"Okay walk into a room full of pot smokers sober and you'll see why. A bunch of idiots sitting on a sofa laughing at a tv thats not on and eating everything isnt my definition of cool."
Man, I freaking hate it when people make generalizations like this based on selective experiences or propaganda that has filtered its way into society's fabric. I believe I mentioned in the last cannabis topic I posted in that I smoke regularly and I have a very active lifestyle. Michael Phelps somkes, for Christ's sake, and he won 8 freaking gold medals. This is such a tired stereotype.
"I realize that this isn't exactly hard evidence, but having had my share of experience with people under the influence of marijuana, I'd say that there need to be as many barriers between it and people who want to smoke it as possible."
Just like there are different levels of drunkeness, there are different levels of inebriation while using cannabis. Do you feel the same way about alcohol, because alcohol has pretty much the same effeccts, only it's twenty more times deadlier statistically, if not more, and it's legally available almost anywhere.
"we dont hate it
we hate people who are dependant on it"
A. People like you need to seriously butt out of other people's problems. Everyone has their vices, everyone makes their own decisions. I see no reason why you should be criticizing other people for which drugs they choose to use unless it constitutes an epidemic.
B. There are a lot of drugs that people are dependent on. People are dependent on coffee, yet it's legal. Are you going to go down to a Starbucks and preach to them about how they shouldn't be dependent on coffee?
C. Cannabis and THC have been scientifically proven to not be physically addictive. They do not create a dependency and a solid majority of people who are admitted to rehab for cannabis addiction are done so under the threat of going to jail for possession.
"I don't hate marijuana, but a documentary called 'Totally Baked' doesn't sound like the most definitive source for unbiased information."
While it was done in a very satiracal and slanted fashion, the majority of their information came from solid, scientific information that is widely available. There are potumentaries out there that are done in a manner more typical to the documentary genre.
"By people, I think you mean kids. I have not seen one single adult act like a buffoon while high."
I act like a buffoon while high sometimes. That's kinda the point, it's a way of relieving my stress and finding a temporary escape. That doesn't mean that everytime I toke I instantly lose my mind and turn into a blathering idiot. I don't get why people think it's so different from alcohol in that regard. There's tipsy, drunk, and falling over drunk just like there's high, baked, and REALLY baked.
"see thats the problem - thats all well and good, but weed smokers have trouble seeing the big picture
we're having a hard enough time anyway trying to sustain a society, we can't have every man, woman, child and paramedic running around high"
We are? So what, as soon as the economy starts going downhill we go around blaming personal behavior for it? Our society is also not in danger of falling apart, and you have absolutely no proof that legalizing weed would change that. In fact, if you are using the current economic crisis as proof of not being able to sustain a society, then weed could bring in literally billions of dollars in revenue if it were legalized and taxed, and that's not even scratching the surface of what the hemp industry could do not only for our society but for the global society as well.
Also, legalizing a drug will not make every man, woman, and child start turning into lunatics. Compare it to alcohol. You can't smoke it on the job, it'd be the equivalent of drinking on the job. You can't walk around in public smoking a joint, it's like public drinking, it's not legal. Children don't smoke, it's like buying cigarettes or alcohol, there's an age limit. All it would mean is that a fewsmoke shopsand dispensaries would go up, similar to bars and liqour stores, and that people who do smoke won't be prosecuted for committing a victimless crime.
"although i dont think much would change, i honestly dont see a huge change that like - "oh now thats its legal i'll smoke it"
it was never that hard to get it."
Weed is already the third most popular drug in the country, something like I think 14 million Americans use it. If it was going to cause a social epidemic it would've done it already.
Weed isn't hard to get if you know someone, but do you really think every chemo patient can go down to a dealer and make a transaction? In fact, most chemo patients probably don't even know how much better a treatment weed can be compared to other chemo drugs because of the sheer amount of money drug companies along with tobacco, alcohol, paper, oil, and other conpanies spend trying to perpetuate the lies about the drug in order to safeguard their investments.
"Really? Some of the adults taht smoke do the.... " whoooooooa maaaaaaan.... im pretty high right now" and this happens about every 5 minutes... " WHOA MAN IS THAT TV ON!!?!? ""
I know people who get drunk and act like that, what's your point? The behavior depends largely on the person, not on the drug itself. Besides, just because you find someone's behavior while under the influence to be annoying, cannabis should be outlawed? Well, then, I guess we could also make some pretty strong cases against coffee, tobacco, alcohol, and any number of prescription drugs using that logic.
"it makes you dumb,"
There's not much definitive research on that subject. Some studies show that it does affect the brain, but mostly under very heavy dosages for extended periods of time. And again, alcohol causes significantly more brain damage, yet it's still legal.
"it effs up sex drive,"
There is a lot of conflicting data on that point and accusations of bias. The science behind that assertation at best cannot conretely determineit to be true as of yet.
"makes you fat,"
Itstimulates appetite, it doesn't make you fat.
"and we're still researching it"
Research on cannabis must be approved by the government, a government that is under the sway of billions of dollars of lobbying against legalization by the aforementioned corporations. Most of these studies are proven to be erroneous and done in a completely slanted and subjective manner.
"there are no positives to a drugged out society why on earth would politicians legalize it"
There is no proof to suggest that legalization woudl create a drugged out society, most proof points to the contrary. Why would they legalize it? To take money out of the hands of cartels and put it into the American economy instead, to create a taxable market, to minimize contact with dealers who will try to push harder drugs, to promote fair and unbiased research, to take the stigma and red tape off the hemp industry, because it's hypocritical considering what drugs are currently legal, because the government has no right to control such a harmless substance, should I go on?
"if you really want it keep paying your dealer and stay off the streets"
So you'd rather a dealer who grows it in his basement or gets it from a cartel through an intermediary, and who will try to peddle harder drugs like ecstasy and heroinewould profit from the sale rather than a government licensed, approved, and regulated shop run by an American citizen?
"there are too many "what ifs" with no positive outcome
No more than with any other legal drug. Infact, there are less what ifs with cannabis than with legal drugs.
"it is a drug ok, pure and simple - it has benefits as a drug, so a doctor can prescribe it as needed"
It depends on what state you live in, and even then the FDA might still raid legal facilities.
"and you idiots want it sold in vending machines in my 10 year old cousins school"
No, idiot, I want it sold in licensed shops like alcohol or tobacco.
"I dislike alcohol and tobacco just as much. I'm betting the reason weed doesn't kill as many people is because it isn't legal and not as many people do it. Ever thought of that? I've heard that documentary Totally Baked is really biased too."
No, weed kills less people because it's less dangerous. It doesn't impair your vision as much when you drive, although I still wouldn't reccomend it. Still, it is never listed as the cause of driving accidents. Whenever it's found in the system of someone in a crash they also have high BAL levels. It doesn't cause bronchitis or lymphona, you can't overdose because it is physically impossible, it puts you at less risk for lung cancer than tobacco, instead of causing health problems it actuall helps with many health problems, it's not physically addictive, adn it doesn't cause major organ failure. It is scientifically less dangerous than either alcohol or tobacco.
Like I said, TB is biased in the sense that the people making it support legalization, not in the sense that they're making things up.
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