Oh God I am trully disappointed at the intelect of OT today.Stranger_4
I'm adding you to my list of people who may or may not be trolls (along with Vilot_Hero). Anyway to answer your question I will say that mother nature is a cruel mistress. This isn't some garden of Eden bull**** where dinosaurs and lions and cattle live together in harmony and are vegetarian, this is ****ing reality. Animals eat each other to survive and we're no different in that respect.
We are different in one respect though and that is that we have something that Daniel Dennet calls second order intentionality and that means that we are capable of holding beliefs about the mental states of other organisms. If an animal is in pain then it certainly knows about it, that's first order intentionality. But to know that someone else is in pain, to be sympathetic towards another person's mental state, requires higher brain function that seems to be present only in humans. When a pack of hyenas feast on a deer they are simply not aware of the pain that they are causing and as a result we cannot expect them to have mercy. Humans however are held to a higher standard then that hence why we call painfully killing an animal "inhumane".
Don't expect non-human animals to act with humanity.
The idea to kill off every predator is, to be blunt, an extremely bad one. It would **** up the ecosystem to no end not to mention that causing extinction of species is another thing that is generally agreed upon to be "inhumane" Stranger how old are you?
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