The UN is full of crap, I agree. But you are dead wrong about Osama Bin Laden not being responisble for 9-11, he even admitted to plotting it. Wow, conspiracy theory much? I personally have no problem with having an armed security on board an airplane, I don't think pedestrians should be allowed to bring a gun on a plane, but there should be some armed personell on board. The US does partly encourage terrorism in some countries by setting up dictator regimes and I think we should just stop that imperilism and foreginwarsfor poltitical BS reasons andstuff, IMO we should only go to war if we are directly attacked or a counrty is doing massive human rights violations, otherwise we shouldn't get involved. But that is still no excuse for what the terrorists do, and they are going to hate us no matter what.
The income tax is theft, I agree. But some taxation is needed, otherwise we wouldn't have police, schools, fire departments ect... I don't know why people arn't aware of this. The best thing to do IMO is to get rid of the income tax and implement a 10% market sales tax on all goods besides essentials (like food, medicne ect..) this way everyone would pay there fair share and there would be no artificial tax increases, plus it would get rid of loopholes.
It is our duty as Americans to regulate the government not the other way around. We decide what and how much the government should do, and when the government wastes money we should put a stop to it. But since we don't do anything about it we only have ourselves to blame. If we did this we wouldn't have any of these problems going on...
A national sales tax would only end up helping the rich and put a further burden on the poor and middle class.
The income tax already hurts poor and middle class americans and helps the rich. So it's obviously doing the exact thing your trying to argue against.
Rich people love the income tax because they don't pay it. They don't make a paycheck like everyone else does, they hide their money in off shore banks like Switzerland and investmant firms which you CANNOT tax. They also have personal accountants that know how to hide stuff.This is what's known as tax loop holes, andrich people exploit them like no tomorrow.
But guess what? Rich people still buy stuff andhaving a 10% sales/market tax would force them to pay their fair share just like everyone else. And people who are in poverty would be exempt from this system with some kind of voucher or something,they would be fine. In fact they would be better off, let me explain.
As I mentioned before the essentials like food and medicne ect... would be tax exempt. This would dirve the cost of these goods down in the market because the farmers who grow the food would'nt have to paythe income tax so they would'nt mark up their prices, and the stores that sell the food would do the same thing. Theywouldn'thave to raise the price of these things at all. The end result is that the food market would end up being low cost and more beneficail, plus the market would compete and drive pricesfurther down on all goods.
It's a shame thatpoor and middle income people gettrickedinto thinking the income tax benefits them.It doesn't, who are the people whokeep pushing forward for an income tax increase? Rich politicians, and you know why? Because they know they won't pay anything. Why would rich people support something that wouldn't benefit them? It doesn't make sense does it.
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