OP doesn't make an attempt to understand anti-capitalism at all. They've approached the task of defining capitalism in a way that, funnily, most anti-capitalists will say "that's not what we mean when we say capitalism: that's what we want." Honestly, if you've ever talked to a radical lefty of the libertarian persuasion, you'll know that the way the OP frames capitalism doesn't even provide a base to understanding those views, it just wants to preach as far as I can tell.
On another note, it's typical that the OP doesn't do even the faintest semantic analysis of the word "capitalism". The acquisition of property in a Lockean way, with the exclusive rights to legitimize possession of objects (property) is a feature of many different economic systems. This alone is not sufficient enough to delineate capitalism from other economic systems. Mutualists, for instance, say that one is entitled (they have rights) to dispose of their property and use it how they like in a free market. Their currency would not be the same as we know it, it would be based on labour vouchers, and you'd still be able to spend that how you wanted to do so.
It's evident that capitalism is more than having property rights to do as you want with it. The OP doesn't even allow me to separate capitalism from mutualism: it's useless for investigation into the phenomenon. How am I supposed to tell him anything about capitalism or anti-capitalism?
[QUOTE="FoxeoGames"]True capitalism is what the liberals want, but they don't realize it. True capitalism means no politicians get money from businesses, because politicians have nothing to offer them. When politicians can't influence business, business won't influence government.
But alas, the ignorant masses will continue to live in their stupidity, and think that more regulations will somehow fix the problems brought about by regulations.T_P_O
Oh look, a badass bean-bag libertarian revolutionary on the internet.What does "true" add? Capitalism seems to vary in response to political cultures it develops in. How is the classical liberal conception of capitalism any more "true capitalism" than rhine capitalism? You're not convincing me that adding "true" is in any way a good idea.
Really, I don't understand where all these accusations against me are coming from.
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