Atheism is no religion. It has no doctrine and no organization as such. I came to atheism without coercion and via independent means. I don't regard science as "the ultimate truth", but as a the best (most justified and well evidenced) means of explaining our universe. Science does not explain everything I'd like to know, but neither does religion do a good job of justifying its various differing explainations.
How does atheism keep one under control? How would you know of my indoctrination? You seem to be more indoctrinated yourself, with your unfounded conspiracy theories about subjects being strengthened while they get weakened at the same time.
If what you say is true, then levels of faith and non-belief would be fairly constant, but it is clear to see they are changing. There are no rulers in atheism. Where do you get this stuff from, or are you making it up as you go?
"Atheism is no religion. It has no doctrine and no organization as such. I came to atheism without coercion and via independent means. I don't regard science as "the ultimate truth", but as a the best (most justified and well evidenced) means of explaining our universe. Science does not explain everything I'd like to know, but neither does religion do a good job of justifying its various differing explainations."and there's the indoctrination i spoke of, yet you cannot perceive it because you believe only what you have been indoctrinated into believing and therefore defend it for the sake of the ones who have programmed you to do so.
just as a computer cannot comprehend it's been programmed for a specific role or think for itself, an indoctrinated atheist (catholic, satanist, muslim, jew etc...) cannot comprehend it's being used by a "user" for a specific role or think for itslef. it only speaks the language it has been programmed with - to further the agenda of it's controller - your role as an atheist is to destroy the "old way" of belief of the "old god(s)" and to vote a certain way to make way for the next indoctrination agenda.
you won't see it now, but if you watch close while growing to an old age and remember this you will see it with the passage of time. when things change and you notice people thinking "a new way" instead of the "old way" (asmentioned above - this goes in cycles) and you become persecuted for being a dinosaur computer that can only run it's loaded programming, you will know the this is the truth, you will know you have been used because you will see it for what it is.
You either a troll or insane, I cannot figure out which.
you can't understand because the beliefs which you were either given, born into or bought into dictate whether your mind can or cannot understand simple and rudimentary concepts.it's simple. it goes in cycles and you're part of the cycle. the only way to break out of the cycle is to recognize it. it's like not seeing the bottle of ketchup on the refrigerator shelf that is right infront of your eyes, it's there but for some reason you're mind won't let it register and you don't see it. you look and look and don't find it, then when you relax and just look, POOF there it is and then you know.
it works like this:
in ancient times people were very superstitious because they had no understanding and no education, they worshipped what they did not understand and some were smarter than others and there was no morality
some people were greedy and manipulative, they didn't want to fight for land, food or resources so they made up a story for others to believe in so that they would hand those things over to them and they would be rich and rule over them as though they were gods and not mere men.
they said to the dumber ones, "see the moon is a god it glows with power of light to drive away the darkness and keep the shadows from attacking you, worship it, it will keep you safe!" and "see! the sun makes your plants grow, it gives live, worship it so you have life!" and "see! the running waters wind like a serpent through the lush valley, the serpent gives food for crops and life wherever it flows, so worship the serpent and have food and life!" so the dumb people worshipped those things thinking it gave thems success in those areas and they were under the control of the ones who made all that BULL$H!T up.
then ages passed and they said, "see this great rock which looks like a fish, it will make you fertile if you worship it!", so the dumb people worshipped it and their wives naturally became pregnant and they believed it was the rock that looked like a fish which caused them to become pregnant. they also said "make offerings to it with gold and food and gems and other precious things, our priests will look over them for you! (the preists would steal their gold and gems and eat their food) and the dumb people became more superstitious and more dependent on the priests an rulers and people who took hold of their money.
then as the ages passed on and on and they had gained a lot of power (and slaves and gold) and they said, "see, look at this great statue that of the owl that has made you're people wise! come worship it and become wise, if not you become dumb! (they were already dumb but didn't know it and didn't know they were being used) so they worshipped it and then they were taugh how to carve stone and then thought the stone owl had made them wise not the artisan education.
then ages passed on and the rulers said "see! look at this statue of the man gods baljoeweth, himeaneth and manaroth! you great ancestors of old! they are gods and are the one who gave you everything you have (but he was really only speaking of his great, great, great gradfathers and grandmothers who stole all the money and gems from everyone while tricking them into worshipping, moons, sun, serpents, staues etc.. through the years) and so the dumb people did so and gave the controlling rulers even more power.
then kingdoms were set up all across the earth and the rulers from this one family had installed themselves into everyones land and had the uneducated masses worship these man made things in all lands and all kingdoms which they presided over. this is why all the ancient "gods" (statues of the grant grandfathers and grandmothers) have the same powers and likenesses but different names (different names for different language speaking peoples - same statues), because they were created by the same people for the same purpous, to control the lives of their conquered subjects to make them unwitting but willing slaves.
then the people became educated and began to understand what was happening and there was a revolt. there were too many non believers for they knew the truth and they overpowered the former rulers and installed themselves as the new gods and rulers over their own people. there was a problem though. the people still believed in those statues as if they were gods and they feared that if they stopped worshipping them that they would be cursed or cast off into hellena. so the ones who overthrew the old rulers had to let them continue to worship them or there would be panic and anarchy. so they hid the truth...
years went buy and eventually the new rulers became so tyrannical that they spread out over western europe and dominated the pagans of western europe and forced them into worshippoing the same gods and goddess they already worshipped but with different names, the pagans of europe knew this so they devised s plot to infiltrate the "royal" priesthood and overthrow them step by step for thousands of years
eventually they won and then used the gold of the organizaions they had infiltrated to explore the world and see what was hidden from them all this time and then eventually america was born.
as the years passed the cold war came because the old rulers wanted their power back because they believed they had birth right to rule over everyone. they now believe their own BS just like the "royal imperials" did before they were overthrown.
now in todays world people don't think prayng to a statue is very smart but the same evil old rulers still have all the money and still want to remain in power, so they spoke to the gullible people once more and said, "see! there is no gods and goddesses, the priests are lying to you! (they don't mention they had made it sall up originally) we are tryingto have understanding so we offer you wisdom of psychology and freedom from slavery of money and capitalism! hand it over and liberate yourselves, socializethe ecconomy and feed the poor and strip the powerful of all their gold I (they want to strip the 2nd and 3rd rulers of their power, the ones who overthrew them long ago) power to the people! there are no gods or goddesses! atheism is the way, let us guide you!"and the people fell for it once and again and things are getting crazy and sh!tty once again and everyone is broke...
the more things change, the more they stay the same...
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