Capitalism and Socialism are both nesseccary for a society to work. You cannot have one without the other, doing so would be disasterous.
People that claim they hate capitalism are hypocrites, they still shop at stores, they still wear name brand products and clothes, capitalism gives a reason for people to work, to stive to get ahead.
This is like saying slavery gives people a reason to work, capitalism forces people to work for bosses due to the threat of starvation. We shop because we are traped within the capitalist system and are forced to partake in it.
You are free to shop where you want and find a new job if you want to. You are not a slave at all. Capitalism has it's flaws, and in some instances we can be "slaves" to debt and mortgage bills ect....but you are free to spend your hard earned money how you so choose. How is that slavery?
No, with a bad unemployment rate people are forced to grab the first job they land, so they can't even pick their bosses.
It encourages trade which generates wealth and the more people trade the less they fight, ideas and information are introduced and mixed. Capatilism is benefical to society.
Ideas and information are oftensuppressed by bosses or hiden from the public, have you heard of "intellectual property"?
This makes no sense.
In terms of cultures, groups that trade live in peace and intermingle, groups that do not go to war. Trade brings peace, it also birngs quality. It is because of capatilism that we have safer cars to drive, there was a person who made car A and made money, another person decided to make a car B that was safer to make profit. The first person then improved car A to compete, eventually all cars had safety features.
You are free at anytime to come up with a new idea and introduce it. I do not see how that is oppressed.
No, you are not. CEOs often supress ideas and even fire people just for asking. In corperations everyone is at the mercy of the CEO and takes orders from the top down.
If you buy a product from a mom and pop store your supporting not only the owners but also the manufacturer, which in turn gives them money so they can buy more things, perhaps from the company you work for, which in turn gives you money and keeps you employed.
Free markets are not democracies, a dollar can not count as a vote if some have have more than others.
They are democracies in a sense, people vote with their wallets. People buy the product that is in the most demand, or at the cheaper price or for any other number of reasons. You have every right to shop where you want to, I was explaining how they cycle worked.
If you buy orang juice at a store, your money is paying for the employees who work at the store, and they then order more orange juice which in turn pays for the truck drive to deliver the juice to that store, which then in turn pays for the manufacturers of that juice. It's a cycle and we are all part of it.
Of course there will always be some people who have more than others. Some deserve it, others do not. It is not perfect, but the current alternatives are disaterous.
Still not a democracy though, and there are plenty of better alternatives imo.
It's a cycle. It also encourages competition, if there was only one car maker the car could be an over priced pice of sh!t but you would have no choice but to drive it.
Top down hierarchysare not required for competition and efficiency. What if multiple cooperativescompeted with each other?
I don't understand, what hierachy are you referring to exactly? There are multiple car manufactures, they compete with each other and the consumer get's the best deal.
Corporate hierarchy; people take orders from the top down.
Because of Capatilism there are multiple cars and the consumer get's the better end of the deal because people are allowed to make and improve things for a profit. People who are against capatilism are anti-progress.
Capatilism is not required for progress, direct democracy and self management lets everyone share their ideas and thoughts in the workplace.
Capitism combined with Socialism is nesseccary for progress. Direct democracy and self managment are both by products of capitilism, people will not share their ideas if there is no need too.
Under capitalism most people in buisness take orders from the top down, they are tyranniesand are anti-democratic.
If I had an idea to make a flying car, why would I do it if there was no incentive to do so? To do that I would need help to make a flying car, but who would help me if I have nothing to offer them?
You can start a cooperative deticated to producing a flying car. None of the poeple who work on linux do it for "incentive", they do it becuase programing is their passon.
That's where money comes in, which capitalism generates.
My responses in bold.
Capitalism has it's flaws, but it is nessaccary. Someday we may come up with a better system. Capitalism mixed with Socialism is the only way for a soceity to function.
However I am planning on going to Israel soon and am going to live on a Kibbutz, which is a commune where there is no money involved. It may give teach me more about the world I'm sure, but even the Kibbutzes do trade amonst each other (a Kibbutz that grows apples will trade with others for their products).
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