Alright so alot of threads are going on about why people bash americans, so i thought iwould give my views on the United States of America and whyi have such a big problem with it.
The Main problem is your goverment, OMFG, ok no goverment is perfect but the one what you have at the moment is PATHETIC. First off Healthcare, why do you have to pay for it??. You should work as a countryand help each (so what if you have to pay higher taxes) you are the only country in the western world who have to personally pays for ones healthcare and like the movie Sicko showed us, even if you pay you still don't get it. Now another problem is your current president, what a r-tard, and why the hell did you allow him to invade Iraq, killing over 3000 of your soldiers and 75,000 (min) of innocent iraqis. The Guy didn't even win the 2000 election yet you allow him to be president, then you re-elect him in 2004. Look at his reaction to Katrina HAHA, let 2000 of you die (mainly black people), i shouldn't be the angry one here you should be... Some of you are this stupid:, Next your FAT, well your the fatest nation in the world, not that there is anything wrong with been fat it's just the fact that you allow such a thing to happen, so many of you eat fast food every day or every week, In my country no one eats fast food that many times. Your will to dominate the world, honestly there are countless times you have funded coups in latin america (Watch the Movie War On democracy by John Pilger), which have sworn in nasty dictators. You treat Hugo Chavez as An enemy the guy is a friendly socialist. GUNS GUNS GUNS, honestly do you really need to have guns. nobody should have guns Not even the police. Religion, Join Christianity And Get A FREE Gun (In neon green lights), religion in your america scares me, i have seen countless pictures where private churches advertise themselves and where you have to pay to join and pay to have your sins taken away. Scary. Your Oil Greedy, you consume the most oil throughout the world and you don't care, you have barely any plans for renewable sources. And you pollute the atmosphere more than any other country. You only care about your interests, **** the rest of the world, blow them up why not. Last, Your president can't pronouce "nuclear". So What can you do, well you could do the world a favour and Impeach Bush then kill ronald macdonald, then build a million wind turbines. then pull out of iraq, then finally elect a democrat in 2008.
Anyone agree.
(This is not a personal attack on any personal americans except President Bush and his followers and republicans and ronald Macdonald)
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