that abortion is the killing of human beings. This is a benefit of doubt and not to be discussed. Imagine that a woman has an abortion.
The woman kills the little human inside her by aborting, but still hasnt broken the Social Contract. Why? Because that little living human being wasnt a part of the society. The little killed human being, was not regarded as a third person yet. The act of killing that precious little life with an abortion, will not create social tension and will bring relief. The monstruous act did not interfere with the basic premise of every law we have. Keep the society together by avoiding everyone else killing/damaging amongst themselves. The horrendous manslaughter, which an abortion is, an act as discrete as going to visit the doctor.
People may argue that abortion is killing, that it is cruel, that it is the worst, but point is: Laws do not follow morality, justice or anything else. It is about keeping society from damaging each other.
You may dislike it and it is your right. But just because you dont like it, doesnt mean you should ban it.
Ps. Mods, dont exaggerate.
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