Seriously, I dont get why such a strong ban on marijuana when we have cigarrettes and cigars. Some say because it is bad for health. Well, I may be new in this world but for as what I know, tobacco kills by millions. Tobacco kills people who smoke and sickens people who just are near smokers. Itis arguably possibly the most addictive thing thereis (except for substances which create a physical dependency)if we are talking about mental addiction. And it has no REAL beneficial effect. It calms? Yes, but so does marijuana. I'd say legalize the "drug", or ban tobacco, if legislators were "sincerely" worried about our health.
And going a little further on comparisons, what about alcohol Vs. Marijuana. I admit that research has demonstrated that alcohol in small doses is beneficial. One cup/glass of beer, wine, wodka and even tequila may be beneficial, but so marijuana can be. And both marijuana and alcohol can be toxic and fatal. However, when talking about alcohol no one would even dare to ban it again, even though alcohol + car is one of the biggest causes of death. Marijuana, on the contrary of alcohol, does not cause euphoria (followed by depression), but rather soothes and calms people. So, if drunk people are dangerous because they are euphoric, people on marijuana are less dangerous, for they are "doped" (or calmed if you wish to say it).
So, what is the big fuzz against marijuana when we accept more toxic and dangerous substances?
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