and once again,You have no Idea what you are talking about.But i'll explain briefly.
Plenty of Jews follow tenents in which they attempt to hoard power and assets amongst themselves. Are you honestly going to deny this?
As for conversions, this depends entirely on your ideological beliefs and isn't shared by all the Jews. Not every practicing Jew and Rabbi believes in the same ideologies you do.
American Jews != Zionist Jews != Azkanazi Jews != Sephardic Jews != Orthodox Jews != Ethnic Jews
There are so many flavors of Judism that pretending that they all follow your perspective is laughable.
Again-You don't know what you are talking about.
1)there is no such thing as zionist judaism. Zionism has nothing to do with religion-it's a national movement.I'm a zionist and i'm an atheist.
2)There is no such thing as an ethnic jew.
3)Judaism is thus divided.
A) Orthodox-The main large ****cal judaism-the sole sect of Judaism until the 19th century.Inside the Orthodox belief there are differences in some traditions that grew out of geograpgical location-Ashkenazi,Mizrahi and spharadi. they are almost completely identicalidentical with minor changes in prayer sequences,for example.
B)Reform,conservative etc. etc.-only prominent in The US,came to be in the 19th century as an attmept to "modernize" Judaism.It's none-existent Outside the US-Those sects are unrecognized by the Orthodox majority...[see below]
* Just look at the conversion bill that is highly debated in Israel right now. One that is so controversial that the heads of your state claim it will can split the nation to the extent that groups will stop marrying amongst each other. Why is this controversial? because based on Orthodox Rabbinical Law, many of the "Jewish Converts" that exist today aren't even technically Jewish. Many of the Russian migrants for example would not be categorized as Jews because of their highly mixed non-Jewish lineage.
The proposed law is by the Haredy Orthodox parties in the knesset(who are also anti-zionists Btw)-It's about decalring the Orthodox school the only one with power in Israel in regards to recognized conversion. It's not about the russian jews at all it's about alienating the jews of america (for the reasons above).
The only way it affects any one inside Israel is making It harder to convert.I don't even know what you're on about....
* You just jailed a man for two years for rape. When all he did was say he had a Jewish name, but it turns out hes Arab. LOL... WTF?
Me? That wasn't about religion,either. It was about what is considered rape. People were arrested before with rape by deception-this went on the news because of the manner of the deception which brought up the jewish-arab issue...
This is another topic however.
* The MASSIVE protests in Israel by Orthodox Ashkenazi Jews who don't want their kids going to school with Sephardic Jews. Why? Because the Arab-looking / Middle Easter / Sephardic Jews aren't "Jewish enough".
Haredy jews. They are racists-deal with it. They are anti-zionists,free loading bunch that lives off the state of Israel because of voting power.
Said vote was brought by represantation of this public.I'm not generalizing the entire public-but most of them are a secluded bunch that refuse to be educated in anything other than talmud and gmara-and Adhere to their rabbis for political opinion. Ther are not to be taken seriously(most of them..)
Bro, you're trying to propagate absolutele half-truth and fundementally incorrect things to someone who actually follows ME events.
Me? anything and everything in this post is a giant half-truth....Post ONE thing that Isaid which was wrong-ONE.
That isn't exactly true.. Zionism though started as a labor movment does have some religious undertone for some of the followers.. Now this isn't suggesting the entire movement is that.. Just saying.
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