[QUOTE="whipassmt"]It was one U.S. soldier who killed those kids, you can't blame the whole American military for that. Besides the soldier who did this probably suffered a mental breakdown and then went on the rampage, later on he turned himself in which to me indicates that he has realized what he did and repented of his evil actions.[QUOTE="almasdeathchild"]you see amercian soldiers pissing on corpses and just recently killed nine innocent kids.....yea people around the globe and U.S soil arnt pleased one bit
At least the U.S. is not running torture chambers (we can discuss Gitmo and water-boarding another time, but these pale in comparison to what the enemy does) where we torment our captives with "chains, a bed - an iron bed that was still connected to a battery - knives and swords that were still covered in blood".
>Playing down terrible things the US does in war. Check. >Emphasizing the evil things "They" (everyone but the US) does in contrast. Check. GTFO you War loving American your trolling isn't the least bit amusing
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