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being out on my own as an adult was much better, and my life seems to get better and better the older I get.xaosI agree 100%. I'm much happier now than I was even a year ago and I only see it getting better no matter what gets thrown at me.
I dont know why people say that as well. Im in my junior year and its killing me. School is taking up my drawing time. So many test in 1 week.. my god. But hey thats life :D
High school was some of the worst years of my life. I almost ended it all my junior friends, I felt worthless, teased all the time, and I was pretty bad at everything. I was flunking all my classes, I often cried myself to sleep.Bad times. :(Luckily, senior year was better, and so far college is starting off pretty well. :)
High school were the worst years of my life. I was bullied a lot and was also teased a lot and was made fun of because I looked different from the other kids at school. I didn't have any good friends and the two I did betrayed meand left me later on. I was pretty much an social outcast in high school.
I'd say the last 2 years of highschool were the best for me as i was one of those at the top of the food chain and i had alot more success with girls then and barely anyone ****** with me.
Now in University its abit hard i'm just always busy like always busy and only do something social with friends like once a fortnight.
But its still pretty good,
I love high school. Every day it's something new. I love the interactions I have with people. I don't mean to sound condescending at all, but I go to a private school. only about 300 kids go to my school, so you know almost everyone. People who I have met who went to public always seem to have a bad experience. Also, it's what you make of it and the attitude you bring to it. Go in with a great attitude and it will work out. Go in hating it, then you will hate it
I don't get it either. I'm so glad I got out of the hellhole called "high school" alive.I mean, it really dosen't seem all that great to me.
I just had my wallet stolen today, I work at a freaken supermarket, which is incredibly boring and dull.
I personally just can't wait until next year when I'm free to study at uni and work in better and more exciting jobs and go travelling and meet nice women.
High School sucks
[QUOTE="Michael0134567"]Quoted for truth. *Bro fist*.High School sucks,but then again,so does school in general.
im in high school right now and its filled with over dramatic people. its annoying.
Same here,bra.There's drama like every day.
im in my second year of high school, andi love it, do i think its the best years of my life?? probably not, but it is stilt good :)
Because once you leave then you're put into the real world. And the real world sucks, unless you're Bruce Willis or something.
Combination of little responsibility, feeling of indestructability, and a load of 'new' experiences condensed into a short time frame - many people will never have such a flurry of new experiences ever again, hence it can be an amazing voyage of discovery, and therefore for some the best time life can offer. Sure with age we get wisdom/responsibility/comfort with ourselves that may mean we're happier in general, but getting drunk, delving into a smorgasbord of mind altering substances, getting down to some serious rumpy pumpy etc for the first time is one to be cherished.
Unoless you were bullied that is.
Because it should be. You're old enough to do almost anything you want, you're socially independent, and you have no responsibility. It's the perfect combination for awesome.
I agree with this post!
I have fond memories of high school. *sigh* :')
lol it definetly wanst the best years for me! I guess it depends on your luck and outlook in High School. My school was small and extremely cruddy. I was a shy kid coming into High School, and school only made me worse off. Days flew by without me even realizing it. I was bored of my classes, since they were so easy. I hated my peers since they were immature and stupid (though I'm sure the tides have turned over time). They hated me back for...I guess being shy. They didn't understand that, so they assumed I hated them (I thought their antics were violent and retarded, but I still wanted to make a good impression).I mean, it really dosen't seem all that great to me.
I just had my wallet stolen today, I work at a freaken supermarket, which is incredibly boring and dull.
I personally just can't wait until next year when I'm free to study at uni and work in better and more exciting jobs and go travelling and meet nice women.
High School sucks
The best time I had in High School was
a) being alone. I ditched school a lot in my last 2 years. Came to be counted for attendance and left. I left to go to the library to study for Regents exams (that didnt mean **** anyway) and SAT exam (which also didnt mean much since I could only afford public universities). Exploring the city and going into neighborhoods my parents would kill me if they knew. Taking long walks and philosophising about pointless **** It was fun. I actually don't think I'll ever have that sort of freedom again. I
b) hanging with ma gf and friends outside of high school.
Truth is that High School is a confusing and annoying point in time. You're both mature enough to do things on your own, yet too immature to make your own decisions about life. Plus, the people around you are more likely to be even more immature than you are (you are at least asking about it. Most people in High School don't reflect on ****).
Save that energy for college. Go to a large University and have fun. Get involved in school and thow water balloon condoms at your roomates in dorms. Play Smash Bros for 2 days straight. Drink 10 jello shots at a frat party. Do well enough on your SAT's (I was the unfortunate victim of the 1st Writing parts that mattered...I'm sure they've devised a ton of counters for those by now). Find yourself in college.
Its your last year in HS, right? Look at it as your last year of freedom from responsability. Nothing you do in terms of grades besides SAT/ACT will matter. Do well enough and ditch. Ditch often. Smoke some weed. Do whatever fills your hearts content that doesn't get you killed or arrested.
Cause you get to have sex every week with beautiful cheerleaders obviously.
I like your message and your sig.
I've been asking myself that since the very first day i got there...
the people who say that were popular
I feel that if you think High School was the best years of your life, then I'm sorry but you did something wrong to feel that way. If four years of your adolscent years were the best compared to your twenty, thirties, fourties, fifties, sixties, etc. then something is truely wrong. I could not have been more estatic to leave High School and move on to University which is much better than High School. I actually look forward to the years ahead in my life, it will be exciting to get a career, do something you love for years on end, and have financial freedom.
i have no kids, no wife, no gf. am free from my parents and have more free time now than i did in highschool and a great paying job.....also i still hangout with my HS friends (though we now all live spread over the globe. just means we travel further to hang out). soooooo yeah life now is betterl
Cause you get to have sex every week with beautiful cheerleaders obviously.
I like your message and your sig.
Thanks :oops: I get that alotI can tell. I don't know about "high school..." but being 17 and 10 months old was probably the best time of my life. I worked in a record store, and all I did was party and get laid. Now I work for a robotics company and am responsible for million dollar orders, pay 20 dollars for a beer at some lame club, and ask my girlfriend if I can touch her boobs once a week. She usually says no :(.I've always wandered that. I sure as hell couldn't wait for those 4 years to fly by. Biggest waste of my time.
[QUOTE="soulless4now"]I can tell. I don't know about "high school..." but being 17 and 10 months old was probably the best time of my life. I worked in a record store, and all I did was party and get laid. Now I work for a robotics company and am responsible for million dollar orders, pay 20 dollars for a beer at some lame club, and ask my girlfriend if I can touch her boobs once a week. She usually says no :(. a better robot would be my adviceI've always wandered that. I sure as hell couldn't wait for those 4 years to fly by. Biggest waste of my time.
[QUOTE="stiggy321"][QUOTE="soulless4now"]I can tell. I don't know about "high school..." but being 17 and 10 months old was probably the best time of my life. I worked in a record store, and all I did was party and get laid. Now I work for a robotics company and am responsible for million dollar orders, pay 20 dollars for a beer at some lame club, and ask my girlfriend if I can touch her boobs once a week. She usually says no :(. a better robot would be my advice That or stop askingI've always wandered that. I sure as hell couldn't wait for those 4 years to fly by. Biggest waste of my time.
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