[QUOTE="Rhazakna"][QUOTE="Dub_c6969"][QUOTE="The_Mac_Daddy"] [QUOTE="Dub_c6969"]I'm not saying it was a inside job but if it was really something that just came out of no where why did the company stocks of the airlines plummet right before those attacks happen? I'm not saying it was a inside job but someone inside the U.S knew about it and did nothing to prevent it. We have way to much technology coupled with the (CSS, NSA, DIA, DHS, DoD - CIFA) to let something like that just get by us with out us knowing.Dub_c6969
I'd like to know where you got your info of the airlines stocks "plummeting" right before the attacks. And how would the U.S. know about it? The technology isn't THAT good..
One of y'all can be planning an attack right now and I doubt the gov. would know anything about it. It would be a lot harder to pull off a 9/11 now, since it happened security is a LOT tighter. But before, things were much more lax. It wouldn't have been too hard to sneak some boxcutters on a plane, then take the thing over.
You can just look at America airlines and united airlines stock profile and see that people put "PUTS" on the their stock on 911 and right on the same day they all went through making the stock fall very sharply, Ther for someone in the US knew about the attacks! It did not just happen out of thin air, but anyway i will find a old backlog of the compnay stocks give me a few minuets.
You do know the government doesn't control the market, right (not completely, at least)? What do stocks have to do with an inside job?
Ok im not saying it was in "inside Job" and i know the market has nothing to do with the government, what I am saying is how did the U.S the most powerful country in world just let 911 happen and said this came out of know where, The stocks of the those companies went down right before the attacks happen! If the attacks just came out of KNOW WHERE how did that many people know when to sell their put options on those companies?
What im saying is that the government could have stop it from happing but I THINK they just let it happen to give bush an excuse to go to war with IRAQto get you know whatOIL, we need oil and you and me both no that. IRAQ is sitting on TONS of oil and OIL is power in today's world and what does America like POWER.
So no im not saying that U.S had something to do with 911 I think it was something that could have been avoided but was not so it could be an excuse to go to war to find WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION
People say well how would the government hide this, well they didn't im sure they knew that those people were planning the attacks and they let it happen so they would not have to really hide anything and gave them an excuse to go to iraq for that OIL o um I mean Fight terrorist and find WMD.
lmao. your post is comical.
First off, the Iraq invasion happened about a year and a half AFTER 9/11 happened. If we really wanted to go to Iraq, why would we go to Afghanistan, then a year and a half later, finally go to Iraq? Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.
If we really wanted to go to war with Iraq, why in the hell would we make this elaborate plan of terrorists from al queda hijacking planes to kill 3,000 of our own people? There are much simpler ways than that. Not only that, but why would we blame it on al queda and osama bin laden, which has nothing to do with Iraq?? If we really used 9/11 to go to war with Iraq, and it was an inside job, don't you think that we would have placed some blame on Iraq somehow? Saying 9/11 was staged to go to war with Iraq for oil is beyond dumb.
The reason we went to Iraq was a seperate issue altogether. Sadaam has been thought of for a while as building chemical weapons, and even weapons of mass destruction. He wasn't telling us ****. Keeping it all secret. You don't want to risk a leader like that getting their hands on powerful weapons, and him not letting anybody know about it.
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