People kill for a reason. Theres no such thing as EVIL! Humans are born with major flaws from day one were ruled by our genetics and by our upbringing. Who ever came up with the idea that humans have free will was giving us FAR too much credit. Our ability to control ourselves and make informed decisions is limited, at best, to a very narrow range of situations. Most of us live in a world with few extremes. Due to our genes we dont suffer from extreme emotions. Due to our upbringings we are taught how to behave to keep the society functioning, and most of us are capable of understanding these concepts easily enough. Other people however arent so lucky!!!!
When someone goes to commit an attrocity do you really think they know what they are doing? Do you think their thought processes in any way resemble what you or I (average "sane" people, I assume)think in those times?Its easy to say that you wouldnt do that if you were in their shoes .... but the truth is that you would! If you had their exact genetic and chemical disposition, combined with their exact upbringing and were faced with exactly the same situation as them you would do exactly what they did. Because you would be them, and thats the only time you can ever fairly compare.
Murders and such are commited primarily because of anger (or a similarly strong emotion), a physical condition (which some people are far more succeptible to than others due to genetics and upbringing)caused by chemicals in the body which make a person less consciously in control of their actions. Alternatively there are psychopaths, whose brains from birth simply do not work like ours. Can we really blame people for acting the way they were (to put it in technical terms) built and then programmed to act?
Personally I blame society, and I blame God (except since I dont believe in him I blame evolution for being, understandably, a flawed process). I do not blame the individuals and therefore cannot condone killing them. Im not saying they should be removed from society to a place where they cant hurt again, but killing them? No thanks.
I believe in evil as much as I do unevil. Yes, I believe those who commit atrocities know they are doing wrong, and they do it anyway, for whatever reason they're doing it. My thought processes are in no way "average" or "normal", and yet I'm able to be "sane" and "productive". If murderers can't control themselves, then they need to be put down. Yes, I can blame them, and even if I couldn't, I would still think they need to be removed. Yes, let's blame society :|. That's the solution.
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