Unless you quit butchering my quotes which makes a mess of trying to respond...I'm not going to continue. I already explained pages ago what I mean when I say pop. Yes...Madonna is pop. There is a difference between songs having structure and following a pop formula. The Beatles had structure. Emotion is expected in music. It is a part of the discipline. When absent the music is sterile. See Yngwie for one not able to replicate emotion.
I didn't break up your last post. There might have been some of my quotes in there, but it was an accident, I assure you.
And no, you never defined pops. Where did you do that?
Also, all songs that are not random noise have structure. But The Beatles did radically change the structure of their music.
Show me where it is written in stone that emotion is "expected" in music. And even if it is expected, expectation/=/objectivity.
Whether one can replicate emotion or not is subjective. What I find emotional, you may not and vice-versa.
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