I was just wondering.... why do so many people hate Marijuana ? considering..... Tobacco kills more people in a year, then marijuana has in existance... I mean.. Everyone seems to hate it. and i personally don't understand why. I've done a bunch of research, and googled up some sites with proof in a hope to show people that marijuana isn't as horrible as you might think... and just think about these questions i am going to put up below.
A) Why does marijuana take so long to be removed from your body ? whereas harder drugs are gone in a set amount of hours.
B) Why are there No reported Deaths associated with marijuana ?
C) Why don't people get addicted to Marijuana ?
D) Why can't you OD on Marijuana ?
E) Why isn't Marijuana legal ? even though Tobacco and alchohol ( Un-combined ) have killed hundreds of thousands more people.
I am hoping at least some of you " anti-cannabis " people on GS read those questions and think about them.
If you need more information, I suggest you watch " Totally Baked " which is a documentary.. which.. as you know hold info. but please check it out.
Anyways, I want opinions... that is if this thread doesn't get shot down right away :)
But, look at the questions. and post what you believe the answers are.
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