1stq: why do people drink? it's alcohl! and alcohol burns the skin, and i heared one of my teachers say that alcohol burns the mouth, and alcohol also destroys the liver, and the liver z important part of the body and it has more than 500 jobs and a factory n the size of london can't even do 1 job! and the islam forbid alcohol drinks.
2ndq: why do people take drugs? it's not food or drink, it's other things that r bad 4 the body, i don't know much about drugs.
3rdq: why do people smoke cigare? it's smoke, poison, bug killer and necottean, they say when u put the necottean of the cigar n your blood it could kill the human, don't forget it contains tar! and it's smoke and brings lungs cancer.
imagine that a lot of people around the world do and die these things and it makes the most die recordes around the world.
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