Dude, you're my new hero. I totally agree with you even thought I'm an American. I believe in God, and I'm a Christian, but I definately don't believe in making people pay to get rid of their sins or whatever. You don't even have to go to church to be accepted by God, He's going to love you no matter what. Remember, He gave His only begotten son up for us, and many of us take advantage of that, which is wrong to an extent.
Gas prices are amazing, and I've never seen them as high as this before. They're going down right now, which I love because my whole paycheck goes to my car, geez. $2.63 is the lowest it's been in the past 3 months, I swear, and that's still high!
Our president isn't even worth mentioning. I hate him and so do the rest of my family. He's basically sacrificing innocent Americans and Iraqies to prove to the world that he thinks he's the S**T, but he's only proving to us that he's an idiotic moron who needs to be impeached. Our country elected Clinton, but for some reason we HAD to re-count the ballets and find that we made a "mistake" and that our president was actually Bush. Just because Clinton basically cheated on his wife doesn't mean that we should reject him as president. He knew how to run our country, most of the time anyway.
McDonalds fries are the best I've ever had, but I agree with you when you say that we need to destroy the place. Someone actually sued that place and won the case when she got fat from eating there way too often. How stupid can America be?
I'm a pacifist, and don't believe in fighting unless my family is in danger. In that case, I can kick so major ACE, but only if my family is in danger...or anyone that I love or strongly care about. I love the Army for having the courage to protect our nation, but the invasion or Iraq is pointless. It was ok the first year or so, but now we're just over there because Bush is trying to prove something that's never going to be true. He's an idiot, and he got the Dixie Chicks banned from all radio stations because they bashed him. Oh well, I bash the dumb guy every day, what ever happend to the First Ammendment? Ugh, and now the county I live in wants to get rid of the Ten Commandments on our courthouse because some people don't appreciate it being there. That's their problem. They can ignore it if they want, just don't look at it or take it to heart, geez.
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