In response to your first question: The opposite of inflation is deflation. While some economists argue that a target of 0% inflation is ideal, such a target assures a low interest rate on investments, and necessarily increases the risk of deflation. It could be argued, and I certainly won't ramble about it here (the research is out there) that a low but steady inflation rate is typically beneficial, though 3.5% is rather high year-over-year. Inflation is, in effect, the product of economic activity. Be it on fiat currency or commodities-backed currency. Going back to the gold standard will not alleviate inflation, nor bring the inflation rate to 0%.HerrJosefK
Inflation isn't beneficial in the least, the fact that you think inflation benefits investments; suggests to me that you have misunderstood something. If you devalue the currency by 5%, and your stock values itself against the currency, you haven't gained anything. Your stock may be worth around 5% more, but the price to buy real goods and services will have also gone up. Inflation makes the stock market go up, but it hasn't gained any real value.
Inflation is simply a devaluation of the currency, most likely caused by a increase in the money supply; independant from an increase in goods and services. The currency is worth less, and while there are some people who will argue exports benefit from of a weaker currency; these arguments are not in favour of a continuously devaluing currency.
The only people who arguably benefit from inflation are debtors, as the value of their debts in real terms is being reduced. But this isn't a free gift, as they are essentially stealing buying power from anyone holding the currency. Everyone has their buying power devalued, which is hardly beneficial.
As for deflation, the only reason deflation is a bad thing; is because we are on a debt backed currency. Deflation on a gold standard is a great thing, as it increases the buying power of everyone holding the currency. On a debt currency, it creates a economic death spiral. One more reason to end the Fed.
In response to your second statement, to assume that I don't understand them undermines my education. The Fed is both private and public, the notion that it is a "private for profit organization" is political rhetoric, and I care little for political rhetoric or, for that matter, political theory in general. Historically it [fiat currency systems] has ended in disaster...when there weren't currencies used as reserve currencies (such as ours currently is today), when international trade in goods, services, and labor were at a minimum, and when foreign direct investment from one country to another was, again, at a minimum. To compare the adoption of fiat currency as it developed from the 17th century up to the present to China's adoption of fiat currency over 1000 years ago is rather delusional, yes. And that's what you just did. And here's the real zinger...with fiat currency, the federal reserve and other central banks have more power in controlling inflation than would be possible in a commodities-backed currency system (provided there hadn't been 10 years of consistent economic decline in the Western world.) Anyone who espoused his ideas in the 80's or 90's would have been lampooned in the media; his ideas and rhetoric have only gained traction to any degree because people are grasping at straws trying to find a solution. And guess what? Some of his solutions (like drastically reducing our welfare state) are sound, and I agree on his positions there. But when he talks about the fed I can't help but shake my head in disbelief.HerrJosefK
It is quite frankly arrogant to suggest that of all the times fiat currency has failed; we're going to get it right "this time". Well, we have only been on a fiat currency for 40 years, and we have already seen a 90%+ devaluation of the currency; when compared to when we were on a gold standard. To suggest we can manage it correctly is absolutely absurd, given the widespread and in clear sight evidence that we cannot.
One of the essential roles of money is to be a store of value. The fiat standard we are on today has failed, it has failed by any measurement; and it is only a matter of time until it collapses like the rest. When there is nothing restricting the creation of money, it always gets printed into oblivion, being able to create money out of thin air is too great a power for anyone to use responsibly; it always gets abused. And when it does fail, everyone always runs back to the tride and tested gold standard. Time and time again.
Tell me, how many government organisations are you aware of that have stock? That are a publicly traded company? Only private organisations sell shares, and the federal reserve has shares.
Look. I am asking you to watch these two videos. (glitchspot won't let me link)
Because the impression I keep getting from you is you aren't aware of how our modern money system works, and the role central banks play in them. Central banks create money from debt, and this is a inherently inflationary and unstable system.
^ Just for the fun if it.
Gold standard advocates make fun of that video, because his comments are absurd. I sincerely hope you don't actually believe central banks are hoarding gold, and just gold, out of "tradition". That said, I recommend you read the comments; and the objections to that article.
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